Tengo un reproductor flash y me gustaria que me indicaran que debo de cambiarle para que reciba parametros de un html ( <param> )
este es el codigo:
Código HTML:
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // location of the playlist if no html parameter is found // change "playlist.xml" if you want another filename .. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- _root.playlist == undefined ? playlist = "mp3player.php" : playlist=_root.playlist; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // below here it's all code and code .. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // stage variables Stage.showMenu = false; Stage.scaleMode = "noScale"; stop(); // player variables volume = 90; current_song = 1; top.equalizer._visible=0; // playlist loading data_xml = new XML(); data_xml.ignoreWhite = true; data_xml.onLoad = loadData; data_xml.load(playlist); // parsing all xml data into flash function loadData(success) { if (success) { // showdisplay and playlist toggles showDisplay = this.firstChild.attributes.showDisplay; if (showDisplay == "yes") { top.easeY(toppos); topup = false; display_btn._rotation+=180; } showPlaylist = this.firstChild.attributes.showPlaylist; if (showPlaylist == "yes") { bot.easeY(botpos); botup = false; list_btn._rotation+=180; } // getting all titles and filenames aPath = new Array(); songTitel = new Array(); audioTracks = new Array(); audioTracks.shuffle(); audioTracks = this.firstChild.childNodes; song_total = audioTracks.length; for (var i = 0; i<song_total; i++) { aPath.push(audioTracks[i].attributes.path); songTitel.push(audioTracks[i].attributes.title); // buiding playlist buttons bot.playlist.btn.duplicateMovieClip("btn"+i, i); bot.playlist["btn"+i]._y = bot.playlist.btn._y+i*int(bot.playlist.btn._height) +i; bot.playlist["btn"+i].txt = checkDigits(i+1)+". "+songTitel[i]; bot.playlist["btn"+i].hit.onPress = function() { listClick(this._parent.getDepth()+1); }; } //checking autostart mode autoStart = this.firstChild.attributes.autoStart; if (autoStart == "yes") { playSong(); play_btn._visible = 0; } else if (autoStart == "no") { play_btn._visible = 1; pause_btn._visible = 0; } else if (autoStart == "random") { current_song = random(song_total)+1; playSong(); play_btn._visible = 0; } else { current_song = int(this.firstChild.attributes.autoStart); playSong(); play_btn._visible = 0; } } // done ! all loaded succesfully. purging trash delete audioTracks; delete data_xml;} // list button function listClick(prm) { delete pausepos; current_song = prm; MySound.stop(); playSong(); } // list scroller bot.list_bg.onEnterFrame = function() { if (hitTest( _root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true) && this._parent.playlist._height > this._height ) { ymin = this._y+this._height - this._parent.playlist._height; ymax = this._y+3; conv = (this._ymouse -15)*1.3/this._height; conv > 1 ? conv = 1 : null; conv < 0 ? conv = 0 : null; this._parent.playlist.easeY (ymax - conv*(ymax-ymin)); } }; bot.playlist.setMask(bot.list_bg); // play function function playSong() { AudioPath = aPath[current_song-1]; // checking for pause > start from there if (pausePos>0) { top.equalizer._visible = 1; MySound.start(pausePos, 0); pausePos = 0; // startup new sound } else { MySound = new Sound(); MySound.setVolume(volume); MySound.loadSound(AudioPath, true); MySound.onSoundComplete = function() { top.equalizer._visible = 0; if (autoStart == "random") { current_song = random(song_total)+1; } else { current_song == song_total ? current_song = 1 : current_song++; } playSong(); }; // check loading bar top.track_load.onEnterFrame = function() { total = this._parent._parent.MySound.getBytesTotal(); geladen = this._parent._parent.MySound.getBytesLoaded(); if (geladen != total) { this._parent.load_display = Math.round((geladen*100/total))+"% Loaded"; this._xscale = Math.round((geladen*100/total)); } else { this._xscale = 100; top.equalizer._visible = 1; delete this.onEnterFrame; delete this._parent.load_display; } }; } // switch paly/pause buttons play_btn._visible = 0; pause_btn._visible = 1; } // play button play_btn.onRelease = function() { playSong(); }; // pause button pause_btn.onRelease = function() { this._visible = 0; play_btn._visible = 1; pausePos = MySound.position/1000; MySound.stop(); top.equalizer._visible=0; }; // next button next_btn.onRelease = function() { delete pausepos; current_song == song_total ? current_song = 1: current_song++; MySound.stop(); playSong(); }; // previous button prev_btn.onRelease = function() { delete pausepos; current_song == 1 ? current_song = song_total: current_song--; MySound.stop(); playSong(); }; // display toggle button top.setMask(top_mask); toppos = top._y; top._y = int(toppos + top_mask._height - 29); topup = true; display_btn.onPress = function() { if(topup == true) { top.easeY(toppos); topup = false; } else { top.easeY(int(toppos + top_mask._height -27)); topup = true; } this._rotation += 180; }; // playlist toggle button bot.setMask(bot_mask); botpos = bot._y; bot._y = botpos - bot.list_bg._height -6; botup = true; list_btn.onPress = function() { if(botup == true) { bot.easeY(botpos); botup = false; } else { bot.easeY(botpos - bot.list_bg._height -6); botup = true; } this._rotation += 180; }; // drag button functionality drag_btn.onPress = function() { startDrag(this._parent); }; drag_btn.onRelease = drag_btn.onReleaseOutside=function () { stopDrag(); }; // copyright button copy.onPress = function() { getURL("http://www.jeroenwijering.com/?item=Flash+Mp3+Player","_blank"); } // updating time display this.onEnterFrame = function() { dur = int(MySound.duration/1000); pos = int(MySound.position/1000); playTime = {}; playTime.minutes = int((pos)/60); playTime.seconds = int((pos)%60); playTime.total = checkDigits(playTime.minutes)+":"+checkDigits(playTime.seconds); trackTime = {}; trackTime.minutes = int(dur/60); trackTime.seconds = int(dur%60); trackTime.total = checkDigits(trackTime.minutes)+":"+checkDigits(trackTime.seconds); if (top.load_display == undefined) { top.display = playTime.total+" / "+trackTime.total; } else { top.display = top.load_display; } if (top.trackDrag != true) { prozent = pos*100/dur; top.track_play._xscale = prozent; } }; // prefixing a 0 to the time function checkDigits(toCheck) { return (toCheck<10) ? toCheck="0"+toCheck : toCheck; } // track progress slider functions top.track_back.onPress = function() { this._parent.trackDrag = true; this._parent.track_play.onEnterFrame = function() { perc = (this._parent._xmouse-this._parent.track_back._x)/this._parent.track_back._width; max = this._parent.track_load._width/this._parent.track_back._width; perc > max ? perc = max: null; perc < 0.01 ? perc = 0.01: null; this._width = this._parent.track_back._width*perc; this._parent._parent.pausePos = (perc*this._parent._parent.MySound.duration/1000); }; }; top.track_back.onRelease = top.track_back.onReleaseOutside = function () { delete this._parent.track_play.onEnterFrame; this._parent.trackDrag = false; MySound.stop(); playSong(); }; // volume slider functions vol_back.onPress = function() { vol_front.onEnterFrame = function() { perc = (_xmouse-vol_back._x)/vol_back._width; perc > 0.95 ? perc = 1: null; perc < 0.05 ? perc = 0: null; this._width = vol_back._width*perc; volume = Math.round(perc*100); MySound.setVolume(volume); top.equalizer._yscale = volume; }; }; vol_back.onRelease = vol_back.onReleaseOutside=function () { delete vol_front.onEnterFrame; }; vol_front.setMask(vol_mask); // drawing equalizer in actionscript top.equalizer.setMask(top.eq_mask); top.equalizer.onEnterFrame = function() { i++; this.createEmptyMovieClip("graph"+i, i); with(this["graph"+i]) { _x = 0; _y = 0; beginFill(0x666666, 50); moveTo(0,0); for (j=0; j< 36; j++) { z = random(12)+8; lineTo(j*6,-1); lineTo(j*6,-z); lineTo(j*6+4,-z); lineTo(j*6+4,-1); lineTo(j*6,-1); } lineTo(j*6,0); lineTo(0,0); endFill(); } i >= 3 ? i=0: null; }; // scrolling the display song title function scrollTitle() { top.title.txt.autoSize = true; if (songTitel[current_song-1].length > 20) { top.title.txt.text = songTitel[current_song-1]+" "+songTitel[current_song-1]; top.title._x+top.title._width/2 +4< top.title_mask._x ? top.title._x = top.title_mask._x : top.title._x--; } else { top.title.txt.text = songTitel[current_song-1]; top.title._x = top.title_mask._x-3; } } top.title.setMask(top.title_mask); setInterval(scrollTitle, 40); // easing display and playlist movement MovieClip.prototype.easeY = function(t) { this.onEnterFrame = function() { this._y = int(t-(t-this._y)/1.5); if (this._y>t-1 && this._y<t+1) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; };