Bien, todo funciona de maravilla de no ser porque el xml lo armo desde una base de datos en la que guardo los caracteres especiales (á, ó, ñ, etc) con el formato html (" "," ó", etc).
Cuando mustra el resultado en pantalla muestra cuadraditos en ves de los simbolos.
Ya probe con:
Tambien agregando al principio:comentario = replace(comentario," ","ñ")
Y tambien con:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Dato: el validado de w3 me dice:<% Response.CharSet = "utf-8" %>
Help! This feed is valid, but interoperability with the widest range of feed readers could be improved by implementing the following recommendations. Feeds should not be served with the "text/html" media type [help] line 4, column 3: Missing atom:link with rel="self" [help] <feed xmlns=""> ^line 16, column 14: title contains bad characters (4 occurrences) [help] <title>Cierre de la Jornada de Forrajes Conservados? </title> ^line 21, column 16: summary contains bad characters (10 occurrences) [help] <summary>M?s de 1000 asistentes y 42 empresas expositoras participaro ... ^line 29, column 36: Two entries with the same value for atom:updated: 2010-04-13T12:37:29Z [help] <updated>2010-04-13T12:37:29Z</updated>