Mi codigo es este:
y el error es este:from Tkinter import * import customTimerNew from threading import * _t = None def startPomodoro(pomodoro): _t = Timer(1, pomodoro.discountTime()) #_t.start() class Pomodoro: _form = None _master = None _reloj = None _timeLabel = "25:00" _timeout = 1 def __init__(self): self.startApp(self._master) def startApp(self, master): self._form = Frame(master) self._form.pack() title = Label(self._form, text="Pomodoro by Xogost!") self._reloj = Label(self._form, text=self._timeLabel) startButton = Button(self._form, text="Iniciar Pomodoro", command=startPomodoro(self)) title.pack() self._reloj.pack() startButton.pack() self._form.mainloop() def discountTime(self): runtime = self._timeLabel.split(':') if runtime[1] == "00": runtime[0] = int(runtime[0]) - 1 runtime[1] = 59 elif int(runtime[0]) == 0 and int(runtime[1]) == 0: self._timeout = 0 else: runtime[1] = int(runtime[1]) - 1 if int(runtime[1]) < 10 and int(runtime[0]) < 10: self._timeLabel = "0%d:0%d" % (int(runtime[0]), int(runtime[1])) elif int(runtime[1]) < 10: self._timeLabel = "%d:0%d" % (int(runtime[0]), int(runtime[1])) elif int(runtime[0]) < 10: self._timeLabel = "0%d:%d" % (int(runtime[0]), int(runtime[1])) else: self._timeLabel = "%d:%d" % (int(runtime[0]), int(runtime[1])) self._reloj.config(text=self._timeLabel) self._reloj.update_idletasks()
Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/lib-tk/Tkinter.py", line 1410, in _call_
return self.func(*args)
File "main.py", line 55, in startPomodoro
File "/home/xogost/Documentos/Python/Pomodoro/customTimer.py", line 13, in run
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable
Les agradezco si me pueden colaborar.