Este es el codigo:
<% if request.queryString("msg") = "2" then session("codMsg") = "0003" if request.queryString("msg") = "3" then session("codMsg") = request.queryString("codMsg") if (request.queryString("msg") <> "") and (session("codMsg") <> "") then dim sysrsMsg sql = "select tipo, mensaje from mensaje where codMsg = '" & session("codMsg") & "'" set sysrsMsg = consultar(sql, false) if not ( sysrsMsg.eof and sysrsMsg.bof) then sysrsMsg.moveFirst %> <link href="../estilos/estilo01.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <div align="center"> <table width="70%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="msgsist" bordercolor="#<% select case sysrsMsg("tipo") case 1 : Response.write "0033FF" case 2 : Response.write "FF3300" end select %>"> <!-- Info = 0033FF; Error FF3300 --> <tr> <td height="18"> <div align="center" class="title01"> <font color="#FF3300"> <% if request.queryString("msg") <> 4 then Response.write sysrsMsg("mensaje") if request.queryString("paramMsg").count > 0 then for each p in request.queryString("paramMsg") Response.write "<BR> <B>" & p & "</B>" next end if else dim p(), v() redim p(0), v(0) p(0) = "<!---->" v(0) = "" i = 1 for each param in request.queryString("paramMsg") redim preserve p(ubound(p) + 1) redim preserve v(ubound(v) + 1) p(ubound(p)) = "<!--#" & i & "-->" v(ubound(v)) = param i = i + 1 next Response.write sustParams(sysrsMsg("Mensaje"), p, v) end if %> </font></div> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <% end if Session("codMsg") = "" sysrsMsg.close set sysrsMsg = Nothing end if %>