Estoy tratando de mostrar unos mensajes de error, pero solo me muestra un div que se sobrepone en la pagina pero no aparece la ventana del mensaje de error.
Espero me puedan apoyar.
Código Javascript:
Ver original
// global variables // var TIMER = 5; var SPEED = 10; var WRAPPER = 'content'; // calculate the current window width // function pageWidth() { return window.innerWidth != null ? window.innerWidth : document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientWidth ? document.documentElement.clientWidth : document.body != null ? document.body.clientWidth : null; } // calculate the current window height // function pageHeight() { return window.innerHeight != null? window.innerHeight : document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight ? document.documentElement.clientHeight : document.body != null? document.body.clientHeight : null; } // calculate the current window vertical offset // function topPosition() { return typeof window.pageYOffset != 'undefined' ? window.pageYOffset : document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop ? document.documentElement.scrollTop : document.body.scrollTop ? document.body.scrollTop : 0; } // calculate the position starting at the left of the window // function leftPosition() { return typeof window.pageXOffset != 'undefined' ? window.pageXOffset : document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollLeft ? document.documentElement.scrollLeft : document.body.scrollLeft ? document.body.scrollLeft : 0; } // build/show the dialog box, populate the data and call the fadeDialog function // function showDialog(title,message,type,autohide) { if(!type) { type = 'error'; } var dialog; var dialogheader; var dialogclose; var dialogtitle; var dialogcontent; var dialogmask; if(!document.getElementById('dialog')) { dialog = document.createElement('div'); = 'dialog'; dialogheader = document.createElement('div'); = 'dialog-header'; dialogtitle = document.createElement('div'); = 'dialog-title'; dialogclose = document.createElement('div'); = 'dialog-close' dialogcontent = document.createElement('div'); = 'dialog-content'; dialogmask = document.createElement('div'); = 'dialog-mask'; document.body.appendChild(dialogmask); document.body.appendChild(dialog); dialog.appendChild(dialogheader); dialogheader.appendChild(dialogtitle); dialogheader.appendChild(dialogclose); dialog.appendChild(dialogcontent);; dialogclose.setAttribute('onclick','hideDialog()'); dialogclose.onclick = hideDialog; } else { dialog = document.getElementById('dialog'); dialogheader = document.getElementById('dialog-header'); dialogtitle = document.getElementById('dialog-title'); dialogclose = document.getElementById('dialog-close'); dialogcontent = document.getElementById('dialog-content'); dialogmask = document.getElementById('dialog-mask'); = "visible"; = "visible"; } = .00; = 'alpha(opacity=0)'; dialog.alpha = 0; var width = pageWidth(); var height = pageHeight(); var left = leftPosition(); var top = topPosition(); var dialogwidth = dialog.offsetWidth; var dialogheight = dialog.offsetHeight; var topposition = top + (height / 3) - (dialogheight / 2); var leftposition = left + (width / 2) - (dialogwidth / 2); = topposition + "px"; = leftposition + "px"; dialogheader.className = type + "header"; dialogtitle.innerHTML = title; dialogcontent.className = type; dialogcontent.innerHTML = message; var content = document.getElementById(WRAPPER); = content.offsetHeight + 'px'; dialog.timer = setInterval("fadeDialog(1)", TIMER); if(autohide) { = "hidden"; window.setTimeout("hideDialog()", (autohide * 1000)); } else { = "visible"; } } // hide the dialog box // function hideDialog() { var dialog = document.getElementById('dialog'); clearInterval(dialog.timer); dialog.timer = setInterval("fadeDialog(0)", TIMER); } // fade-in the dialog box // function fadeDialog(flag) { if(flag == null) { flag = 1; } var dialog = document.getElementById('dialog'); var value; if(flag == 1) { value = dialog.alpha + SPEED; } else { value = dialog.alpha - SPEED; } dialog.alpha = value; = (value / 100); = 'alpha(opacity=' + value + ')'; if(value >= 99) { clearInterval(dialog.timer); dialog.timer = null; } else if(value <= 1) { = "hidden"; document.getElementById('dialog-mask').style.visibility = "hidden"; clearInterval(dialog.timer); } }
Código CSS:
Ver original
#dialog {position:absolute; width:425px; padding:10px; z-index:200; background:#fff} #dialog-header {display:block; position:relative; width:411px; padding:3px 6px 7px; height:14px; font-size:14px; font-weight:bold} #dialog-title {float:left} #dialog-close {float:right; cursor:pointer; margin:3px 3px 0 0; height:11px; width:11px; background:url(../imagenes/dialog_close.gif) no-repeat} #dialog-content {display:block; height:160px; padding:6px; color:#666666; font-size:13px} #dialog-mask {position:absolute; top:0; left:0; min-height:100%; width:100%; background:#FFF; opacity:.75; filter:alpha(opacity=75); z-index:100} .error {background:#fff url(../imagenes/error_bg.jpg) bottom right no-repeat; border:1px solid #924949; border-top:none} .errorheader {background:url(../imagenes/error_header.gif) repeat-x; color:#6f2c2c; border:1px solid #924949; border-bottom:none} .warning {background:#fff url(../imagenes/warning_bg.jpg) bottom right no-repeat; border:1px solid #c5a524; border-top:none} .warningheader {background:url(../imagenes/warning_header.gif) repeat-x; color:#957c17; border:1px solid #c5a524; border-bottom:none} .success {background:#fff url(../imagenes/success_bg.jpg) bottom right no-repeat; border:1px solid #60a174; border-top:none} .successheader {background:url(../imagenes/success_header.gif) repeat-x; color:#3c7f51; border:1px solid #60a174; border-bottom:none} .prompt {background:#fff url(../imagenes/prompt_bg.jpg) bottom right no-repeat; border:1px solid #4f6d81; border-top:none} .promptheader {background:url(../imagenes/prompt_header.gif) repeat-x; color:#355468; border:1px solid #4f6d81; border-bottom:none}