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AS, Complicado.....HELPPPPPP!!!! Hola lo que necesito es llamar a "escena2" desde la escena "principal", pero cuando ejecuto la escena "principal" la llama automaticamente("escena2")... ke significa esoo??? ademas de mostrarme la escena2 me deja unos circulos creados en la principal (creado por actionscript). Ayudenme por favor.. me tiene desesperaooo....
__________________ Rodrigo A. Morales G. Desarrollador Web |
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function Node(lat, long, label, pos, url, status) { var latRange = (botLat-topLat); var longRange = (botLong-topLong); var latBase = (lat-topLat); var longBase = (long-topLong); var latP = (latBase/latRange); var longP = (longBase/longRange); var theLabel; var col; this.x = Stage.width*longP; this.y = Stage.height*latP; this.label = label; this.pos = pos; this.url = url; this.status = status; nodeName = label; _root.createEmptyMovieClip(nodeName, nodeDepth++); this.clip = _root[nodeName]; this.clip.parent = this; Mouse.addListener(this.clip); col = "#ffffff"; with (this) { clip.clear(); clip.moveTo(x, y); clip.lineStyle(nodeSize, fgColor); clip.lineTo(x, y+1); clip.lineTo(x+1, y+1); clip.lineTo(x+1, y); clip.lineTo(x, y); clip.lineTo(x+1, y+1); clip.moveTo(x, y); clip.lineStyle(nodeSize-2, col); clip.lineTo(x, y+1); clip.lineTo(x+1, y+1); clip.lineTo(x+1, y); clip.lineTo(x, y); clip.lineTo(x+1, y+1); } _root.createTextField(label+"_txt", (nodeDepth++)+1000, 1, 1, 1, 1); theLabel = _root[label+"_txt"]; with (theLabel) { selectable = false; text = this.label; autosize = "right"; setTextFormat(nodeTextFormat); // Asigna posicion de los textos segun la esfera _x = this.x-(_width/2); _y = this.y-(_height*1.1); } // cuando se presione en la esfera llama a la funcion que actualiza la posicion - anadirTexto() this.clip.onPress = function() { this.anadirTexto(label); this.startDrag(this.clip); }; this.clip.onRelease = function() { largox = long + (this._x/3); anchoy = lat - (this._y/3); if (k==null){ k++; posnod = label + "@" + anchoy + "," + largox; } else{ posnod = posnod + "|" + label + "@" + anchoy + "," + largox; } this.stopDrag(); }; } function Link(from, to, value, url, bw) { this.from = nodes[from]; this.to = nodes[to]; this.value = parseFloat(value); this.bw = parseInt(bw); linkName = "Link_" + to; // Creo los enlaces _root.createEmptyMovieClip(linkName, linkDepth++); this.clip = _root[linkName]; this.clip.parent = this; Mouse.addListener(this.clip); with ( this ) { // Miestras Entre al Frame principal, cree/actualize la linea y actualice las posiciones de x e y this.clip.onEnterFrame = function(){ this.lineStyle(0.001, 0x000000); //this.lineTo(getProperty(to + "_txt",_x)+(getProperty(to + "_txt", _width)/2) , getProperty(to+ "_txt",_y)+20); this.lineTo(100,100); this._x = getProperty(from + "_txt",_x)+(getProperty(from + "_txt", _width)/2); this._y = getProperty(from + "_txt",_y)+20; this._xscale = (getProperty(to + "_txt",_x)+(getProperty(to + "_txt", _width)/2)) - this._x; this._yscale = (getProperty(to + "_txt",_y)+20) - this._y; _root[to].onRollOut = function() { delete this.onEnterFrame; }; _root[to].onReleaseOutside = function() { delete this.onEnterFrame; }; _root[from].onRollOut = function() { delete this.onEnterFrame; }; _root[from].onReleaseOutside = function() { delete this.onEnterFrame; }; }; } } Ayudame por favor.... necesito que al llamar a la escena2 no se muestren los circulos(estos se ven encima de la animacion de escena2).... ya que lo de las lineas ya lo tengo... gracias.
__________________ Rodrigo A. Morales G. Desarrollador Web |