He descargado de unos tutoriales para hacer realidad aumentada los códigos, y se trata de un archivo flash Eart.fla unido a uno de actionscript Earth.as, que compilo en el swf y todo funciona bien. Por otro lado tengo otro para poder hacer fotos con flash y que se suban al servidor, tambien con su archivo Webcam.fla y su Webcam.as. Cada uno por separado funciona.
La cosa es que quiero combinar ambos códigos para que funcione a la vez la realiadad aumentada y el hacer la foto, pero nose como combinarlos. No entiendo casi de programación en .as pero he leido que tiene que ir cada uno en .as porque son clases diferentes, pero ¿cómo hago para que desde un solo fla (luego swf) llame a los dos archivos .as?
Os pongo los códigos por si ayuda:
package { import flash.events.Event; import Earth; import org.papervision3d.objects.parsers.DAE; public class Earth extends PV3DARApp { private var _earth:DAE; public function Earth() { this.init('Data/camera_para.dat', 'Data/flarlogo.pat'); } protected override function onInit():void { super.onInit(); this._earth = new DAE(); this._earth.load('model/Nevermore.dae'); this._earth.scale = 5; this._earth.rotationX = -90; this._baseNode.addChild(this._earth); this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, this._update); } private function _update(e:Event):void { this._earth.rotationZ += 0.5 } } }
Nose si me he explicado bien... lo que necesito es que desde un solo .swf me funcionen los dos códigos. Cualquier duda preguntadme, y mil gracias por vuestra ayuda =) package { import flash.display.LoaderInfo; import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.display.StageAlign; import flash.display.StageScaleMode; import flash.display.Bitmap; import flash.display.BitmapData; import flash.events.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.media.Camera; import flash.media.Video; import flash.external.ExternalInterface; import flash.net.*; import flash.system.Security; import flash.system.SecurityPanel; import flash.media.Sound; import flash.media.SoundChannel; import flash.geom.Matrix; import com.adobe.images.JPGEncoder; public class Webcam extends Sprite { private var video:Video; private var encoder:JPGEncoder; private var snd:Sound; private var channel:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel(); private var jpeg_quality:int; private var video_width:int; private var video_height:int; private var server_width:int; private var server_height:int; private var camera:Camera; private var bmp:Bitmap; private var bmpdata:BitmapData; private var url:String; private var stealth:int; public function Webcam() { // class constructor flash.system.Security.allowDomain("*"); var flashvars:Object = LoaderInfo(this.root.loaderInfo).parameters; video_width = Math.floor( flashvars.width ); video_height = Math.floor( flashvars.height ); server_width = Math.floor( flashvars.server_width ); server_height = Math.floor( flashvars.server_height ); stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE; // stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.EXACT_FIT; stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT; stage.stageWidth = Math.max(video_width, server_width); stage.stageHeight = Math.max(video_height, server_height); // Hack to auto-select iSight camera on Mac (JPEGCam Issue #5, submitted by manuel.gonzalez.noriega) // From: http://www.squidder.com/2009/03/09/trick-auto-select-mac-isight-in-flash/ var cameraIdx:int = -1; for (var idx = 0, len = Camera.names.length; idx < len; idx++) { if (Camera.names[idx] == "USB Video Class Video") { cameraIdx = idx; idx = len; } } if (cameraIdx > -1) camera = Camera.getCamera( String(cameraIdx) ); else camera = Camera.getCamera(); if (camera != null) { camera.addEventListener(ActivityEvent.ACTIVITY, activityHandler); video = new Video( Math.max(video_width, server_width), Math.max(video_height, server_height) ); video.attachCamera(camera); addChild(video); if ((video_width < server_width) && (video_height < server_height)) { video.scaleX = video_width / server_width; video.scaleY = video_height / server_height; } camera.setQuality(0, 100); camera.setKeyFrameInterval(10); camera.setMode( Math.max(video_width, server_width), Math.max(video_height, server_height), 30); // do not detect motion (may help reduce CPU usage) camera.setMotionLevel( 100 ); ExternalInterface.addCallback('_snap', snap); ExternalInterface.addCallback('_configure', configure); ExternalInterface.addCallback('_upload', upload); ExternalInterface.addCallback('_reset', reset); if (flashvars.shutter_enabled == 1) { snd = new Sound(); snd.load( new URLRequest( flashvars.shutter_url ) ); } jpeg_quality = 90; ExternalInterface.call('webcam.flash_notify', 'flashLoadComplete', true); } else { trace("You need a camera."); ExternalInterface.call('webcam.flash_notify', "error", "No camera was detected."); } } public function set_quality(new_quality:int) { // set JPEG image quality if (new_quality < 0) new_quality = 0; if (new_quality > 100) new_quality = 100; jpeg_quality = new_quality; } public function configure(panel:String = SecurityPanel.CAMERA) { // show configure dialog inside flash movie Security.showSettings(panel); } private function activityHandler(event:ActivityEvent):void { trace("activityHandler: " + event); } public function snap(url, new_quality, shutter, new_stealth = 0) { // take snapshot from camera, and upload if URL was provided if (new_quality) set_quality(new_quality); stealth = new_stealth; trace("in snap(), drawing to bitmap"); if (shutter) { channel = snd.play(); setTimeout( snap2, 10, url ); } else snap2(url); } public function snap2(url) { // take snapshot, convert to jpeg, submit to server bmpdata = new BitmapData( Math.max(video_width, server_width), Math.max(video_height, server_height) ); bmpdata.draw( video ); if (!stealth) { // draw snapshot on stage bmp = new Bitmap( bmpdata ); addChild( bmp ); // stop capturing video video.attachCamera( null ); removeChild( video ); } // if URL was provided, upload now if (url) upload( url ); } public function upload(url) { if (bmpdata) { if ((video_width > server_width) && (video_height > server_height)) { // resize image downward before submitting var tmpdata = new BitmapData(server_width, server_height); var matrix = new Matrix(); matrix.scale( server_width / video_width, server_height / video_height ); tmpdata.draw( bmpdata, matrix, null, null, null, true ); // smoothing bmpdata = tmpdata; } // need resize trace("converting to jpeg"); var ba:ByteArray; encoder = new JPGEncoder( jpeg_quality ); ba = encoder.encode( bmpdata ); trace("jpeg length: " + ba.length); var head:URLRequestHeader = new URLRequestHeader("Accept","text/*"); var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest( url ); req.requestHeaders.push(head); req.data = ba; req.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; req.contentType = "image/jpeg"; var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(); loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoaded); trace("sending post to: " + url); try { loader.load(req); } catch (error:Error) { trace("Unable to load requested document."); ExternalInterface.call('webcam.flash_notify', "error", "Unable to post data: " + error); } } else { ExternalInterface.call('webcam.flash_notify', "error", "Nothing to upload, must capture an image first."); } } public function onLoaded(evt:Event):void { // image upload complete var msg = "unknown"; if (evt && evt.target && evt.target.data) msg = evt.target.data; ExternalInterface.call('webcam.flash_notify', "success", msg); } public function reset() { // reset video after taking snapshot if (bmp) { removeChild( bmp ); bmp = null; bmpdata = null; video.attachCamera(camera); addChild(video); } } } }