pero me resulta un gran problema al implementarla en mi host:
este es el error:
Fatal error: Class 'Dropbox_OAuth' not found in /home/u149621304/public_html/src/Dropbox/OAuth/PHP.php on line 18
Yo he creado un archivo example.php
que esta en mi carpeta raiz de mi web la entrada seria esta www.Derzz.tk/example.php
y e incluido la carpeta de Api Dropbox Php (src) en la carpeta raiz
Mi problema es qe no se que tipo de archivos llamar de la api .. o talvez el problema esta en mi hosting..
nose como saber si tengo Pear u OAuth??
Código PHP:
Ver original
<?php include_once "src/Dropbox/OAuth/PHP.php"; include_once "src/Dropbox/OAuth.php"; /* Please supply your own consumer key and consumer secret */ $consumerKey = 'zwctkx1qbhestsw'; $consumerSecret = 'pqnst51045pu9kz'; include 'src/Dropbox/autoload.php'; $oauth = new Dropbox_OAuth_PHP($consumerKey, $consumerSecret); $dropbox = new Dropbox_API($oauth); // For convenience, definitely not required // We need to start a session // There are multiple steps in this workflow, we keep a 'state number' here $state = $_SESSION['state']; } else { $state = 1; } switch($state) { /* In this phase we grab the initial request tokens and redirect the user to the 'authorize' page hosted on dropbox */ case 1 : echo "Step 1: Acquire request tokens\n"; $tokens = $oauth->getRequestToken(); // Note that if you want the user to automatically redirect back, you can // add the 'callback' argument to getAuthorizeUrl. echo "Step 2: You must now redirect the user to:\n"; echo $oauth->getAuthorizeUrl() . "\n"; $_SESSION['state'] = 2; $_SESSION['oauth_tokens'] = $tokens; /* In this phase, the user just came back from authorizing and we're going to fetch the real access tokens */ case 2 : echo "Step 3: Acquiring access tokens\n"; $oauth->setToken($_SESSION['oauth_tokens']); $tokens = $oauth->getAccessToken(); $_SESSION['state'] = 3; $_SESSION['oauth_tokens'] = $tokens; // There is no break here, intentional /* This part gets called if the authentication process already succeeded. We can use our stored tokens and the api should work. Store these tokens somewhere, like a database */ case 3 : echo "The user is authenticated\n"; echo "You should really save the oauth tokens somewhere, so the first steps will no longer be needed\n"; $oauth->setToken($_SESSION['oauth_tokens']); break; } echo $dropbox->getAccountInfo(); ?>