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Reproductor MP3 XML

Estas en el tema de Reproductor MP3 XML en el foro de Flash y Actionscript en Foros del Web. tengo un reproductor de mp3 personalizado en flash con lista xml, pero quiero evitar que se repita la lista, ya que como lo estoy utilizando ...
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Antiguo 29/04/2009, 20:04
Fecha de Ingreso: noviembre-2008
Mensajes: 10
Antigüedad: 16 años, 2 meses
Puntos: 0
Reproductor MP3 XML

tengo un reproductor de mp3 personalizado en flash con lista xml, pero quiero evitar que se repita la lista, ya que como lo estoy utilizando en parte del reproductor es indivisual por cancion. aqui les dejo el acction script por si alguien me puede ayudar, ya busque loop,repeat. pero nada que le encuentro

// location of the playlist if no html parameter is found
// change "playlist.xml" if you want another filename ..
_root.playlist == undefined ? playlist = "discografia/enmediodelanada/finaestampa.xml" : playlist=_root.playlist;

// below here it's all code and code ..

// stage variables
Stage.showMenu = false;
Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";

// player variables
volume = 100;
current_song = 1;

// playlist loading
data_xml = new XML();
data_xml.ignoreWhite = true;
data_xml.onLoad = loadData;

// parsing all xml data into flash
function loadData(success) {
if (success) {
// showdisplay and playlist toggles
showPlaylist = this.firstChild.attributes.showPlaylist;
if (showPlaylist == "no") {
botup = false;
list_btn._rotation+=0; }
// getting all titles and filenames
aPath = new Array();
songTitel = new Array();
audioTracks = new Array();
audioTracks = this.firstChild.childNodes;
song_total = audioTracks.length;
for (var i = 0; i<song_total; i++) {
// buiding playlist buttons
bot.playlist.btn.duplicateMovieClip("btn"+i, i);
bot.playlist["btn"+i]._y = bot.playlist.btn._y+i*int(bot.playlist.btn._height ) +i;
bot.playlist["btn"+i].txt = checkDigits(i+1)+". "+songTitel[i];
bot.playlist["btn"+i].hit.onPress = function() {
listClick(this._parent.getDepth()+1); };
//checking autostart mode
autoStart = this.firstChild.attributes.autoStart;
if (autoStart == "yes") {
play_btn._visible = 0;
} else if (autoStart == "no") {
play_btn._visible = 1;
pause_btn._visible = 0;
} else if (autoStart == "random") {
current_song = random(song_total)+1;
play_btn._visible = 0;
} else {
current_song = int(this.firstChild.attributes.autoStart);
play_btn._visible = 0; } }
// done ! all loaded succesfully. purging trash
delete audioTracks;
delete data_xml;}

// list button
function listClick(prm) {
delete pausepos;
current_song = prm;
playSong(); }

// list scroller
bot.list_bg.onEnterFrame = function() {
if (hitTest( _root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true) && this._parent.playlist._height > this._height ) {
ymin = this._y+this._height - this._parent.playlist._height;
ymax = this._y+3;
conv = (this._ymouse -20)*1.3/this._height;
conv > 1 ? conv = 1 : null;
conv < 0 ? conv = 0 : null;
this._parent.playlist.easeY (ymax - conv*(ymax-ymin)); } };

// play function
function playSong() {
AudioPath = aPath[current_song-1];
// checking for pause > start from there
if (pausePos>0) {
top.equalizer._visible = 1;
MySound.start(pausePos, 0);
pausePos = 0;
// startup new sound
} else {
MySound = new Sound();
MySound.loadSound(AudioPath, true);
MySound.onSoundComplete = function() {
top.equalizer._visible = 0;
if (autoStart == "random") {
current_song = random(song_total)+1;
} else {
current_song == song_total ? current_song = 1 : current_song++;
playSong(); };
// check loading bar
top.track_load.onEnterFrame = function() {
total = this._parent._parent.MySound.getBytesTotal();
geladen = this._parent._parent.MySound.getBytesLoaded();
if (geladen != total) {
this._parent.load_display = Math.round((geladen*100/total))+"% Loaded";
this._xscale = Math.round((geladen*100/total));
} else {
this._xscale = 100;
top.equalizer._visible = 1;
delete this.onEnterFrame;
delete this._parent.load_display; } }; }
// switch paly/pause buttons
play_btn._visible = 0;
pause_btn._visible = 1; }

// play button
play_btn.onRelease = function() {
playSong(); };

// pause button
pause_btn.onRelease = function() {
this._visible = 0;
play_btn._visible = 1;
pausePos = MySound.position/1000;
top.equalizer._visible=0; };

// next button
next_btn.onRelease = function() {
delete pausepos;
current_song == song_total ? current_song = 1: current_song++;
playSong(); };

// previous button
prev_btn.onRelease = function() {
delete pausepos;
current_song == 1 ? current_song = song_total: current_song--;
playSong(); };

// playlist toggle button

botpos = bot._y;
bot._y = botpos - bot.list_bg._height -25;
botup = true;

list_btn.onPress = function() {
if(botup == true) {
botup = false; }
else {
bot.easeY(botpos - bot.list_bg._height -25);
botup = true; }
this._rotation += 0; };

// prefixing a 0 to the time
function checkDigits(toCheck) {
return (toCheck<10) ? toCheck="0"+toCheck : toCheck; }

// track progress slider functions
top.track_back.onPress = function() {
this._parent.trackDrag = true;
this._parent.track_play.onEnterFrame = function() {
perc = (this._parent._xmouse-this._parent.track_back._x)/this._parent.track_back._width;
max = this._parent.track_load._width/this._parent.track_back._width;
perc > max ? perc = max: null;
perc < 0.01 ? perc = 0.01: null;
this._width = this._parent.track_back._width*perc;
this._parent._parent.pausePos = (perc*this._parent._parent.MySound.duration/1000); }; };
top.track_back.onRelease = top.track_back.onReleaseOutside = function () {
delete this._parent.track_play.onEnterFrame;
this._parent.trackDrag = false;
playSong(); };

// volume slider functions
vol_back.onPress = function() {
vol_front.onEnterFrame = function() {
perc = (_xmouse-vol_back._x)/vol_back._width;
perc > 0.95 ? perc = 1: null;
perc < 0.05 ? perc = 0: null;
this._width = vol_back._width*perc;
volume = Math.round(perc*100);
top.equalizer._yscale = volume; }; };
vol_back.onRelease = vol_back.onReleaseOutside=function () {
delete vol_front.onEnterFrame; };

// easing display and playlist movement
MovieClip.prototype.easeY = function(t) {
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
this._y = int(t-(t-this._y)/1.5);
if (this._y>t-1 && this._y<t+1) {
delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; };
Atención: Estás leyendo un tema que no tiene actividad desde hace más de 6 MESES, te recomendamos abrir un Nuevo tema en lugar de responder al actual.

La zona horaria es GMT -6. Ahora son las 16:40.