la primera parte nos muestra una serie de declaraciones de variables que no se aplican ya que esta escrito // delante. esas variables si las puedo dictar yo si pongo por ejemplo "player.swf?player_title=tiiiitulochulo"
mas abajo tenemos una nueva declaracion de variables, una de las cuales es track_index (que es la que yo quiero poder modificar), el problema es que si escribo "player.swf?track_index=2" sigue empezando mi playlist desde la primera cancion.
alguna sugerencia de como puedo hacer para poder decirle a mi player cual ha de ser el valor de esa variable?
stop(); //autoplay=true //repeat_playlist = true; //playlist_size = 3; //player_title = "customizeable title test" //song_url = ""; //playlist_url = ""; //playlist_url = ""; //radio_mode = true; //song_title = "Imperial Teen - Ivanka"; autoload=true; //info_button_text = "Add to Cart" //playlist_url = "http%3A%2F%2Fwebjay%2Eorg%2Fby%2Flucas%5Fgonze%2Flaconic%2Exspf" //playlist_url= "" //constants DEFAULT_PLAYLIST_URL = ""; DEFAULT_WELCOME_MSG = "Hideout XSPF Music Player - by Fabricio Zuardi"; LOADING_PLAYLIST_MSG = "Loading Playlist..."; DEFAULT_LOADED_PLAYLIST_MSG = "- click to start" DEFAULT_INFOBUTTON_TXT = "Info" //playlists has priority over songs, if a playlist_url parameter is found the song_url is ignored //default playlist if none is passed through query string if(!playlist_url){ if(!song_url){ playlist_url = DEFAULT_PLAYLIST_URL; }else{ single_music_playlist = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><playlist version=\"1\" xmlns = \"\"><trackList>"; single_music_playlist += "<track><location>"+song_url+"</location><annotation>"+song_title+"</annotation></track>" single_music_playlist += "</trackList></playlist>" } } info_mc._visible=false; if(!info_button_text){ info_button_text = DEFAULT_INFOBUTTON_TXT; } info_mc.display_txt.text = info_button_text; //variables initialization playlist_array = []; track_index = 0; playlist_mc.track_count = 0; pause_position = 0; volume_level = 100; playlist_xml = new XML(); playlist_xml.ignoreWhite = true; playlist_xml.onLoad = playlistLoaded; mysound = new Sound(this); playlist_listener = new Object(); playlist_list.addEventListener("change", playlist_listener) //play_btn.onPress = playTrack;