14/11/2008, 20:30
Respuesta: precarga de movieclips velapublicidad
no hay un sistema predefinido para ello,
yo he publicado un sistema propio, basado en los recursos de forosdelweb en otro post
y puedes usar precargas desde html con sólo meter los swf antes de lanzar la pelicula principal (aunque el otro día caí en la cuenta de que si tienen sonido se van a reproducir...)
en un sitio de codigos encontre estos:
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Multiple Preloader with x movies loaded to levels
Simply put all your movies to load and the corresponding
levels in the array moviearray. Remember: If you don\'t
want the loaded clips to start immediatly after beeing
loaded, you have to place a stop action in the first
frame of the movie.
frame 1:
//provide a list with all your movies to load and the levels to load into
moviearray = new Array("movie1.swf",1,"movie2.swf",2,"movie3.swf",3 );
//set the index of the first movie to load
actMovieIdx = 0;
frame 2:
// get the next moviename and level
moviename = moviearray[actMovieIdx++];
movielevel = moviearray[actMovieIdx++];
// load the given movie
loadMovieNum(moviename, movielevel);
frame 3:
// nothing in here
frame 4:
//get the actual loaded bytes
actBytes = eval("_level" add movielevel).getBytesLoaded() || 0;
// get the total bytes to load
totBytes = eval("_level" add movielevel).getBytesTotal() || 100;
// calculate the percentage loaded
percent = Math.round(actBytes * 100 / totBytes);
if( totBytes - actBytes > 10){//more bytes available, keep on loading
} else if(actMovieIdx < moviearray.length){//if we got more movies to load
} // else go to frame 5
frame 5:
// ready, go - here starts your movie
Multiple Preloader with x movies loaded to targets
Simply put all your movies to load and the corresponding
targets in the array moviearray. Remember: If you don\'t
want the loaded clips to start immediatly after beeing
loaded, you have to place a stop action in the first
frame of the movie.
frame 1:
//provide a list with all your movies to load and the targets to load into
moviearray = new Array("movie1.swf","target1","movie2.swf","target2 ","movie3.swf","target3");
//set the index of the first movie to load
actMovieIdx = 0;
frame 2:
// get the next moviename and level
moviename = moviearray[actMovieIdx++];
movietarget = moviearray[actMovieIdx++];
// load the given movie
loadMovie(moviename, movietarget);
frame 3:
// nothing in here
frame 4:
//get the actual loaded bytes
actBytes = eval(movietarget).getBytesLoaded() || 0;
// get the total bytes to load
totBytes = eval(movietarget).getBytesTotal() || 100;
// calculate the percentage loaded
percent = Math.round(actBytes * 100 / totBytes);
if( totBytes - actBytes > 10){//more bytes available, keep on loading
} else if(actMovieIdx < moviearray.length){//if we got more movies to load
} // else go to frame 5
frame 5:
// ready, go - here starts your movie
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