El codigo que estoy manejando es el siguiente:
sub sendmail { my ( $mday, $mon, $year ) = ltime(); my ( $to, $subject, $message, $path, $name, $idx, $username, $html_flag ) = @_; my ($email) = $to; #$username =~ /^\s*([a-zA-ZáéíóúÁÉÍÓÚ\S]{1,20})\s*([a-zA-ZáéíóúÁÉÍÓÚ\S]{0,20}).*$/; $username =~ /^\s*([a-zA-ZáéíóúÁÉÍÓÚüÜ\S]*)\s*([a-zA-ZáéíóúÁÉÍÓÚüÜ\S]*).*$/; $secname = $2; $secname =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; $secname =~ tr/ÁÉÍÓÚ/áéíóú/; $secname = "\u$secname"; $username = $1; $username =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; $username =~ tr/ÁÉÍÓÚ/áéíóú/; $username = "\u$username"; my ( $fromars, $namears, $unlink ) = ( getarlist("$path/$path.cfg") ); $fromaddr = "$namears<$fromars>"; if ( $unlink == 1 && $html_flag == 1 ) { $unlink = "\r\n\r\n <br><p><a href='" . $scripturl . "?mode=r&a=" . $path . "&e=" . $to . "'>Click Aquí para " . "dejar de recibir mensajes</a></p>\n"; } elsif ( $unlink == 1 && $html_flag == 0 ) { $unlink = "\r\nClick en el link para dejar de recibir " . "mensajes:\r\n" . $scripturl . "?mode=r&a=" . $path . "&e=" . $to; } $to =~ s/@/\@/; if ( $secname ne "" ) { $secname = " " . $secname } if ( open( IN, "$path/users.txt" ) ) { while (<IN>) { ~/^(.+)\|(.+)\|(.+)\|(.+)\|(.+)\|(.+)\|(.+)\|(.+)\|(.+)/; chomp($_); if ( $to eq $2 ) { $ip = $5; $adminname = $6; $adminmail = $7; $adminid = $8; $adminsub = $9; } } } close(IN); $to = '"' . $username . $secname . '" <' . $to . ">"; $name =~ /.*\.(.*)/; my ($real) = "upfile" . $idx . "." . $1; $path = $path . "/" . $real; my ($current) = $mday . "/" . $mon . "/" . $year; #if($fromaddr !~ m/^\"/){ # $formaddr = '"' . $formaddr . '"'; #} # Parse the DATEXY where Y is an int (days in the future) ABA while ( $message =~ m/\[DATEX(\d+)\]/i ) { my $dayTmp = $1; my @tmpDate = ltime($dayTmp); my $thisdate = $tmpDate[0] . "/" . $tmpDate[1] . "/" . $tmpDate[2]; $message =~ s/\[DATEX(\d+)?\]/$thisdate/i; # this is just a debug ## print STDERR "futuredate: $thisdate\n"; } while ( $subject =~ m/\[DATEX(\d+)\]/i ) { my $dayTmp = $1; my @tmpDate = ltime($dayTmp); my $thisdate = $tmpDate[0] . "/" . $tmpDate[1] . "/" . $tmpDate[2]; $subject =~ s/\[DATEX(\d+)\]/$thisdate/i; } $message =~ s/\[FIRSTNAME\]/$username/gie; $message =~ s/\[EMAIL\]/$email/gie; $message =~ s/\[DATE\]/$current/gie; # ABA $message =~ s/\[FULLNAME\]/$username.$secname/gie; $message =~ s/\[IP\]/$ip/gie; $message =~ s/\[ADMINNAME\]/$adminname/gie; $message =~ s/\[ADMINMAIL\]/$adminmail/gie; $message =~ s/\[ADMINID\]/$adminid/gie; $message =~ s/\[ADMINSUB\]/$adminsub/gie; $message .= "\n\n$unlink\n\n"; $subject =~ s/\[FIRSTNAME\]/$username/gie; $subject =~ s/\[EMAIL\]/$email/gie; $subject =~ s/\[DATE\]/$current/gie; $subject =~ s/\[FULLNAME\]/$username.$secname/gie; $subject =~ s/\[IP\]/$ip/gie; $subject =~ s/\[ADMINNAME\]/$adminname/gie; $subject =~ s/\[ADMINMAIL\]/$adminmail/gie; $subject =~ s/\[ADMINID\]/$adminid/gie; $subject =~ s/\[ADMINSUB\]/$adminsub/gie; my ($mime) = &mimeformat($name); my $typeHelper = ""; if ( $html_flag eq "1" ) { $send_type = "text/html"; $typeHelper = "Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-15"; } else { $send_type = "TEXT"; $typeHelper = "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15"; } require ParseSpecial; # Here I fix the addresses $fromaddr = FixAddr($fromaddr); $to = FixAddr($to); print STDERR "-------------------\n"; print STDERR "FROMADDR" . ParseSpecial(FixAddr($fromaddr)) . "\n"; print STDERR "-------------------\n"; my $msg = MIME::Lite->new( Type => 'multipart/mixed' , From => ParseSpecial(FixAddr($fromaddr)), To => ParseSpecial($to) , Content-Type => $typeHelper , Subject => ParseSpecial($subject) , Type => $send_type, Encoding => "quoted-printable", Data => $message ); $msg->attr( "content-type.charset" => "ISO-8859-15" ); #$msg->build(Subject => ParseSpecial($subject) , # Data => $message , # From => ParseSpecial($fromaddr), # To => ParseSpecial($to) , # Encoding => "quoted-printable" , # Content-Type => $typeHelper , # #Type => 'multipart/mixed' # ); ## print STDERR "Pasé por acá ABACO\n"; # debug if ( $name ne "" ) { $msg->attach( Type => $mime->[0], Encoding => $mime->[1], Filename => $name, Path => $path, ); $msg->attr( "content-type.charset" => "ISO-8859-15" ); ## print STDERR "Pasé por aquí ABA934\n"; # debug } MIME::Lite->send( 'sendmail', $mailprog ); $msg->send; }
He encontrado esta funcion para hacer el envio mediante Net::SMTP pero no se como adaptarlo al codigo anterior para poder enviar mails desde mi proveedor de email hosting o SMTP externo. SI ALGUIEN PUEDE AYUDARME, SE LO AGRADECERÉ.
No soy bueno programando en PERL, ¿alguien me puede ayudar con esto? Send message via SMTP, using Net::SMTP. The optional ARGS are sent into Net::SMTP::new(): usually, these are MAILHOST, OPTION=>VALUE, ... Note that the list of recipients is taken from the "To", "Cc" and "Bcc" fields. Returns true on success, false or exception on error. =cut ### Provided by Andrew McRae. Version 0.2 anm 09Sep97 ### Copyright 1997 Optimation New Zealand Ltd. ### May be modified/redistributed under the same terms as Perl. # sub send_by_smtp { my ($self, @args) = @_; ### We need the "From:" and "To:" headers to pass to the SMTP mailer: my $hdr = $self->fields(); my $from = $self->get('From'); my $to = $self->get('To'); ### Sanity check: defined($to) or croak "send_by_smtp: missing 'To:' address\n"; ### Get the destinations as a simple array of addresses: my @to_all = extract_addrs($to); if ($AUTO_CC) { foreach my $field (qw(Cc Bcc)) { my $value = $self->get($field); push @to_all, extract_addrs($value) if defined($value); } } ### Create SMTP client: require Net::SMTP; my $smtp = MIME::Lite::SMTP->new(@args) or croak "Failed to connect to mail server: $!\n"; $smtp->mail($from) or croak "SMTP MAIL command failed: $!\n"; $smtp->to(@to_all) or croak "SMTP RCPT command failed: $!\n"; $smtp->data() or croak "SMTP DATA command failed: $!\n"; ### MIME::Lite can print() to anything with a print() method: $self->print_for_smtp($smtp); $smtp->dataend(); $smtp->quit; 1; }