Este cgi me lo ha proporcionado un proveedor de sms para poder enviar a través de mi pagina web mensajes sms.
El problema que tengo es que este ejemplo es válido para enviar a un sólo num de telefono,
en cambio me gustaría modificarlo y que la variable dst que contiene el num de telf, pase a ser un array,
es decir pasarle yo los numeros de telf separados por comas: ej:221234568,644444444
y luego que el cgi me los convierta en array y realize un bucle para enviar a los diferentes num.
Mi problema es que no tengo NI IDEA DE CGI y PERL y por cada prueba que realizo me descuentan créditos .
Si alguien me pudiese echar una mano se lo agradecedia.
#!/usr/bin/perl #============================================================= $DEBUG=0; use IO::Socket; #====================================# # Read numbers and text #====================================# &ReadParse; $HOST="nombredelhost"; $SMS_USER="$in{'login'}"; $SMS_PASS="$in{'password'}"; $texto=$in{'msg'}; $texto=~s/\n//g; $texto=~s/\r//g; $DEST_NUM[0]="+34".$in{'dst'}; print "Content-type: text/html\n"; print "Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate\n"; print "Pragma: no-cache\n"; print "Expires: 0\n\n"; if (length ($texto) > 160) { $texto=substr ($texto,0,160); } #====================================# # Socket #====================================# if ($SOCK=IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr=>$HOST, Proto=>'protocoloautilizar')) { select (STDOUT); $| = 1; select ($SOCK); $| = 1; select (STDOUT); #===================================# # Parsea respuesta #===================================# &login; &dst; &texto; &envia; while( $linia = <$SOCK> ) { print "->>> $linia" if $DEBUG; ($instr, $code, $reply) = split(" ",$linia,3); if( $code =~ m/OK/ && $instr==1 ) { $CREDITO_INI=$reply; print STDOUT "\nCréditos disponibles: $reply\n" if $DEBUG; } if( $code =~ m/REJDST/ ) { print STDOUT "Rechazado $reply" if $DEBUG; } if ( $code =~ m/OK/ && $instr==$FLAG ) { ($CREDITO_FIN,$CREDITO_INT)=split(" ",$reply,2); print STDOUT "Enviado OK, saldo disponible: $CREDITO_FIN\n" if $DEBUG; $errtxt="OK $CREDITO_FIN\n"; &quit; } } chomp($CREDITO_FIN); $CREDITO_FIN=$CREDITO_FIN+0; if ( $CREDITO_FIN < 1 ) { print "ERROR Parametros\n\n"; exit 0; } else { print "$errtxt\n"; exit 0; } } else { print "ERROR Socket\n"; exit 0; } $CREDITO_INI=~ s/\n\r//g; $CREDITO_FIN=~ s/\n\r//g; $SMS_SENT=$CREDITO_INI - $CREDITO_FIN; exit 0; #==================================# # Login #==================================# sub login { $INSTR=1; print $SOCK "$INSTR login $SMS_USER $SMS_PASS\n"; print STDOUT "$INSTR login $SMS_USER $SMS_PASS\n" if $DEBUG; $LOGIN=1; } #==================================# # Bucle de envio #==================================# sub dst { for ($i=0;$i<@DEST_NUM;$i++) { $INSTR++; print $SOCK "$INSTR dst $DEST_NUM[$i]\n"; print STDOUT "$INSTR dst $DEST_NUM[$i]\n" if $DEBUG; } } #==================================# # Finalizar conexión #==================================# sub quit { $INSTR++; print $SOCK "$INSTR quit\n"; print STDOUT "$INSTR quit\n" if $DEBUG; } #==================================# # Lee texto #==================================# sub texto { $INSTR++; print $SOCK "$INSTR msg $texto\n"; print STDOUT "$INSTR msg $texto\n" if $DEBUG; } #==================================# # Envia #==================================# sub envia { $INSTR++; print $SOCK "$INSTR envia\n"; print STDOUT "$INSTR envia\n" if $DEBUG; $FLAG=$INSTR; $END=1; } #==================================# # Lee la entrada del formulario #==================================# sub ReadParse { local (*in) = @_ if @_; local ($i, $key, $val); if ( $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq "GET" ) { $in = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; } elsif ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq "POST") { read(STDIN,$in,$ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}); } else { # Added for command line debugging # Supply name/value form data as a command line argument # Format: name1=value1\&name2=value2\&... # (need to escape & for shell) # Find the first argument that's not a switch (-) $in = ( grep( !/^-/, @ARGV )) [0]; $in =~ s/\\&/&/g; } @in = split(/&/,$in); foreach $i (0 .. $#in) { # Convert plus's to spaces $in[$i] =~ s/\+/ /g; # Split into key and value. ($key, $val) = split(/=/,$in[$i],2); # splits on the first =. # Convert %XX from hex numbers to alphanumeric $key =~ s/%(..)/pack("c",hex($1))/ge; $val =~ s/%(..)/pack("c",hex($1))/ge; # Associate key and value. \0 is the multiple separator $in{$key} .= "\0" if (defined($in{$key})); $in{$key} .= $val; } return length($in); }