El problme vine cuando quiero enviar esta info x correo mediante aspmail.
Este es el codigo:
<% ' Get the value of the field fname in the form above into a variable we declare dim fname fname = Request.Form("fname") Set myMail = Server.CreateObject ("SMTPsvg.Mailer") myMail.Subject = "Prueba aspmail" myMail.From = "[email protected]" myMail.To = "[email protected]" myMail.TextBody = "Your first name is: " & fname myMail.RemoteHost = "mail.midominio.com" myMail.Send set myMail = nothing ' this is a connection to an Access database set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") conn.Provider="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" conn.Open "/cgi-bin/nombres.mdb" ' This is the SQL sql="INSERT INTO nombres (firstName)" sql=sql & " VALUES " sql=sql & "('" & fname & "')" ' This execute the sql anc close the connection on error resume next conn.Execute sql,recaffected conn.close %>
¿sabeis que hago mal?