Segundo problema, que cargo este clip swf dentro de otro main (loadMovei), y se fastidia el tema de la cordenada _y, solo en la funcion easing (al pasar el raton por encima del contenido), les dejo el codigo para que lo revisen , tb podria venirles bien. Gracias por adelantado
function scrolling(easing, auto, mouse) { function updateContentPos() { var _l1 = (dragger._y - btnup._y - btnup._height) / (scrollHeight - dragger._height); contentMain.newY = Math.round(top_scroll - scrollable * _l1); //trace(contentMain.newY); } // End of the function var moveSpeed = 1; var easingSpeed = 20; var scrollHeight = scrollbg._height; var scrollable = contentMain._height - maskedView._height + 2; var top_scroll = contentMain._y; var left = scrollbg._x - 2; var top = scrollbg._y; var right = scrollbg._x - 2; var bottom = scrollbg._y + scrollbg._height - dragger._height; if (scrollable < 0) { dragger._visible = false; btnup._alpha = 0; btndown._alpha = 0; scrollbg._alpha = 0; btnup.enabled = false; btndown.enabled = false; return(undefined); } // end if contentMain.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!easing || easing == undefined) { this._y = this.newY; } else { this._y = this._y + (this.newY - this._y) / easingSpeed; } // end if }; dragger.onPress = function () { startDrag(this, false, left, top, right, bottom); this.onMouseMove = function () { updateContentPos(); }; }; dragger.onRelease = dragger.onReleaseOutside = function () { stopDrag(); delete this["onEnterFrame"]; }; btnup.onPress = function () { this.onEnterFrame = function () { dragger._y = Math.max(top, dragger._y - moveSpeed); updateContentPos(); }; }; btnup.onRelease = function () { delete this["onEnterFrame"]; }; btndown.onPress = function () { this.onEnterFrame = function () { dragger._y = Math.min(bottom, dragger._y + moveSpeed); updateContentPos(); }; }; btndown.onRelease = function () { delete this["onEnterFrame"]; }; updateContentPos(); if (auto == true) { onEnterFrame = function () { if (dragger._y < bottom) { dragger._y = dragger._y + 0.300000; updateContentPos(); } else { dragger._y = top; } // end if }; } // end if if (mouseWheel == true) { var _l2 = new Object(); _l2.onMouseWheel = function (delta) { if (dragger._y < bottom) { dragger._y = dragger._y + (delta + 3); updateContentPos(); } else { dragger._y = bottom - 3; } // end if if (dragger._y > top) { dragger._y = dragger._y + delta; updateContentPos(); } else { dragger._y = top; } // end if }; Mouse.addListener(_l2); } // end if if (mouseCoord == true) { maskedView.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, false)) { dragger._y = _ymouse; updateContentPos(); if (dragger._y > bottom) { dragger._y = bottom; updateContentPos(); } // end if } // end if }; } // end if if (barVisual == false) { dragger._visible = false; btnup._alpha = 0; btndown._alpha = 0; scrollbg._alpha = 0; btnup.enabled = false; btndown.enabled = false; } // end if } // End of the function stop(); System.useCodepage = true; var easing = true; var auto = false; var mouseWheel = true; var mouseCoord = true; var barVisual = true; var space = 5; //esto no hace nada contentMain.setMask(maskedView); scrolling(easing, auto, mouseWheel, mouseCoord, barVisual);