03/08/2008, 17:25
Respuesta: addEventListener y attachEvent Bueno esperemos entonces que esto te sirva... estuve buscando de cuando yo lo implementé pero no encontré el código y ya lo olvidé, pero creo que era algo como éste otro que encontré:
//*** This code is copyright 2003 by Gavin Kistner, [email protected]
//*** It is covered under the license viewable at http://phrogz.net/JS/_ReuseLicense.txt
//*** Reuse or modification is free provided you abide by the terms of that license.
//*** (Including the first two lines above in your source code satisfies the conditions.)
//***Cross browser attach event function. For 'evt' pass a string value with the leading "on" omitted
//***e.g. AttachEvent(window,'load',MyFunctionNameWithoutParenthesis,false);
function AttachEvent(obj,evt,fnc,useCapture){
if (!useCapture) useCapture=false;
if (obj.addEventListener){
return true;
} else if (obj.attachEvent) return obj.attachEvent("on"+evt,fnc);
obj['on'+evt]=function(){ MyFireEvent(obj,evt) };
//The following are for browsers like NS4 or IE5Mac which don't support either
//attachEvent or addEventListener
function MyAttachEvent(obj,evt,fnc){
if (!obj.myEvents) obj.myEvents={};
if (!obj.myEvents[evt]) obj.myEvents[evt]=[];
var evts = obj.myEvents[evt];
function MyFireEvent(obj,evt){
if (!obj || !obj.myEvents || !obj.myEvents[evt]) return;
var evts = obj.myEvents[evt];
for (var i=0,len=evts.length;i<len;i++) evts[i]();
El segundo problema que es obtener el elemento DOM que levantó el evento se resuelve con estas verificaciones:
function atenderEvento(e) {
var targ;
if (!e) var e = window.event;
if (e.target) targ = e.target;
else if (e.srcElement) targ = e.srcElement;
if (targ.nodeType == 3) // defeat Safari bug
targ = targ.parentNode;
Espero te sea útil.
Héctor |