Código Javascript:
Ver original
$(document).ready(function(){ $().piroBox({ my_speed: 600, //animation speed bg_alpha: 0.5, //background opacity radius: 4, //caption rounded corner scrollImage : false, // true == image follows the page, false == image remains in the same open position pirobox_next : 'piro_next', // Nav buttons -> piro_next == inside piroBox , piro_next_out == outside piroBox pirobox_prev : 'piro_prev',// Nav buttons -> piro_prev == inside piroBox , piro_prev_out == outside piroBox close_all : '.piro_close',// add class .piro_overlay(with comma)if you want overlay click close piroBox slideShow : 'slideshow', // just delete slideshow between '' if you don't want it. slideSpeed : 4 //slideshow duration in seconds(3 to 6 Recommended) }); });
en mi localhost anda de 10, pero cuando subo el archivo al servidor del cliente en el firebug me salta este error:
y no entiendo porque me funciona en un lado y en otro no :S$().piroBox is not a function
slideSpeed : 4 //slideshow duration in seconds(3 to 6 Recommended)
slideSpeed : 4 //slideshow duration in seconds(3 to 6 Recommended)
si me pueden ayudar se lo agredesco