y me surgio un error en un codigo php:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function showAds() in C:\xampplite\htdocs\****\templates\all.header.tpl on line 125
el codigo php es:
$action = isset($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : '';
$category_name = $gameset->categories[$_GET['cat']]->name.' '.$gameset->categories[$_GET['cat']]->mCategoryName;
$pagetitle = $category_name." Games, Play Online";
$headtitle = "Play ".$category_name." Games Online!";
$metades = "Free online ".$category_name." games. Play your favorite ".$category_name." flash games for free!";
$metakey = $category_name.", free games, play online ".$category_name." flash games";
} elseif (isset($_GET['search'])) {
$category_name = 'Search for `'.$_GET['search'].'`';
$pagetitle = $category_name." Games, Play Online";
$headtitle = $category_name." Games Online!";
$metades = "Free online ".$category_name." games. Play your favorite ".$category_name." flash games for free!";
$metakey = $category_name.", free games, play online ".$category_name." flash games";
} elseif (isset($_GET['id'])) {
$id = isset($_GET['id']) ? $_GET['id'] : '';
$game_name = ((empty($id)) ? '' : ($gameset->games[$id]->name));
$category_name = ((empty($id)) ? '' : ($gameset->games[$id]->category));
$pagetitle = $game_name.", ".$category_name." Game";
$headtitle = "Play ".$game_name.", Online ".$category_name." Game!";
$metades = "Play ".$game_name." online. ".$category_name." free flash game. Add ".$game_name." game code to Myspace.";
$metakey = $game_name." game, play online, ".$category_name." free games, ".$game_name." flash, myspace, blog code";
} else {
$pagetitle = $headtitle = SITE_TITLE;
$metades = MDES;
$metakey = MKEY;
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showAds(0, true); <-------------------------------- LINIA 125
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La linia 125 es:
Espero que me ayuden, gracias!