Tengo este codigo de un juego de snake y no se como bajarle la velocidad:
Código actionscript:
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stop(); // Snake Game by Strille, 2004, www.strille.net blockSize = 15; // the block width/height in number of pixels gameHeight = 16; // the game height in number of blocks gameWidth = 33; // the game width in number of blocks SNAKE_BLOCK = 15; // holds the number used to mark snake blocks in the map SCORE_X_BLOCK = 40; score = 0; // keeps track of the score snakeBlockCounter = 0; // keeps track of the snake blocks, increased on every frame foodCounter = 0; snakeEraseCounter = -1; // increased on every frame, erases the snake tail (setting this to -3 will result in a 3 block long snake at the beginning) VIDAS = 3; vida.gotoAndStop('v3'); keyListener = new Object(); // key listener keyListener.onKeyDown = function() { var keyCode = Key.getCode(); // get key code if (keyCode > 36 && keyCode < 41) { // arrow keys pressed (37 = left, 38 = up, 39 = right, 40 = down)... if (game.onEnterFrame != undefined) { // only allow moves if the game is running, and is not paused if (keyCode-37 != turnQueue[0]) { // ...and it's different from the last key pressed turnQueue.unshift(keyCode-37); // save the key (or rather direction) in the turnQueue } } } else if (keyCode == 32) { // start the game if it's not started (32 = SPACE) if (!gameRunning) { startGame(); } } else if (keyCode == 80) { // pause/unpause (80 = 'P') if (gameRunning) { if (game.onEnterFrame) { // pause delete game.onEnterFrame; // remove main loop textMC.gotoAndStop("paused"); } else { // exit pause mode game.onEnterFrame = main; // start main loop textMC.gotoAndStop("hide"); } } } }; Key.addListener(keyListener); if (!gameRunning) { startGame(); } function startGame() { x = int(gameWidth/2); // x start position in the middle y = gameHeight-2; // y start position near the bottom xVelocity = [-1, 0, 1, 0]; // x velocity when moving left, up, right, down yVelocity = [0, -1, 0, 1]; // y velocity when moving left, up, right, down map = new Array(); // create an array to store food and snake for (var n=0;n<gameWidth;n++) { // make map a 2 dimensional array map[n] = new Array(); } turnQueue = new Array(); // a queue to store key presses (so that x number of key presses during one frame are spread over x number of frames) game.createEmptyMovieClip("food", 1); // create MC to store the food game.createEmptyMovieClip("s", 2); // create MC to store the snake currentDirection = 1; // holds the direction of movement (0 = left, 1 = up, 2 = right, 3 = down) if(VIDAS<=0){ score = 0; // keeps track of the score snakeBlockCounter = 0; // keeps track of the snake blocks, increased on every frame foodCounter = 0; snakeEraseCounter = -1; // increased on every frame, erases the snake tail (setting this to -3 will result in a 3 block long snake at the beginning) VIDAS = 3; vida.gotoAndStop('v3'); } scoreTextField.text = "Puntos: "+score+" | Vidas: "+VIDAS; // type out score info placeFood("new"); // place a new food block textMC.gotoAndStop("hide"); // make sure no text is visible (like "game over ") game.onEnterFrame = main; // start the main loop gameRunning = true; // flag telling if the game is running. If true it does not necessarily mean that main is called (the game could be paused) } function main() { // called on every frame if the game is running and it's not paused if (turnQueue.length > 0) { // if we have a turn to perform... var dir = turnQueue.pop(); // ...pick the next turn in the queue... if (dir % 2 != currentDirection % 2) { // not a 180 degree turn (annoying to be able to turn into the snake with one key press) currentDirection = dir; // change current direction to the new value } } x += xVelocity[currentDirection]; // move the snake position in x y += yVelocity[currentDirection]; // move the snake position in y if (map[x][y] != SNAKE_BLOCK && x > -1 && x < gameWidth && y > -1 && y < gameHeight) { // make sure we are not hitting the snake or leaving the game area game.s.attachMovie("snakeMC", snakeBlockCounter, snakeBlockCounter, {_x: x*blockSize, _y: y*blockSize}); // attach a snake block movie clip snakeBlockCounter++; // increase the snake counter if (typeof(map[x][y]) == "movieclip") { // if it's a not a vacant block then there is a food block on the position score += SCORE_X_BLOCK; // add points to score scoreTextField.text = "Puntos: "+score+" | Vidas: "+VIDAS; // type out score info snakeEraseCounter -= 1; // make the snake not remove the tail for five loops placeFood(map[x][y]); // place the food movie clip which is referenced in the map map[x][y] } map[x][y] = SNAKE_BLOCK; // set current position to occupied var tailMC = game.s[snakeEraseCounter]; // get "last" MC according to snakeEraseCounter (may not exist) if (tailMC) { // if the snake block exists delete map[tailMC._x/blockSize][tailMC._y/blockSize]; // delete the value in the array m tailMC.removeMovieClip(); // delete the MC } snakeEraseCounter++; // increase erase snake counter } else { // GAME OVER if it is on a snake block or outside of the map gameOver(); } } function gameOver() { VIDAS--; if(VIDAS<=0){ textMC.gotoAndStop("gameOver"); // show "game over" text }else{ textMC.gotoAndStop("vidamenos"); vida.gotoAndPlay('v'+VIDAS); } delete game.onEnterFrame; // quit looping main function gameRunning = false; // the game is no longer running } function placeFood(foodMC) { do { var xFood = random(gameWidth); var yFood = random(gameHeight); } while (map[xFood][yFood]); // keep picking a spot until it's a vacant spot (we don't want to place the food on a position occupied by the snake) if (foodMC == "new") { // create a new food movie clip foodMC = game.food.attachMovie("foodMC", foodCounter, foodCounter); foodCounter++; } foodMC._x = xFood*blockSize; // place the food foodMC._y = yFood*blockSize; // place the food map[xFood][yFood] = foodMC; // save a reference to this food movie clip in the map }