tengo la siguiente estructura el la db
lo que necesito es en flash, 4 textos dinamicos con su respectiva variable y que flash recoja del php y muestre en nombre email...
Porque lo que tengo es en lectura un TextArea y el php recoje los datos y los imprime directamente
alguien me puede ayudar
Código PHP:
// Connect to mySQL Server
$DBConn = mysql_connect($DBhost,$DBuser,$DBpass) or die("Error in GuestBook Application: " . mysql_error());
// Select mySQL Database
mysql_select_db($DBName, $DBConn) or die("Error in GuestBook Application: " . mysql_error());
// Part Two - Choose what action to perform
$action = $_GET['action'];
switch($action) {
case 'read' :
// Fetch all comments from database table
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM `' . $table . '`';
$allComments = mysql_query($sql, $DBConn) or die("Error in GuestBook Application: " . mysql_error());
$numallComments = mysql_num_rows($allComments);
// Fetch page-wise comments from database table
$sql .= ' ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT ' . $_GET['NumLow'] . ', ' . $numComments;
$fewComments = mysql_query($sql, $DBConn) or die("Error in GuestBook Application: " . mysql_error());
$numfewComments = mysql_num_rows($fewComments);
// Generate Output for Flash to Read
print '&totalEntries=' . $numallComments . '&';
print "<br>&entries=";
if($numallComments == 0) {
print "No entries in the guestbook, as yet..";
} else {
while ($array = mysql_fetch_array($fewComments)) {
$name = mysql_result($fewComments, $i, 'name');
$email = mysql_result($fewComments, $i, 'email');
$empresa = mysql_result($fewComments, $i, 'empresa');
$comments = mysql_result($fewComments, $i, 'comments');
$time = mysql_result($fewComments, $i, 'time');
print '<b>Name: </b>' . $name . '<br><b>Email: </b>' . $email . '<br><b>Empresa: </b>' . $empresa . '<br><i>Comments: </b>' . $comments . '<br><i>Date: ' . $time . '</i><br><br>';
// Print this only when there aren't any more entries..
if($_GET['NumLow'] > $numallComments) {
print 'No More Entries!&';
function loadEntries(act, increment) { // Define NumLow as a Number num = new Number(_parent.NumLow); // Act accordingly if(act == "Next") { // Add increment _parent.NumLow = num + increment; } else if(act == "Previous") { _parent.NumLow = num - increment; } else { // Load default - i.e. 0 _parent.NumLow = 0; } // Update Statistics _parent.read.low.text = _parent.NumLow; _parent.read.high.text = Number(_parent.NumLow) + 10; // Show Please wait text _parent.read.entries.text = "Loading entries... Please wait..."; // Begin Loading myEntries = new LoadVars() myEntries.ref = this myEntries.load("Gues.php?action=read&r="+random(999)+"&NumLow="+_parent.NumLow) myEntries.onLoad = function(success){ if(success){ // Assign output to components and objects entries.text = this.entries; totalEntries.text = this.totalEntries; //Update values to calculate prev/next button visibility num = Number(_parent.NumLow) var totalEntries = Number(this.totalEntries); var total = num+increment //Hide/show next button if(total<totalEntries) this.ref.next_button._visible = true; else this.ref.next_button._visible = false //Hide/show previous button if(num==0) prev_button._visible = false; else prev_button._visible = true } } } // Load Default _parent.read.loadEntries("Default", 10); stop();