' change the RSSURL variable to the exact URL of the RSS Feed you want to pull
RSSURL = "http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/78665678.rss"
Dim objHTTP ' this object is used to call the RSS Feed remotely
Dim RSSURL,RSSFeed ' these variables hold the URL and Content for the RSS Feed
Dim xmlRSSFeed ' this variable hold the XML data in a DOM Object
Dim objItems,objItem, objChild ' these variables are used to temporarily hold data from the various RSS Items
Dim title,description,link ' these are local variables that will hold the data to be displayed
Dim OutputHTML_1,OutputHTML_2,OutputHTML_3 ' these variables will hold the HTML that was converted from the RSS Feed
' this code requests the raw RSS/XML and saves the response as a string <RSSFeed>
Set objHTTP = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP")
objHTTP.open "GET",RSSURL,false
RSSFeed = objHTTP.responseText
' this code takes the raw RSSFeed and loads it into an XML Object
Set xmlRSSFeed = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DomDocument.4.0")
xmlRSSFeed.async = false
' this code disposes of the object we called the feed with
Set objHTTP = Nothing
' this is where you determine how to display the content from the RSS Feed
' this code grabs all the "items" in the RSS Feed
Set objItems = xmlRSSFeed.getElementsByTagName("item")
' this code disposes of the XML object that contained the entire feed
Set xmlRSSFeed = Nothing
' loop over all the items in the RSS Feed
'For x = 0 to objItems.length - 1
For x = 0 to 2
' this code places the content from the various RSS nodes into local variables
Set objItem = objItems.item(x)
For Each objChild in objItem.childNodes
Select Case LCase(objChild.nodeName)
Case "title"
title = objChild.text
Case "link"
link = objChild.text
Case "description"
description = objChild.text
End Select
' Here are some various display samples.
OutputHTML_1 = OutputHTML_1 & "<a href=""" & link & """>" & title & "</a><br />" & description & "<br /><br />"
OutputHTML_2 = OutputHTML_2 & "<a href=""" & link & """ target=""_blank"" class=""blocmes"" style=""padding: 0px 5px 0px 0px;"">@" & title & "</a> "
OutputHTML_3 = OutputHTML_3 & "<a href=""" & link & """>" & title & "</a><hr />"
que recojo datos de twitter hasta hace un poco funcionava
pero ahora me da el error
Código HTML:
msxml3.dll error '80072efd' A connection with the server could not be established /includes/lector_twiter.asp, line 15
alguien sabe por que?