strNServicio = NTService1.DisplayName ' If Command = "-install" Then If NTService1.Install Then Call NTService1.SaveSetting("Parameters", "TimerInterval", "1000") MsgBox strNServicio & " instalación exitosa.", vbOKOnly, "Servicio NT" Else MsgBox strNServicio & " intalación no realizada.", vbOKOnly, "Servicio NT" End If End ElseIf Command = "-uninstall" Then If NTService1.Uninstall Then MsgBox strNServicio & " desinstalación exitosa.", vbOKOnly, "Servicio NT" Else MsgBox strNServicio & " desintalación no realizada.", vbOKOnly, "Servicio NT" End If End ElseIf Command <> "" Then MsgBox "Invalid command option" End End If Timer1.Interval = CInt(NTService1.GetSetting("Parameters", "TimerInterval", "1000")) ' 'Connect service to Win32 services controller NTService1.StartService
y tengo los sgtes errores
Error 1053: the service did not responde to the start or control request in a timely fashion
y luego si vuelvo a intentar tengo este error:
The service did not return error. This could be internal Windows error or an internal service error.