Pido ayuda a alguien que sea programador web que me diga si es posible (Y el script) crear archivos xml en solo lectura.
Si alguien sabe el script porfavor comunicarmelo.
Saludos y gracias.
//Att, Mais.

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![]() Hola a todos. Pido ayuda a alguien que sea programador web que me diga si es posible (Y el script) crear archivos xml en solo lectura. Si alguien sabe el script porfavor comunicarmelo. Saludos y gracias. //Att, Mais. ![]() |
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Re: Archivos xml en solo lectura si, es posible. Revisa las funciones fopen, fwrite, y fclose |
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Re: Archivos xml en solo lectura Veras el problema esque soi nuevo en esto del php y no consigo que me funcione el script.Yo creo servidor de Tibia un juego de rol el cual para las cuentas y players se necesitan archivos XML.Veras necesito que la web en php me cree el archivo XMl (Eso esta conseguido) pero en solo lectura.Es urgente, si alguien puede ayudarme porfavor responderme. PD: Aqui os dejo el script para que le hecheis una ojeada y verais si podeis solucionarlo. Código HTML: $char = $_REQUEST['char']; $char = trim($char); $housepath = $dirdata . 'houses/'; $housefolder = opendir($housepath); $found_house = 0; $owner_of_house = ''; while (($housename = readdir($housefolder)) && ($found_house !== 1)) { if ($housename == "." || $housename == "..") continue; $temp = explode(".", $housename); if ($temp[1] == "xml") { $house_name = $temp[0]; $house_name2 = $housepath . $house_name . '.xml'; $open_file = fopen($house_name2, "r"); $house_contents = fread($open_file, filesize($house_name2)); $house_tags = explode("<", $house_contents); foreach($house_tags as $house_tag) { if (substr($house_tag, 0, 5) == "owner") { if ($temppos = stristr($house_tag, "name=\"")) { $temp = explode("\"", $temppos); $owner_name = $temp[1]; if ($owner_name == ($_GET['char'])) { $found_house = 1; $owner_of_house = $house_name; } } } } } } if ($owner_of_house == '') { $owner_of_house = 'None'; } $guild_file = $dirdata . "guilds.xml"; $g = fopen($guild_file, "r"); $guild_contents = fread($g, filesize($guild_file)); $guild_tags = explode("<", $guild_contents); $found = 0; foreach($guild_tags as $guild_tag) { if (substr($guild_tag, 0, 5) == "guild" && $found != 1) { if ($temppos = stristr($guild_tag, "name=\"")) { $temp = explode("\"", $temppos); $guild_name = $temp[1]; } } if (substr($guild_tag, 0, 6) == "member") { if ($temppos = stristr($guild_tag, "name=\"$char")) { $temp = explode("\"", $temppos); $member_name = $temp[1]; $found = 1; } } } if ($found == 0) { $guild_name = 'None'; } $guild_file = $dirdata . "guilds.xml"; $g = fopen($guild_file, "r"); $guild_contents = fread($g, filesize($guild_file)); $guild_tags = explode("<", $guild_contents); $found = 0; foreach($guild_tags as $guild_tag) { if (substr($guild_tag, 0, 5) == "guild" && $found != 1) { if ($temppos = stristr($guild_tag, "name=\"")) { $temp = explode("\"", $temppos); $guild_name = "<a href='guild.php?guild=$temp[1]'>$temp[1]</a>"; } } if (substr($guild_tag, 0, 6) == "member") { if ($temppos = stristr($guild_tag, "name=\"$char")) { $temp = explode("\"", $temppos); $member_name = $temp[1]; $found = 1; } } } if ($found == 0) { $guild_name = 'None'; } $file = "$dirplayer$char.xml'r'"; $f = fsockopen("$file", "r"); if (!$char) { } else if (!$f) { print("<font color=\"red\"><b>Character $char does not exist!<b></font><br><br>\n\n"); } else { $contents = fread($f, filesize($file)); $tags = explode("<", $contents); $name = ""; $id = 0; $level = 0; $magic_level = 0; $voc = 0; $town = 0; $lastlogin = 0; $skills = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); $reason = ""; $deletion = 0; $bantime = ""; $banned = 0; $time = ""; $namelock = 0; foreach($tags as $tag) { if(substr($tag, 0, 3) == "ban") { if($temppos = stristr($tag, "reason=\"")) { $temp = explode("\"", $temppos); $reason = $temp[1]; } if($temppos = stristr($tag, "deleted=\"")) { $temp = explode("\"", $temppos); $deletion = $temp[1]; } if($temppos = stristr($tag, "banrealtime=\"")) { $temp = explode("\"", $temppos); $bantime = $temp[1]; } if($temppos = stristr($tag, "banned=\"")) { $temp = explode("\"", $temppos); $banned = $temp[1]; } } if (substr($tag, 0, 6) == "player") { if ($temppos = stristr($tag, "name=\"")) { $temp = explode("\"", $temppos); $name = $temp[1]; } if ($temppos = stristr($tag, "level=\"")) { $temp = explode("\"", $temppos); $level = $temp[1]; } if ($temppos = stristr($tag, "id=\"")) { $temp = explode("\"", $temppos); $id = $temp[1]; } if($temppos = stristr($tag, "namelock=\"")) { $temp = explode("\"", $temppos); $namelock = $temp[1]; } if ($temppos = stristr($tag, "maglevel=\"")) { $temp = explode("\"", $temppos); $magic_level = $temp[1]; } if ($temppos = stristr($tag, "voc=\"")) { $temp = explode("\"", $temppos); $voc = $temp[1]; } if ($temppos = stristr($tag, "promoted=\"")) { $temp = explode("\"", $temppos); $promo = $temp[1]; } if ($temppos = stristr($tag, "sex=\"")) { $temp = explode("\"", $temppos); $sex = $temp[1]; } if ($temppos = stristr($tag, "lastlogin=\"")) { $temp = explode("\"", $temppos); $lastlogin = $temp[1]; } if ($temppos = stristr($tag, "access=\"")) { $temp = explode("\"", $temppos); $access = $temp[1]; } } if (substr($tag, 0, 6) == "temple") { if ($temppos = stristr($tag, "x=\"")) { $temp = explode("\"", $temppos); $town = $temp[1]; } } if (substr($tag, 0, 6) == "skill ") { if ($temppos = stristr($tag, "skillid=\"")) { $temp = explode("\"", $temppos); $tempid = $temp[1]; } if ($temppos = stristr($tag, "level=\"")) { $temp = explode("\"", $temppos); $templvl = $temp[1]; } if ($tempid && $templvl) { $skills[$tempid] = $templvl; } } if (substr($tag, 0, 5) == "death") { if ($temppos = stristr($tag, "name=\"")) { $temp = explode("\"", $temppos); $tempname = $temp[1]; } if ($temppos = stristr($tag, "level=\"")) { $temp = explode("\"", $temppos); $templvl = $temp[1]; } if ($time = stristr($tag, "time=\"")) { $temp = explode("\"", $time); $time = $temp[1]; } if ($time==0) $time = "00:00"; else $time = date ('M d Y, H:i:s',$time); if ($tempname && $templvl) { if (file_exists("$dirmonster$tempname.xml")) { $deathtext[] = " $templvl by a $tempname ($time)"; } elseif (file_exists("$dirplayer$tempname.xml")) { $deathtext[] = "$templvl by <a href=\"character.php?char=$tempname\">$tempname</a> ($time)"; } else { $deathtext[] = "$templvl by $tempname ($time)"; } } } } print("<font class=block-title2><li>Character information</font></li><br><br>\n"); print("\n<table cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=4 width=450px><tr>"); print("<tr><td width=150px>Name:</td><td width=300px>$name<br/></td></tr>\n"); $charsex = array("Female", "Male"); print("<tr><td width=150px>Sex:</td><td width=300px>$charsex[$sex]<br></td></tr>\n"); if ($promo == 0) $vocations = array("None", "Sorcerer", "Druid", "Paladin", "Knight"); if ($promo == 1) $vocations = array("None", "Master Sorcerer", "Elder Druid", "Royal Paladin", "Elite Knight"); print("<tr><td width=150px>Profession:</td><td width=300px>$vocations[$voc]<br></td></tr>\n"); print("<tr><td width=150px>Level:</td><td width=300px>$level<br/></td></tr>\n"); print("<tr><td width=150px>Id:</td><td width=300px>$id<br/></td></tr>\n"); print("<tr><td width=150px>Magic Level:</td><td width=300px>$magic_level<br/></td></tr>\n"); print("<tr><td width=150px>World:</td><td width=300px>$worldname<br/></td></tr>\n"); if ($town == 999) $twn = 0; if ($town == 160) $twn = 1; if ($town == 355) $twn = 2; $towns = array("Main", "Battalion", "Arisma"); print("<tr><td width=150px>Residence:</td><td width=300px>$towns[$twn]<br/></td></tr>\n"); print("<tr><td width=150px>House:</td><td width=300px>$owner_of_house</br></td></tr>\n"); print("<tr><td width=150px>Guild membership:</td><td width=300px>$guild_name<br/></td></tr>\n"); if ($lastlogin==0) $logindate = "Never logged in"; else $logindate = date ('M d Y, H:i:s A',$lastlogin); print("<tr><td width=150px>Last login:</td><td width=300px>$logindate<br/></td></tr>\n"); print("</table><br/><br/>\n"); print("<font class=block-title2><li>Account information</font></li><br><br>\n"); print("<table cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=4 width=450px><tr>"); if($bans) { print("<br><b>Banished:</b> <br><font color=#FF0000>$bans</font><br><br>"); } //print("<br><br>Debug<br>bann = $bann <br>deleted = $deleted<br> reason = $reason"); if($banned > 0) { if($deletion > 0) print("<tr><td width=150px>Banished:</td><td width=300px><font color=red>Banished until deletion <br>because of $reason.</font><br/></td></tr>\n"); else print("<tr><td width=150px>Banished:</td><td width=300px><font color=red>Banished until $bantime <br>because of $reason.</font><br/></td></tr>\n"); } $position = array("Player", "<b><font color=red>Tutor</font></b>", "<b><font color=red>Counsellor</font></b>", "<b><font color=red>Gamemaster</font></b>", "<b><font color=red>Server owner</font></b>"); print("<tr><td width=150px>Position:</td><td width=300px>$position[$access]<br></td></tr>\n"); print("</table><br/>\n"); if ($deathtext) { print("\n<font class=block-title2><li>Deaths:</font><br><br>\n"); foreach($deathtext as $temp) { } print("<br>"); print("<tr>Killed at level $temp.<br>"); print("<br>"); //View Other Characters Script Start print("\n<font class=block-title2><li>Characters:</font><br><br>\n"); print("<br>"); $player = $_GET['char']; $i = 1; $char_file = $dirplayer . $player . ".xml"; if(file_exists($char_file) && is_readable($char_file)) { $charXML = simplexml_load_string(file_get_contents($char_file)); $acc_file = $diraccount . $charXML['account'] . ".xml"; if(file_exists($acc_file) && is_readable($acc_file)) { $accXML = simplexml_load_string(file_get_contents($acc_file)); foreach ($accXML->characters->character as $temp) { echo "".$i." - ".$temp['name']."<br>"; $i++; } } } //View Other Characters Script End print("<br/><br/>"); } } ?> |
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Re: Archivos xml en solo lectura te pongo un ejemplo: <?php //archivo a modificar: $archivo = "test.txt"; //si el archivo existe, le cambiamos el modo para poder escribirlo: if (file_exists($archivo)) chmod($archivo, 0666); //abrimos el archivo (si no existe se crea automaticamente), escribimos un contenido y cerramos el manejador: $gestor = fopen($archivo, "w+"); fwrite($gestor, "contenido a escribir - ".date("H:i:s")); fclose($gestor); //cambiamos el modo del archivo a solo lectura: chmod($archivo, 0444); ?> |
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Re: Archivos xml en solo lectura Nada, que no se crea en Solo Lectura... Oye quiza me entendiste mal o me explique mal, a lo que me referi con solo lectura es cuando le das al boton derecho al archivo xml luego a propiedades y te 3 opciones entre ellas esta Solo Lectura.¿No podrias hacerme tu el Scipt o explicarme como hacerlo mas concretamente porfavor? Gracias y saludos. |