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Error 80040216 Con El Powerdvd 6 PARA QUIÉN LE APAREZCA ESTE ERROR, TRAS HABER INSTALADO DICHO SOFTWARE, EL POWERDVD6 , OS DIRÉ COMO SOLUCIONARLO...TRAS IR BUSCANDO Y PROBANDO COSAS. ...Esta respuesta está en inglés por el servicio al cliente de Cybelink Online Support. I understand that you get ERROR CODE 80040216. Please make sure you have a DVD Drive & your DVD drive is working fine. (comprobar que las unidades de disco funcionen bien...) Please check your DVD drive supports the DVD format disk that you are trying to play. (que sea un formato de disco compatible para la grabadora..) Also check its not a Region Code issue. que no sea un problema del código regional...Try few other commercial DVDs. Try to play some movie files like .mpeg from your hard drive. (probar otros softwares para reproducir la peli...) Try some other software as well like Win Media Player to see if DVD plays fine. Please try the following steps to resolve this issue: (1) Please uninstall PowerDVD (by following steps) (Desintalar el producto..) (a) Start --> Programs --> Cyberlink PowerDVD (uninstall it). Check the registry for any existing PowerDVD keys and delete them using steps (b) and (c). (b) Start --> Run (keyin ""regedit"") --> HKEY_Current_User --> Software --> Cyberlink --> PowerDVD and/or PDVD (delete the folder) (c) Start --> Run (keyin ""regedit"") --> HKEY_Local_Machine --> Software --> Cyberlink --> PowerDVD and/or PDVD (delete the folder). (d) Search and delete folder named Cyberlink and PowerDVD, if exists. Restart your system. (2) Update VGA and Sound card driver.Contact your computer manufacturer to get the updates. (actualizar tarjeta gráfica y de sonido..( Please visit your DVD-ROM manufacturer's official website to update the firmware for your DVD-ROM model. Reset your display settings, screen area to 1024 x 768, color depth to 16 bit and monitor refresh rate to 60 HZ. (establecer la resolución y color de profundidad adecuados...) (3) Install PowerDVD 6.0 program (VOLVER A INSTALAR EL PROGRAMA) (4) Please install latest patch for PowerDVD 6.0 software: patches_1_ENU.html (REINSTALAR ESTE PARCHE DESDE LA PÁGINA DEL FABRICANTE...con esto logré solucionar el problema sin desinstalar el programa, simplemente se descarga directamente al ordenador..) (5) Upgrade to DirectX 9.0c driver (tener actualizado el DIRECTX 9.0C)search.aspx?displaylang=en&categoryid=2 (6) To avoid any compatibility issues, please close all other software and utility applications including virus scans,spyware, screen saver and instant messaging software,UNINSTALL ANTI-SPYWARE installed on your system, close any popup blocker installed before you launch PowerDVD. (También aconseja que desinstales cualquier programa de anti-spyware..que te pudiera dar problemas..etc..etc..) Como veis os dá una gran variedad de posibles soluciones para poder solucionar dicho problema, por lo menos para comprobar que todo funcione correctamente, y debidamente actualizado. Yo con el parche..logré solucionar el problema y funciono perfectamente el programa POWERDVD 6 Espero que os haya servido de ayuda, |