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Lector rss

Estas en el tema de Lector rss en el foro de Javascript en Foros del Web. Hola estoy intentando hacer un lector de rss múltiple. Ahora mismo tengo un campo nombre, y un campo url. Y estoy utilizando este js para ...
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Antiguo 12/12/2011, 03:23
Fecha de Ingreso: marzo-2011
Mensajes: 5
Antigüedad: 14 años
Puntos: 0
Exclamación Lector rss

Hola estoy intentando hacer un lector de rss múltiple.

Ahora mismo tengo un campo nombre, y un campo url.

Y estoy utilizando este js para leer el rss.

Código HTML:
<a class="novedad" href="#" onclick="javascript:recargar('<%=Ob_RSrss("nombre")%>','<%=Ob_RSrss("url")%>');"><%=Ob_RSrss("nombre")%></a> 
<script type="text/javascript">
function recargar(nombre,url){
var newsfeed=new gfeedfetcher("recargado", "rssfeedsclass", "_new")
newsfeed.addFeed(nombre, url);
newsfeed.displayoptions("label date ");
newsfeed.filterfeed(10, "date");

var gfeedfetcher_loading_image="indicator.gif" //Full URL to "loading" image. No need to config after this line!!

google.load("feeds", "1") //Load Google Ajax Feed API (version 1)

function gfeedfetcher(divid, divClass, linktarget){
	this.linktarget=linktarget || "" //link target of RSS entries
	this.feedlabels=[] //array holding lables for each RSS feed
	this.feeds=[] //array holding combined RSS feeds' entries from Feed API (result.feed.entries)
	this.feedsfetched=0 //number of feeds fetched
	this.showoptions="" //Optional components of RSS entry to show (none by default)
	this.sortstring="date" //sort by "date" by default
	//document.write('<div id="'+divid+'" class="'+divClass+'"></div>') //output div to contain RSS entries
	this.itemcontainer="<li>" //default element wrapping around each RSS entry item

gfeedfetcher.prototype.addFeed=function(label, url){

gfeedfetcher.prototype.filterfeed=function(feedlimit, sortstr){
	if (typeof sortstr!="undefined")

	this.showoptions=parts //set RSS entry options to show ("date, datetime, time, snippet, label, description")

gfeedfetcher.prototype.setentrycontainer=function(containerstr){  //set element that should wrap around each RSS entry item

	this.feedsfetched=0 //reset number of feeds fetched to 0 (in case init() is called more than once)
	this.feeds=[] //reset feeds[] array to empty (in case init() is called more than once)
	this.feedcontainer.innerHTML='<p><img src="'+gfeedfetcher_loading_image+'" /> Cargando RSS</p>'
	var displayer=this
	for (var i=0; i<this.feedurls.length; i++){ //loop through the specified RSS feeds' URLs
		var feedpointer=new google.feeds.Feed(this.feedurls[i]) //create new instance of Google Ajax Feed API
		var items_to_show=(this.feedlimit<=this.feedurls.length)? 1 : Math.floor(this.feedlimit/this.feedurls.length) //Calculate # of entries to show for each RSS feed
		if (this.feedlimit%this.feedurls.length>0 && this.feedlimit>this.feedurls.length && i==this.feedurls.length-1) //If this is the last RSS feed, and feedlimit/feedurls.length yields a remainder
			items_to_show+=(this.feedlimit%this.feedurls.length) //Add that remainder to the number of entries to show for last RSS feed
		feedpointer.setNumEntries(items_to_show) //set number of items to display
			return function(r){
				displayer._fetch_data_as_array(r, label)
		}(this.feedlabels[i])) //call Feed.load() to retrieve and output RSS feed.

gfeedfetcher._formatdate=function(datestr, showoptions){
	var itemdate=new Date(datestr)
	var parseddate=(showoptions.indexOf("datetime")!=-1)? itemdate.toLocaleString() : (showoptions.indexOf("date")!=-1)? itemdate.toLocaleDateString() : (showoptions.indexOf("time")!=-1)? itemdate.toLocaleTimeString() : ""
	return "<span class='datefield'>"+parseddate+"</span>"

gfeedfetcher._sortarray=function(arr, sortstr){
	var sortstr=(sortstr=="label")? "ddlabel" : sortstr //change "label" string (if entered) to "ddlabel" instead, for internal use
	if (sortstr=="title" || sortstr=="ddlabel"){ //sort array by "title" or "ddlabel" property of RSS feed entries[]
		var fielda=a[sortstr].toLowerCase()
		var fieldb=b[sortstr].toLowerCase()
		return (fielda<fieldb)? -1 : (fielda>fieldb)? 1 : 0
	else{ //else, sort by "publishedDate" property (using error handling, as "publishedDate" may not be a valid date str if an error has occured while getting feed
			arr.sort(function(a,b){return new Date(b.publishedDate)-new Date(a.publishedDate)})

gfeedfetcher.prototype._fetch_data_as_array=function(result, ddlabel){	
	var thisfeed=(!result.error)? result.feed.entries : "" //get all feed entries as a JSON array or "" if failed
	if (thisfeed==""){ //if error has occured fetching feed
		alert("Some blog posts could not be loaded: "+result.error.message)
	for (var i=0; i<thisfeed.length; i++){ //For each entry within feed
		result.feed.entries[i].ddlabel=ddlabel //extend it with a "ddlabel" property
	this.feeds=this.feeds.concat(thisfeed) //add entry to array holding all feed entries
	this._signaldownloadcomplete() //signal the retrieval of this feed as complete (and move on to next one if defined)

	if (this.feedsfetched==this.feedurls.length) //if all feeds fetched
		this._displayresult(this.feeds) //display results

	var rssoutput=(this.itemcontainer=="<li>")? "<ul>\n" : ""
	gfeedfetcher._sortarray(feeds, this.sortstring)
	for (var i=0; i<feeds.length; i++){
		var itemtitle="<a  rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"" + feeds[i].link + "\" target=\"" + this.linktarget + "\" class=\"LOGIN2\" >" + feeds[i].title + "</a>"
		var itemlabel=/label/i.test(this.showoptions)? '' : " "
		var itemdate=gfeedfetcher._formatdate(feeds[i].publishedDate, this.showoptions)
		var itemdescription=/description/i.test(this.showoptions)? "<br />"+feeds[i].content : /snippet/i.test(this.showoptions)? "<br />"+feeds[i].contentSnippet  : ""
		rssoutput+=this.itemcontainer + itemtitle + " " + itemlabel + " " + itemdate + "\n" + itemdescription + this.itemcontainer.replace("<", "</") + "\n\n"
	rssoutput+=(this.itemcontainer=="<li>")? "</ul>" : ""
El problema que tengo es que necesito pasarle mas de una url por campo.

Alguna idea?

Etiquetas: lector, múltiple, rss, xml
Atención: Estás leyendo un tema que no tiene actividad desde hace más de 6 MESES, te recomendamos abrir un Nuevo tema en lugar de responder al actual.

La zona horaria es GMT -6. Ahora son las 11:54.