el header, mide 27KB
indage en el swf (code)
encontre esto: http://www.westinghouse.com/xml/menu.xml (una referencia a esta ruta)
La cuestion:
POR QUE ESFORZARSE TANGO EN CARGAR LOS DATOS DE XML (imagenes posiciones, textos) y luego hacer una programacion de este calibre
y multipliquenlo por CUATRO O CINCO.....// Action script... // [Action in Frame 1] function loadXml() { xml = new XML(); xml.ignoreWhite = true; xml.load("xml/menu.xml"); xml.onLoad = function (success) { loadMenu(); }; } // End of the function function loadMenu() { var _loc22 = xml.childNodes[0].childNodes[0]; var _loc20 = _loc22.childNodes[0]; var _loc18 = _loc22.childNodes[1]; var _loc21 = _loc22.childNodes[2]; var _loc19 = xml.childNodes[0].childNodes[1]; config = new Object(); config.duration = Number(_loc20.attributes.duration); config.startPause = Number(_loc20.attributes.startPause); config.endPause = Number(_loc20.attributes.endPause); config.type = String(_loc20.attributes.type); config.aniSec = Number(_loc20.attributes.aniSec); config.x = Number(_loc21.attributes.x); config.y = Number(_loc21.attributes.y); config.font = String(_loc21.attributes.font); config.size = Number(_loc21.attributes.size); config.debug = Number(_loc20.attributes.debug); config.antialias = Number(_loc21.attributes.antialias); logo = new Object(); logo.duration = _loc18.attributes.duration; logo.startPause = _loc18.attributes.startPause; logo.endPause = _loc18.attributes.endPause; logo.type = _loc18.attributes.type; logo.aniSec = _loc18.attributes.aniSec; logo.aniSec2 = _loc18.attributes.aniSec2; logo.x = _loc18.attributes.x; logo.y = _loc18.attributes.y; logo.blurEffect = _loc18.attributes.blur; logo.blurX = _loc18.attributes.blurX; logo.blurY = _loc18.attributes.blurY; logo.blurAmount = _loc18.attributes.blurAmount; if (!checkNull(logo.x)) { logoMC._x = logo.x; } // end if if (!checkNull(logo.y)) { logoMC._y = logo.y; } // end if if (config.debug == 1) { debug._visible = true; } // end if menu = new Object(); menu.group = new Array(); for (var _loc4 = 0; _loc4 < _loc19.childNodes.length; ++_loc4) { menu.group[_loc4] = new Array(); var _loc3 = _loc19.childNodes[_loc4]; for (var _loc2 = 0; _loc2 < _loc3.childNodes.length; ++_loc2) { var _loc15 = _loc3.childNodes[_loc2].attributes.x; var _loc14 = _loc3.childNodes[_loc2].attributes.y; var _loc16 = _loc3.childNodes[_loc2].attributes.type; var _loc6 = _loc3.childNodes[_loc2].attributes.duration; var _loc12 = _loc3.childNodes[_loc2].attributes.endPause; var _loc7 = _loc3.childNodes[_loc2].attributes.start; var _loc8 = _loc3.childNodes[_loc2].attributes.end; var _loc9 = _loc3.childNodes[_loc2].attributes.src; var _loc5 = _loc3.childNodes[_loc2].childNodes[0].nodeValue; var _loc17 = _loc3.childNodes[_loc2].attributes.aniSec; var _loc11 = _loc3.childNodes[_loc2].attributes.startPause; var _loc13 = _loc3.childNodes[_loc2].attributes.logoStop; var _loc10 = _loc3.childNodes[_loc2].attributes.logoStart; menu.group[_loc4][_loc2] = {src: _loc9, textItem: _loc5, x: _loc15, y: _loc14, type: _loc16, duration: _loc6, endPause: _loc12, startNum: _loc7, endNum: _loc8, aniSec: _loc17, startPause: _loc11, logoStop: _loc13, logoStart: _loc10}; } // end of for } // end of for menu.current = 0; _root.nextFrame(); } // End of the function function changeText(MC, text) { var _loc4 = menu.group[menu.current][0].x; var _loc2 = menu.group[menu.current][0].y; if (checkNull(_loc4)) { _loc4 = config.x; } // end if if (checkNull(_loc2)) { _loc2 = config.y; } // end if MC._x = _loc4; MC._y = _loc2; MC = MC.textInfo; MC.multiline = true; MC.wordWrap = true; MC.border = false; MC.selectable = false; MC.html = true; MC.htmlText = text; if (config.antialias == 1) { MC.embedFonts = true; MC.antiAliasType = "advanced"; } // end if var _loc3 = new TextFormat(); _loc3.font = String(config.font); _loc3.size = Number(config.size); MC.setTextFormat(_loc3); } // End of the function function checkNull(node) { if (node == "" || node == null || node == undefined) { return (true); } else { return (false); } // end else if } // End of the function function tweenMC(sec, mc, type, startAni, endAni, end) { stop (); mc._alpha = 100; clearInterval(intervalId); if (checkNull(sec) && checkNull(startAni) && checkNull(endAni)) { sec = 0; } else if (checkNull(sec)) { sec = Number(config.aniSec); } else { sec = Number(sec); } // end else if var type = String(type); startAni = Number(startAni); endAni = Number(endAni); var ease; if (type == "pause") { type = "pause"; } else if (type == "spin") { type = "_xscale"; startAni = -100; endAni = 100; ease = mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeIn; } else if (type == "alpha") { type = "_alpha"; ease = mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeIn; } else if (type == "y") { type = "_y"; ease = mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut; } else if (type == "right") { if (mc._name == "textMC") { msk._x = 550; } // end if type = "_x"; ease = mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut; } else { if (mc._name == "textMC") { msk._x = 0; } // end if type = "_x"; ease = mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut; } // end else if if (sec == "" || sec == 0) { play (); } else { var _loc6 = new mx.transitions.Tween(mc, type, ease, startAni, endAni, sec, true); if (type == "_xscale" && Number(logo.blurEffect) == 1) { var _loc5 = new flash.filters.BlurFilter(Number(logo.blurX), Number(logo.blurY), Number(logo.blurAmount)); var _loc2 = logoMC.filters; _loc2.push(_loc5); logoMC.filters = _loc2; ease = mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut; } // end if if (type == "_xscale") { _loc6.onMotionFinished = function () { if (Number(logo.aniSec2)) { sec = Number(logo.aniSec2); } // end if var _loc1 = new mx.transitions.Tween(mc, type, ease, 100, -100, sec + 1.000000E-001, true); _loc1.onMotionFinished = function () { if (Number(logo.blurEffect) == 1) { logoMC.filters = ""; } // end if }; }; } // end if intervalId = setInterval(_root, "nextFrame", sec * 1000); } // end else if } // End of the function debug._visible = false; stop (); _root.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.getBytesLoaded >= this.getBytesTotal) { delete this.onEnterFrame; loadXml(); } // end if }; // [Action in Frame 2] textMC._alpha = 100; var logoStop = Number(menu.group[menu.current][0].logoStop); var logoStart = Number(menu.group[menu.current][0].logoStart); var text = menu.group[menu.current][0].textItem; changeText(textMC, text); if (logoStop == 1 && checkNull(logoStart)) { var x = menu.group[menu.current][0].x; var y = menu.group[menu.current][0].y; if (checkNull(x)) { x = config.x; } // end if if (checkNull(y)) { y = config.y; } // end if textMC._x = x; textMC._y = y; var type = String(menu.group[menu.current][0].type); if (type == "right") { msk._x = 550; } else { msk._x = 0; } // end else if _root.nextFrame(); } else { var duration = logo.aniSec; var type = logo.type; if (logoStop != 1) { tweenMC(duration, logoMC, type); } // end if var duration = menu.group[menu.current][0].aniSec; if (checkNull(duration)) { duration = config.aniSec; } // end if var type = menu.group[menu.current][0].type; var startNum = menu.group[menu.current][0].startNum; var endNum = menu.group[menu.current][0].endNum; tweenMC(duration, textMC, type, startNum, endNum); } // end else if // [Action in Frame 3] stop (); MC1._alpha = 0; MC2._alpha = 0; MC3._alpha = 0; src1 = menu.group[menu.current][1].src; src2 = menu.group[menu.current][2].src; src3 = menu.group[menu.current][3].src; config.startTimer = getTimer(); clearInterval(intervalId); if (!checkNull(src1)) { var loadListener = new Object(); loadListener.onLoadError = function (target_mc, errorCode, httpStatus) { MC1.loadMC = true; }; loadListener.onLoadComplete = function (target_mc) { MC1.loadMC = true; }; var mcLoader = new MovieClipLoader(); mcLoader.addListener(loadListener); mcLoader.loadClip(String(src1), MC1); } else { MC1.loadMC = true; } // end else if if (!checkNull(src2)) { var loadListener = new Object(); loadListener.onLoadError = function () { MC2.loadMC = true;
para que esforzarse de esa manera, con algo tan, PERO TAN, TAN, SIMPLE....y aburrido como un header animado (que considerando ya tener los recursos [graficos, textos, idea], se puede animar en la linea de tiempo en unas horas, y si consideramos preloaders, etc..en un dia)...con que objeto????
que opinan.
PD: entiendo la optimizacion, reducir el peso al archivo, etc, etc...pero eso es una cosa, esto realmente parece obsesivo para qu todo quede a codigo...