No se que esta mal con el archivo del CGI en
$mail_prog = '/usr/sbin/sendmail' ;
# This script was generated automatically by Perl Builder(tm):
# ***ENDAUTOGEN:HEADER*** Do NOT modify this line!! You may enter custom code after this line.
# ***AUTOGEN:INPUT*** Do NOT modify this line!! Do NOT enter custom code in this section.
# The intermediate variables below make your script more readable
# but somewhat less efficient since they are not really necessary.
# If you do not want to use these variables, clear the
# Intermediate Variables checkbox in the Tools | Options dialog box, CGI Wizard tab.
$nombre = $field{'nombre'} ;
$empresa = $field{'empresa'} ;
$email = $field{'email'} ;
$ciudad = $field{'ciudad'} ;
$comentarios = $field{'comentarios'} ;
$Submit = $field{'Submit'} ;
$Reset = $field{'Reset'} ;
$message = "" ;
$found_err = "" ;
# ***ENDAUTOGEN:INPUT*** Do NOT modify this line!! You may enter custom code after this line.
# ***AUTOGEN:VALIDATE*** Do NOT modify this line!! Do NOT enter custom code in this section.
$errmsg = "<p></p>\n" ;
if (length($nombre) > 1953393010) {
$message = $message.$errmsg ;
$found_err = 1 ; }
$errmsg = "<p>Por favor indíquenos su empresa</p>\n" ;
if ($empresa eq "") {
$message = $message.$errmsg ;
$found_err = 1 ; }
elsif (length($empresa) < 5) {
$message = $message.$errmsg ;
$found_err = 1 ; }
elsif (length($empresa) > 657930) {
$message = $message.$errmsg ;
$found_err = 1 ; }
$errmsg = "<p>Por favor ingrese su correo electrónico</p>\n" ;
if ($email !~ /.+\@.+\..+/) {
$message = $message.$errmsg ;
$found_err = 1 ; }
$errmsg = "<p>Por favor seleccione ciudad de destino</p>\n" ;
if ($ciudad eq "") {
$message = $message.$errmsg ;
$found_err = 1 ; }
elsif (length($ciudad) < 5) {
$message = $message.$errmsg ;
$found_err = 1 ; }
elsif (length($ciudad) > 168430090) {
$message = $message.$errmsg ;
$found_err = 1 ; }
$errmsg = "<p>Sus comentarios son obligatorios</p>\n" ;
if ($comentarios eq "") {
$message = $message.$errmsg ;
$found_err = 1 ; }
elsif (length($comentarios) < 5) {
$message = $message.$errmsg ;
$found_err = 1 ; }
elsif (length($comentarios) > 168430090) {
$message = $message.$errmsg ;
$found_err = 1 ; }
$errmsg = "<p></p>\n" ;
if (length($Submit) > 263172) {
$message = $message.$errmsg ;
$found_err = 1 ; }
if ($found_err) {
&PrintError; }
# ***ENDAUTOGEN:VALIDATE*** Do NOT modify this line!! You may enter custom code after this line.
# ***AUTOGEN:LOGFILE*** Do NOT modify this line!! Do NOT enter custom code in this section.
# ***ENDAUTOGEN:LOGFILE*** Do NOT modify this line!! You may enter custom code after this line.
# ***AUTOGEN:EMAIL*** Do NOT modify this line!! Do NOT enter custom code in this section.
$recip = $ciudad ;
open (MAIL, "|$mail_prog -t");
print MAIL "To: $recip\n";
print MAIL "Reply-to: $email\n";
print MAIL "From: $email\n";
print MAIL "Subject: Contacto via web\n";
print MAIL "\n\n";
print MAIL "Nombre: ".$nombre."\n" ;
print MAIL "Empresa: ".$empresa."\n" ;
print MAIL "Email: ".$email."\n" ;
print MAIL "Cometarios:\n" ;
print MAIL "".$comentarios."\n" ;
print MAIL "\n\n";
close (MAIL);
$recip = $email ;
open (MAIL, "|$mail_prog -t");
print MAIL "To: $recip\n";
print MAIL "Reply-to: info\\n";
print MAIL "From: info\\n";
print MAIL "Subject: Formulario Procesado\n";
print MAIL "\n\n";
print MAIL "Estimado ".$nombre.":\n" ;
print MAIL "\n" ;
print MAIL " AyBMontajes ha procesado la consultas que nos ha\n" ;
print MAIL "envíado vía formulario de contacto de nuestro sitio web.\n" ;
print MAIL "\n" ;
print MAIL " Este mensaje es una confirmación del proceso y pronto\n" ;
print MAIL "recibirá una respuesta,\n" ;
print MAIL "\n" ;
print MAIL "El Equipo de AyBMontajes.\n" ;
print MAIL "\n" ;
print MAIL "\n\n";
close (MAIL);
# ***ENDAUTOGEN:EMAIL*** Do NOT modify this line!! You may enter custom code after this line.
# ***AUTOGEN:HTML*** Do NOT modify this line!! Do NOT enter custom code in this section.
print "Location:\nURI:\n\n" ;
# ***ENDAUTOGEN:HTML*** Do NOT modify this line!! You may enter custom code after this line.
# ***AUTOGEN:ERRPRINT*** Do NOT modify this line!! Do NOT enter custom code in this section.
sub PrintError {
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print $message ;
exit 0 ;
return 1 ;
# ***ENDAUTOGEN:ERRPRINT*** Do NOT modify this line!! You may enter custom code after this line.
# ***AUTOGEN:PARSE*** Do NOT modify this line!! Do NOT enter custom code in this section.
sub GetFormInput {
(*fval) = @_ if @_ ;
local ($buf);
else {
if ($buf eq "") {
return 0 ;
else {
foreach $i (0 .. $#fval){
($name,$val)=split (/=/,$fval[$i],2);
$val=~tr/+/ /;
$val=~ s/%(..)/pack("c",hex($1))/ge;
$name=~tr/+/ /;
$name=~ s/%(..)/pack("c",hex($1))/ge;
if (!defined($field{$name})) {
else {
$field{$name} .= ",$val";
#if you want multi-selects to goto into an array change to:
#$field{$name} .= "\0$val";
return 1;
# ***ENDAUTOGEN:PARSE*** Do NOT modify this line!! You may enter custom code after this line.