En fin, el watch funciona de cierto modo, si inicializa y si está "observando" el directorio, pero tengo dos problemas:
Declaro que observe varios directorios pero observa solo uno, aunque en el modo verbose me indica que efectivamente está observando a todos, hago cambios y solo reacciona con el de javascript, dejando en nada a los de jade y los de stylus.
El otro error, este si me tira un log, es el siguiente:
Mis carpetas son: Running "watch" task Waiting...OK >> File "app/js/src/tareasController.coffee" changed. Warning: Task "compile" not found. Use --force to continue. Aborted due to warnings.
http://imgur.com/jjvyWoX (lo dejo en una imagen para que quede mas claro
y este es el gruntfile:
El output con la opción -v es este: module.exports = (grunt) -> grunt.initConfig pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json') coffee: compile: options: bare: true expand: true, flatten: true, cwd: 'app/js' src: ['**/*.coffee'] dest: 'app/js/lib' ext: '.js' coffeelint: app: ['app/js/**/*.coffee', 'app/tests/**/*.coffee'] jade: compile: options: pretty: true files: [ expand: true cwd: 'app/views' src: '**/*.jade' dest: 'app/views/lib/' ext: '.html' ] compileIndex: options: pretty: true files: 'app/index.html': ['app/index.jade'] stylus: compile: options: paths: ['/usr/local/lib/node_modules/jeet'] import: ['index'] files: 'app/styles/css/styles.css': ['app/styles/**/*.styl'] watch: coffee: files: 'app/js/**/*.coffee' tasks: 'compile' stylus: files: 'app/styles/**/*.styl' tasks: 'compile' jade: files: ['app/views/*.jade', 'app/index.jade'] tasks: ['compile', 'compileIndex'] grunt.loadNpmTasks 'grunt-contrib-coffee' grunt.loadNpmTasks 'grunt-coffeelint' grunt.loadNpmTasks 'grunt-contrib-jade' grunt.loadNpmTasks 'grunt-contrib-stylus' grunt.loadNpmTasks 'grunt-contrib-watch' # grunt.registerTask 'default', ['coffee', 'jade', 'stylus'] grunt.registerTask 'default', ['watch:coffee', 'watch:stylus', 'watch:jade']
Ya he estado leyendo en stackoverflow, la documentación y ya probé los módulos independientemente y funcionan, ¿Qué estoy haciendo mal?Initializing Command-line options: --verbose Reading "Gruntfile.coffee" Gruntfile...OK Registering Gruntfile tasks. Reading package.json...OK Parsing package.json...OK Initializing config...OK Registering "grunt-contrib-coffee" local Npm module tasks. Reading /home/nano/Dev/angular-tutorial/node_modules/grunt-contrib-coffee/package.json...OK Parsing /home/nano/Dev/angular-tutorial/node_modules/grunt-contrib-coffee/package.json...OK Loading "coffee.js" tasks...OK + coffee Registering "grunt-coffeelint" local Npm module tasks. Reading /home/nano/Dev/angular-tutorial/node_modules/grunt-coffeelint/package.json...OK Parsing /home/nano/Dev/angular-tutorial/node_modules/grunt-coffeelint/package.json...OK Loading "coffeelint.js" tasks...OK + coffeelint Registering "grunt-contrib-jade" local Npm module tasks. Reading /home/nano/Dev/angular-tutorial/node_modules/grunt-contrib-jade/package.json...OK Parsing /home/nano/Dev/angular-tutorial/node_modules/grunt-contrib-jade/package.json...OK Loading "jade.js" tasks...OK + jade Registering "grunt-contrib-stylus" local Npm module tasks. Reading /home/nano/Dev/angular-tutorial/node_modules/grunt-contrib-stylus/package.json...OK Parsing /home/nano/Dev/angular-tutorial/node_modules/grunt-contrib-stylus/package.json...OK Loading "stylus.js" tasks...OK + stylus Registering "grunt-contrib-watch" local Npm module tasks. Reading /home/nano/Dev/angular-tutorial/node_modules/grunt-contrib-watch/package.json...OK Parsing /home/nano/Dev/angular-tutorial/node_modules/grunt-contrib-watch/package.json...OK Loading "watch.js" tasks...OK + watch Loading "Gruntfile.coffee" tasks...OK + default No tasks specified, running default tasks. Running tasks: default Running "default" task Running "watch:coffee" (watch) task Waiting...Verifying property watch exists in config...OK Verifying property watch.coffee.files exists in config...OK Watching app/js/src/tareasController.coffee for changes.
PD: si se dan cuenta, solo observa un directorio, aunque le dije que observara varios.