Tengo este codigo:
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carColor = new Color(car); color1 = new Color(previewbox); color2 = new Color(chip.chipfill); // this.onEnterFrame = function() { // set c1, c2, c3, hc1, hc2, and hc3 equal to the positions of their respective faders and vice versa for (i=1; i<=3; i++) { this["color"+i].setRGB(rgb); this["hexc"+i+"Text"].onKillFocus = function() { hexMode = false; }; this["hexc"+i+"Text"].onSetFocus = function() { hexMode = true; }; } // // combine c1, c2, and c3 into one variable using bitwise left shift and bitwise OR rgb = (c1 << 16 | c2 << 8 | c3); }; // // make color chip draggable when preview box is clicked previewBox.onPress = function() { chip.startDrag(color1); }; // // hide color chip and stop dragging when mouse button is released, and set car color if chip is // droppped on the car or the apply button is clicked previewBox.onRelease = swatchDrop; previewBox.onReleaseOutside = swatchDrop; // function swatchDrop() { with (chip) { if (car.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { carColor.setRGB(rgb); } _y = -20; stopDrag(); } } apply.onRelease = function() { carColor.setRGB(rgb); }; // set color values equal to the color of the clicked button swatch1.onRelease = function() { c1 = 127; c2 = 0; c3 = 97; }; swatch2.onRelease = function() { c1 = 130; c2 = 0; c3 = 0; }; swatch3.onRelease = function() { c1 = 10; c2 = 106; c3 = 0; }; swatch4.onRelease = function() { c1 = 0; c2 = 51; c3 = 51; }; swatch5.onRelease = function() { c1 = 0; c2 = 51; c3 = 102; }; swatch6.onRelease = function() { c1 = 127; c2 = 127; c3 = 127; }; swatch7.onRelease = function() { c1 = 80; c2 = 80; c3 = 0; };
verán lo que hace este código es seleccionar un color, arrastrarlo y soltarlo en un movieclip. MI PROBLEMA ESTA CUANDO LE CAMBIO EL REPRODUCTOR FLASH PLAYER ME DICE QUE HAY FUNCIONES QUE NO ESTAN SOPORTADAS
Desde ya gracias por sus aportes.