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problemilla con setup factory 7

Estas en el tema de problemilla con setup factory 7 en el foro de Programación General en Foros del Web. ola soy nuevo en este foro y tengo un problema son setup factory 7 he leido por la pagina de indigo rose que se puede ...
  #1 (permalink)  
Antiguo 25/08/2008, 04:59
Fecha de Ingreso: agosto-2008
Mensajes: 3
Antigüedad: 16 años, 6 meses
Puntos: 0
problemilla con setup factory 7

ola soy nuevo en este foro y tengo un problema son setup factory 7
he leido por la pagina de indigo rose que se puede validar un serial en un instalador por un script php y que te mande los detalles a tu email.
el codigo esta lleno de errores por lo que no me funciono a la primera hice algunos cambios y me funciono que lo validara pero no me llega ningun email a la cuenta que puse en el instalador.
y ahora lo mas dificil como puedo hacer que al validar el serial en la pagina web quede como utilizado y cuando se usa una vez ya no se puede usar mas????
gracias por adelantado.

ah el script que puse en el instalador y en la pagina web

he creado dos variables con texto llamadas UserName y UserSerial y en el boton next tengo el siguiente script:

-- Gets the username and serial from the text fields named UserName
-- And UserSerial.
sUsername = SessionVar.Expand("%UserName%");
sUserSerial = SessionVar.Expand("%UserSerial%");

-- Setup the data to be sent. (No md5 though)
sCheckScriptURL = "";
tValuesToPass = {reguser = sUsername, regserial = sUserSerial};
nSubmitMethod = SUBMITWEB_POST;
nTimeout = 20;
nPort = 80;
tAuthData = nil;
tProxyData = nil;

-- Just some simple stuff to set up
strProductName = SessionVar.Expand("%ProductName%");
-- Email address you want to receive the details on
strEmailTo = "[email protected]";
-- Location of the mail script to send the details out.
strURL = "";

-- System Variable Values About The User Passed For The Email
userinfo = System.GetUserInfo();
regowner = userinfo.RegOwner;
netdetails = System.GetLANInfo();
nicaddress = netdetails.NIC;
regorganization = userinfo.RegOrganization;
driveserial = Drive.GetInformation(_SourceDrive).SerialNumber;
time = System.GetTime(TIME_FMT_AMPM);
current_time = System.GetTime(1);
date = System.GetDate(DATE_FMT_EUROPE);
current_date = System.GetDate(2);
emailaddress = "strEmailTo";

-- Prepare the message to be sent
local strMessage = "";
strMessage = strMessage.."Product: "..strProductName.."\r\n";
strMessage = strMessage.."Name: "..SessionVar.Expand("%UserName%").."\r\n";
strMessage = strMessage.."Serial: "..SessionVar.Expand("%UserSerial%").."\r\n";
strMessage = strMessage.."Info: "..regowner.."\r\n";
strMessage = strMessage.."Mac Address: "..nicaddress.."\r\n";
strMessage = strMessage.."Reg Organization: "..regorganization.."\r\n";
strMessage = strMessage.."Drive Serial: "..driveserial.."\r\n";
strMessage = strMessage.."Registration Time: "..current_time.."\r\n";
strMessage = strMessage.."Registration Date: "..current_date;

local strSubject = "Registration for "..strProductName;
local strFrom = "[email protected]";
local strTo = strEmailTo;

-- Create the message data to be sent to the mail.php script:
local tblValues = {MailTo=strTo,MailFrom=strFrom,MailSubject=strSubj ect,MailMessage=strMessage};
local nLastError = Application.GetLastError();

-- Show a dialog box while the persons details are being checked
StatusDlg.SetStatusText("Please wait while your details are being checked with the server...");
-- Presto Send to the web and hide the activation dialog box
sResult = HTTP.Submit(sCheckScriptURL, tValuesToPass, nSubmitMethod, nTimeout, nPort, tAuthData, tProxyData);
local strResult = HTTP.Submit(strURL,tblValues,SUBMITWEB_POST);

-- The details were correct. (the installer received a value of one)
if sResult == "1" then
-- The username and password was right
-- Those details provided were wrong. Or no longer in the database.
Dialog.Message("ERROR", "Those details are invalid. Or they have been removed from the server", MB_OK, MB_ICONSTOP);

EN authenticate.php esto:


// Returns '1' if details received are correct, or '0' if the details were incorrect

// Set the table of users
// Add some entries to the table "Username"=>"Serial"
// You must complete all entrie with a comma, except the last table entry(or it won't work)
$user_table = array(

// Was data posted to the script?
if ($_POST)
// Search through the table
foreach($user_table as $UserName=>$UserSerial)
// Check if the details received via the installer are correct
if (($_POST['reguser'] == ("$UserName")) AND ($_POST['regserial'] == ("$UserSerial")))
// The Details Were Correct And Authenticated, Then Send the result to the installer.
echo '1';
// The details supplied were not correct.Return the value of 0 to tell the installer to not let the install continue without the proper details
echo '0';

// The script wasn't sent any post data by the installer. Or it was loaded through a web browser etc.
echo "No Registration data found.";


EN mail.php ESTO:


// Send the details received from the users system to yuor email address you specified

$MessageNoSlashes = stripslashes($Message);
$SubjectNoSlashes = stripslashes($Subject);

mail( "$To",
"From: $From\r\n"
."Reply-To: $From\r\n");

Ojala alguno de ustedes pueda decirme como se hacen estas dos cosas porfavor y que errores hay. Gracias de antemano
  #2 (permalink)  
Antiguo 30/10/2008, 09:55
Fecha de Ingreso: agosto-2008
Mensajes: 3
Antigüedad: 16 años, 6 meses
Puntos: 0
Respuesta: problemilla con setup factory 7

porfavor ayudarme que llevo tiempo esperando
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