02/12/2008, 21:05
 | | | Fecha de Ingreso: noviembre-2008 Ubicación: San Andrés - Isla
Mensajes: 26
Antigüedad: 16 años, 3 meses Puntos: 0 | |
Respuesta: Paginación de registros con PHP y MySQL Cita:
Iniciado por stone_neo Seria mucho mejor si mostraras tu codigo de la paginación para ver que errores tienes, en todo caso busca en este mismo foro hay script para paginación. paginacion.php Código PHP: <?php require_once('Connections/cesfa_invoice.php'); ?>
$currentPage = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"];
$maxRows_show_invoices = 1;
$pageNum_show_invoices = 0;
if (isset($_GET['pageNum_show_invoices'])) {
$pageNum_show_invoices = $_GET['pageNum_show_invoices'];
$startRow_show_invoices = $pageNum_show_invoices * $maxRows_show_invoices;
mysql_select_db($database_cesfa_invoice, $cesfa_invoice);
$query_show_invoices = "SELECT * FROM invoice ORDER BY invoice.IdInvoice";
$query_limit_show_invoices = sprintf("%s LIMIT %d, %d", $query_show_invoices, $startRow_show_invoices, $maxRows_show_invoices);
$show_invoices = mysql_query($query_limit_show_invoices, $cesfa_invoice) or die(mysql_error());
$row_show_invoices = mysql_fetch_assoc($show_invoices);
if (isset($_GET['totalRows_show_invoices'])) {
$totalRows_show_invoices = $_GET['totalRows_show_invoices'];
} else {
$all_show_invoices = mysql_query($query_show_invoices);
$totalRows_show_invoices = mysql_num_rows($all_show_invoices);
$totalPages_show_invoices = ceil($totalRows_show_invoices/$maxRows_show_invoices)-1;
$queryString_show_invoices = "";
if (!empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
$params = explode("&", $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
$newParams = array();
foreach ($params as $param) {
if (stristr($param, "pageNum_show_invoices") == false &&
stristr($param, "totalRows_show_invoices") == false) {
array_push($newParams, $param);
if (count($newParams) != 0) {
$queryString_show_invoices = "&" . htmlentities(implode("&", $newParams));
$queryString_show_invoices = sprintf("&totalRows_show_invoices=%d%s", $totalRows_show_invoices, $queryString_show_invoices);
include("constantes.php"); //Constantes para mostrar el texto
include ("calc_time1.php"); //Inicio de conteo de tiempo
<title>C. E. S. F. A | <?php echo CHRDS; ?></title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/stylesheet.css">
<link type="image/x-icon" href="favicon.ico" rel="shortcut icon">
<body bgcolor="#8f8f8f">
<table align="center" width="70%" bgcolor="#00CCFF" border="1" bordercolor="#000000">
<td align="center">
<?php echo WEBSITETITLE; ?>
<td align="center">
<h1><label><?php echo CHRDS; ?></label></h1><br>
<?php if ($pageNum_show_invoices > 0) { // Show if not first page ?>
<a href="<?php printf("%s?pageNum_show_invoices=%d%s", $currentPage, 0, $queryString_show_invoices); ?>">«</a>
<?php } // Show if not first page ?>
<?php if ($pageNum_show_invoices > 0) { // Show if not first page ?>
<a href="<?php printf("%s?pageNum_show_invoices=%d%s", $currentPage, max(0, $pageNum_show_invoices - 1), $queryString_show_invoices); ?>"><</a>
<?php } // Show if not first page ?>
<?php if ($pageNum_show_invoices < $totalPages_show_invoices) { // Show if not last page ?>
<a href="<?php printf("%s?pageNum_show_invoices=%d%s", $currentPage, min($totalPages_show_invoices, $pageNum_show_invoices + 1), $queryString_show_invoices); ?>">></a>
<?php } // Show if not last page ?>
<?php if ($pageNum_show_invoices < $totalPages_show_invoices) { // Show if not last page ?>
<a href="<?php printf("%s?pageNum_show_invoices=%d%s", $currentPage, $totalPages_show_invoices, $queryString_show_invoices); ?>">»</a>
<?php } // Show if not last page ?></td>
<?php echo WEBSITECREDIT; ?>
include ("calc_time2.php"); //Fin de conteo de tiempo
echo GENTIME. $gen_timeReal .GEN_TIME ; //Mostrar tiempo empleado en generar página
?> constantes.php Código PHP: <?php
define('WEBSITETITLE','<label><font size=4 style=font-weight:bolder>C. E. S. F. A<br>
Conversational English System For All</font><br>
<font size=3>Ender A. Aguirre P. - NIT 98.501.254-0<br>
20 de Julio Avenue. Hielo Nevado Sector 2<sup>nd</sup> floor - Tel: 5121335</font></label>');
define('WEBSITECREDIT','<div class=credit id=bottom><label>Software Developed by: Steve Venner | Serial Number: 0594081-5.2 | [email protected] | Tel: 3166234987</label>
define('PREVIEWFORMATTEXT','This is used to preview the blank invoice format which you should print if you run out of photocopied formats...');
define('PREVIEWFORMATLINK','Preview Blank Invoice Format');
define('GOTOLASTRECORDTEXT','This is used specially when you want to take a look at the last record entered into the invoice database...');
define('GOTOLASTRECORDLINK','Go to the last Record');
define('LOGOUTTEXT','This is used for logging out of the application, you must log in again if you want to either look at or create any record...');
define('LOGOUTLINK','Log Out');
define('WRONGPASSWORD','Incorrect password, please try again.');
define('LOGIN','Log In');
define('GB','Good Bye...');
define('RECORDEDBYTEXT','Recorded by');
define('LOGGEDUSERTEXT','Logged User');
define('PHONETEXT','Phone Number');
define('FORMPHONETEXT','Phone <u>N</u>umber');
define('SO','Start Over...');
define('SC','Save Changes...');
define('REFPAGCONT','Refresh this page contents');
define('CONF','Confirm ');
define('BT','Back to the top');
define('PAGEDINVOICESTEXT','This is used if you want to check the records out per page...');
define('PAGEDINVOICESLINK','View per Page');
define('REMFILL','Remember to fill in the invoice details before you click this button...');
define('SOB','Caution: This will reset the invoice fields to blank spaces...');
define('UR','User Registration');
define('SDH','Select Date Here...');
define('CHRDS','Review Invoices');
define('GENTIME','<center><label>Page Generated in ');
define('GEN_TIME',' Seconds</center></label>');
?> Tal vez haya más constantes de las que necesiten saber...
Última edición por vennersteve; 02/12/2008 a las 21:07
Razón: constantes.php es: ocassion_text.php en mi aplicacion...