Tengo este script pero quiero que por default no se muestre el contenido de los div (ya intente varias cosas pero siempre los muestra por default), ademas no entiendo por que no guarda las cookies
Saludotes // define a few variables that are required var vbmenu_usepopups = false; var ignorequotechars = 0; // ############################################################################# // lets define the browser we have instead of multiple calls throughout the file var userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var is_opera = (userAgent.indexOf('opera') != -1); var is_saf = ((userAgent.indexOf('applewebkit') != -1) || (navigator.vendor == "Apple Computer, Inc.")); var is_webtv = (userAgent.indexOf('webtv') != -1); var is_ie = ((userAgent.indexOf('msie') != -1) && (!is_opera) && (!is_saf) && (!is_webtv)); var is_ie4 = ((is_ie) && (userAgent.indexOf("msie 4.") != -1)); var is_moz = ((navigator.product == 'Gecko') && (!is_saf)); var is_kon = (userAgent.indexOf('konqueror') != -1); var is_ns = ((userAgent.indexOf('compatible') == -1) && (userAgent.indexOf('mozilla') != -1) && (!is_opera) && (!is_webtv) && (!is_saf)); var is_ns4 = ((is_ns) && (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) == 4)); // catch possible bugs with WebTV and other older browsers var is_regexp = (window.RegExp) ? true : false; // ############################################################################# // let's find out what DOM functions we can use var vbDOMtype = ''; if (document.getElementById) { vbDOMtype = "std"; } else if (document.all) { vbDOMtype = "ie4"; } else if (document.layers) { vbDOMtype = "ns4"; } // make an array to store cached locations of objects called by fetch_object var vBobjects = new Array(); // ############################################################################# // function to emulate document.getElementById function fetch_object(idname, forcefetch) { if (forcefetch || typeof(vBobjects[idname]) == "undefined") { switch (vbDOMtype) { case "std": { vBobjects[idname] = document.getElementById(idname); } break; case "ie4": { vBobjects[idname] = document.all[idname]; } break; case "ns4": { vBobjects[idname] = document.layers[idname]; } break; } } return vBobjects[idname]; } // ############################################################################# // function to handle the different event models of different browsers // and prevent event bubbling function do_an_e(eventobj) { if (!eventobj || is_ie) { window.event.returnValue = false; window.event.cancelBubble = true; return window.event; } else { eventobj.stopPropagation(); eventobj.preventDefault(); return eventobj; } } function iif(condition, trueval, falseval) { return condition ? trueval : falseval; } // ############################################################################# // function to search an array for a value function in_array(ineedle, haystack, caseinsensitive) { var needle = new String(ineedle); if (caseinsensitive) { needle = needle.toLowerCase(); for (i in haystack) { if (haystack[i].toLowerCase() == needle) { return i; } } } else { for (i in haystack) { if (haystack[i] == needle) { return i; } } } return -1; } function js_toggle_all(formobj, formtype, option, exclude, setto) { for (var i =0; i < formobj.elements.length; i++) { var elm = formobj.elements[i]; if (elm.type == formtype && in_array(elm.name, exclude, false) == -1) { switch (formtype) { case "radio": if (elm.value == option) // option == '' evaluates true when option = 0 { elm.checked = setto; } break; case "select-one": elm.selectedIndex = setto; break; default: elm.checked = setto; break; } } } } function js_select_all(formobj) { exclude = new Array(); exclude[0] = "selectall"; js_toggle_all(formobj, "select-one", '', exclude, formobj.selectall.selectedIndex); } function js_check_all(formobj) { exclude = new Array(); exclude[0] = "keepattachments"; exclude[1] = "allbox"; exclude[2] = "removeall"; js_toggle_all(formobj, "checkbox", '', exclude, formobj.allbox.checked); } function js_check_all_option(formobj, option) { exclude = new Array(); exclude[0] = "useusergroup"; js_toggle_all(formobj, "radio", option, exclude, true); } function checkall(formobj) // just an alias { js_check_all(formobj); } function checkall_option(formobj, option) // just an alias { js_check_all_option(formobj, option); } function switch_styleid(selectobj) { var styleid = selectobj.options[selectobj.selectedIndex].value; if (styleid == "") { return; } var url = new String(window.location); var fragment = new String(""); // get rid of fragment url = url.split("#"); // deal with the fragment first if (url[1]) { fragment = "#" + url[1]; } // deal with the main url url = url[0]; // remove styleid=x& from main bit if (url.indexOf("styleid=") != -1 && is_regexp) { re = new RegExp("styleid=\\d+&?"); url = url.replace(re, ""); } // add the ? to the url if needed if (url.indexOf("?") == -1) { url += "?"; } else { // make sure that we have a valid character to join our styleid bit lastchar = url.substr(url.length - 1); if (lastchar != "&" && lastchar != "?") { url += "&"; } } window.location = url + "styleid=" + styleid + fragment; } // ############################################################################# // simple function to toggle the 'display' attribute of an object function toggle_display(idname) { obj = fetch_object(idname); if (obj) { if (obj.style.display == "none") { obj.style.display = ""; } else { obj.style.display = "none"; } } return false; } // ############################################################################# // ##################### Cookie Functions ############################ // ############################################################################# // ############################################################################# // function to set a cookie function set_cookie(name, value, expires) { if (!expires) { expires = new Date(); } document.cookie = name + "=" + escape(value) + "; expires=" + expires.toGMTString() + "; path=/"; } // ############################################################################# // function to retrieve a cookie function fetch_cookie(name) { cookie_name = name + "="; cookie_length = document.cookie.length; cookie_begin = 0; while (cookie_begin < cookie_length) { value_begin = cookie_begin + cookie_name.length; if (document.cookie.substring(cookie_begin, value_begin) == cookie_name) { var value_end = document.cookie.indexOf (";", value_begin); if (value_end == -1) { value_end = cookie_length; } return unescape(document.cookie.substring(value_begin, value_end)); } cookie_begin = document.cookie.indexOf(" ", cookie_begin) + 1; if (cookie_begin == 0) { break; } } return null; } // ############################################################################# // function to delete a cookie function delete_cookie(name) { var expireNow = new Date(); document.cookie = name + "=" + "; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-70 00:00:01 GMT" + "; path=/"; } // ############################################################################# // ################## Collapse HTML Functions ######################## // ############################################################################# // ############################################################################# // function to toggle the collapse state of an object, and save to a cookie function toggle_collapse(objid) { if (!is_regexp) { return false; } obj = fetch_object("collapseobj_" + objid); img = fetch_object("collapseimg_" + objid); cel = fetch_object("collapsecel_" + objid); if (!obj) { // nothing to collapse! if (img) { // hide the clicky image if there is one img.style.display = "none"; } return false; } if (obj.style.display == "none") { obj.style.display = ""; save_collapsed(objid, false); if (img) { img_re = new RegExp("_collapsed\\.gif$"); img.src = img.src.replace(img_re, '.gif'); } if (cel) { cel_re = new RegExp("^(thead|tcat)(_collapsed)$"); cel.className = cel.className.replace(cel_re, '$1'); } } else { obj.style.display = "none"; save_collapsed(objid, true); if (img) { img_re = new RegExp("\\.gif$"); img.src = img.src.replace(img_re, '_collapsed.gif'); } if (cel) { cel_re = new RegExp("^(thead|tcat)$"); cel.className = cel.className.replace(cel_re, '$1_collapsed'); } } return false; } // ############################################################################# // update vbulletin_collapse cookie with collapse preferences function save_collapsed(objid, addcollapsed) { var collapsed = fetch_cookie("corpo_collapse"); var tmp = new Array(); if (collapsed != null) { collapsed = collapsed.split("\n"); for (i in collapsed) { if (collapsed[i] != objid && collapsed[i] != "") { tmp[tmp.length] = collapsed[i]; } } } if (addcollapsed) { tmp[tmp.length] = objid; } expires = new Date(); expires.setTime(expires.getTime() + (1000 * 86400 * 365)); set_cookie("corpo_collapse", tmp.join("\n"), expires); }