Ahora lo que busco es que ese codigo sea simple y que directamente se pueda poner la página en el codigo a cargar en el iframe pues no es para el nuke.
Me podrian ayudar porfavor? pues me pierdo en el intento.
Código PHP:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Based on:
// ShowInMain for phpWebSite by Jim Flowers ([email protected])
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Filename: index.php
// Original Author of file: Shawn McKenzie (AbraCadaver)
// Purpose of file: Incorporate external sites or apps
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
if (!eregi("modules.php", $PHP_SELF)) {
die ("You can't access this file directly...");
$module_name = basename(dirname(__FILE__));
if($general['url-security']) {
foreach($authorized_url as $url => $innerarray) {
// Check if URL is in array
if (($innerarray['alias'] == $page) || ($url == $page) || ($url == "http://".$page)) {
$checked = true;
$page = $url;
// Override global settings
foreach($general as $key => $new) {
if(isset($innerarray[$key])) {
$newval[$key] = $innerarray[$key];
} else {
$newval[$key] = $new;
if($newval) {
$general = $newval;
// Nope - display a message and quit
if(!isset($checked)) {
// Assign settings to vars to be used
$allow_local_only = $general['local-pages-only'];
$use_buffering = $general['use-buffering'];
$use_compression = $general['use-compression'];
$reg_user_only = $general['registered-users-only'];
$user_entry = $general['address-bar-entry'];
$open_direct = $general['open-direct-msg'];
$use_fixed_title = $general['use-fixed-title'];
$auto_resize = $general['auto-resize'];
$vsize = $general['height'];
$hsize = $general['width'];
// Store URL parts in array
$url_parts = parse_url($page);
// Check that a page was specified
if(!isset($page) || ($page=="")) {
$title = _NOPAGEMSG;
// Check for not entered in browser location window if set
if(!$HTTP_SERVER_VARS["HTTP_REFERER"] && !$user_entry) {
// Check for not local page if set
if($allow_local_only &&
($url_parts['host'] != $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["SERVER_NAME"]) &&
($url_parts['host'] != $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["HTTP_HOST"])) {
$title = _NOTLOCALMSG;
// Check that user is registered and logged in if set
if(!$username && ($reg_user_only)) {
$title = _NOTSERMSG;
// Everything is good - ready to display
// Use compression if set
if($use_compression) {
elseif($use_buffering) {
// Check for fixed title and use it
// Check if title was passed in URL
if(!$title) {
if($use_fixed_title) {
$title = (_TITLEMSG);
$end_title = (_TITLEMSGEND);
} else {
$title = "";
$end_title = "";
} else {
$end_title = "";
// Add the Open Direct link if set
if($open_direct) {
if($use_fixed_title) {
$title .= "<br />[ <a href=\"$page\" target=\"_blank\">"._OPENDIRECTMSG."</a> ]";
$end_title .= "<br />[ <a href=\"$page\" target=\"_blank\">"._OPENDIRECTMSG."</a> ]";
} else {
$title .= "[ <a href=\"$page\" target=\"_blank\">"._OPENDIRECTMSG."</a> ]";
$end_title .= "[ <a href=\"$page\" target=\"_blank\">"._OPENDIRECTMSG."</a> ]";
// Check if height, width or resize were passed in URL
if($height) {
$vsize = $height;
$auto_resize = false;
if($width) {
$hsize = $width;
elseif(!$hsize) {
$hsize = "100%";
if($resize == 1) {
$auto_resize = true;
// If auto_resize set vsize = 0 and build javascript content
if($auto_resize) {
$jscontent = "\n\n<!-- Begin NukeWrap Auto Resize -->\n"
."<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"modules/$module_name/javascript/nukewrap.js\">\n"
."<!-- End NukeWrap Auto Resize -->\n\n";
$vsize = 0;
// Build and display title and content
$content = "\n\n<!-- Begin NukeWrap Content -->\n"
."<div class=\"title\" align=\"center\">".$title."</div>\n"
."<iframe id=\"NukeWrap\" src=\"$page\" width=\"$hsize\" height=\"$vsize\" frameborder=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\" marginwidth=\"0\">\n"
." <br />"._SORRYBROWSER."<a class=\"pn-pagetitle\" href=\"$page\" target=\"_blank\">"._LINKYOU."</a>"._SORRYBROWSER1."<br /><br />\n"
."<div class=\"title\" align=\"center\">".$end_title."</div>\n"
."<!-- End NukeWrap Content -->\n\n";
echo $content;
// Finish up
echo $jscontent;
if($use_buffering) {
// Function called if something is not right and we need to display a message and quit
function no_display($title)
$content = "\n<div class=\"title\">".$title."</div>\n";
echo $content;
// Get all TDs in document
var docTD = document.getElementsByTagName('TD');
// Define the IFRAME
var theIframe = document.getElementById('NukeWrap');
// Find the TD with the greatest height
var i = 0;
var theHeight = 0;
while(i != docTD.length)
theTD = docTD[i];
if(theTD.offsetHeight > theHeight)
var theHeight = theTD.offsetHeight;
// Size the IFRAME
if(theHeight != 0)
theIframe.height = theHeight;
Muchas Gracias por su ayuda.