Este es el codigo completo de la pagina:
y el archivo incuido textos-sql.php<html><head> <title></title> <? include('admin/archivos-admin/textos-sql.php');?> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- This script and many more are available free online at --> <!-- The JavaScript Source!! --> <!-- Ken Tholke, [email protected]. --> <!-- Begin // add as many or as few messages as you would like var msg=new Array() <?php for($vartxt=0; $vartxt<$indtxt; $vartxt++) { ?> msg[<?php echo $vartxt; ?>]="<? echo $textosql[$vartxt]; ?>"; <? } ?> //msg[0]="<CENTER>Bienvenido.....</CENTER>"; //msg[1]="<CENTER>Aquì estarán todos los anuncios de eventos importantes</CENTER>"; //msg[2]="<CENTER>Por favor revise periodicamente suy pagina</CENTER>"; //msg[3]="<CENTER>Cheap Web hosting/Hospedarweb</CENTER>"; // set your first set of colors. Use as many or as few as you wish. var colors1=new Array("ffffff", "eeeeff", "ddddff", "ccccff", "bbbbff", "aaaaff", "9999ff", "8888ff", "7777ff", "6666ff", "5555ff", "4444ff", "3333ff","2222ff", "1111ff", "0000ff") //set your second set of colors // *** must have exactly the same number of colors as the array above *** var colors2=new Array("ffffff", "ffeeee", "ffdddd", "ffcccc", "ffbbbb", "ffaaaa", "ff9999", "ff8888", "ff7777", "ff6666", "ff5555", "ff4444", "ff3333", "ff2222", "ff1111", "ff0000") //set the height of the display in pixels high=""; //set the width of the display in pixels wide=""; //set the pixel coordinates for the upper left hand corner of the display Xpos=""; Ypos=""; // move the display away from the edges of the background pad=15; // set the background color of the display bgcol="ffffff"; //add a background image if you want. // *** for no image, just leave empty quotes (ex. cellbg=""; ) *** cellbg="imagenes/top_001.jpg"; // set the font fntFam="verdana,helvetica,arial"; fntSize=14; // set how how many seconds you want the message to stay remain at totality. pause=2.5; // Do not edit these values below!!! icolor=0; mcolor=1; imsg=0; spWidth=wide-(2*pad); totality=false; glowing=true; var theMsg=""; var cellcontent=""; pause=pause*1000; if(cellbg.length>4){cellbg=" background="+cellbg} else{cellbg="";} function doPause(){ totality=false; t=setTimeout("changecolor()",pause); } function initiate(){ getContentColor(); getMsg(); getCellContent(); if(document.all){ msgbg.innerHTML=cellcontent; msgfade.innerHTML=theMsg;;;;; t=setTimeout("changecolor()",50);} if(document.layers){ document.msgbg.document.write(cellcontent); document.msgbg.document.close(); document.msgfade.document.write(theMsg); document.msgfade.document.close(); document.msgbg.left=Xpos;; document.msgfade.left=Xpos+pad;; t=setTimeout("changecolor()",100);} } function changecolor(){ if(totality==true){doPause();} else{ getMsg(); getContentColor(); if(document.all){ msgfade.innerHTML=theMsg; t=setTimeout("changecolor()",50);} if(document.layers){ document.msgfade.document.write(theMsg); document.msgfade.document.close(); t=setTimeout("changecolor()",70);} } } function getFadeColor(){ icolor=icolor-1; if(mcolor==1){contentcolor=colors1[icolor];} else{contentcolor=colors2[icolor];} } function getGlowColor(){ icolor=icolor+1; if(mcolor==1){contentcolor=colors1[icolor];} else{contentcolor=colors2[icolor];} } function changemsg(){ if(imsg==msg.length-1){imsg=0; mcolor=1;} else if(imsg != msg.lenght-1 && mcolor==1){imsg=imsg+1; mcolor=0;} else{imsg=imsg+1; mcolor=1;} } function getContentColor(){ if(icolor==colors1.length-1 && glowing==true){ getFadeColor(); glowing=false; totality=true;} else if(icolor < colors1.length && glowing==true){ getGlowColor();} else if(icolor < 1 && glowing==false){changemsg(); getGlowColor(); glowing=true;} else{getFadeColor();} } function getMsg() { theMsg="<span style='font-size:"+fntSize+"pt; font-family:"+fntFam+"; width:"+spWidth+";'>" theMsg+="<B><font color="+contentcolor+">"+msg[imsg]+"</font></B> " theMsg+="</span>" } function getCellContent(){ cellcontent="<TABLE height="+high+ " width="+wide+" bgcolor="+bgcol+" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><TR><TD"+cellbg+"> </TD></TR></TABLE>"} // End --> </script> </head><body onLoad="initiate()"><div align=center> <table bordercolor=navy border=2 width=990 height=160 background="<? echo 'admin/'.$cltpath[0] ?>"><tr><td> <DIV id=msgbg></DIV> <DIV id=msgfade></DIV> </td></tr></table></div> </body></html>
Código PHP:
$tabla2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM datos Where posicion='centro'");
$indtxt = 0;
$textosql = array( );
$cltposicion = array( );
while ($registro = mysql_fetch_array($tabla2)) {
$indtxt = $indtxt + 1;
array_push($textosql, $registro["textos"]);
} // fin del bucle de ordenes
mysql_free_result($tabla2); // libera los registros de la tabla
No se que estoy haciendo mal, si me pueden ayudar se los agraqdeceré