Encontre un codigo que hace eso.
para el que le interese es el siguiente :
<TITLE>Targeting Layers Demonstration</TITLE>
IFRAME {position: absolute; border: none;}
// Targeting Layers -
// Copyright 1998, insideDHTML.com, LLC. All rights reserved.
// This code may be reproduced as long as the above copyright notice is maintained.
function doClick(ev) {
if (ev.target.href) {
var layer = document.layers[ev.target.target]
if (layer) {
layer.src = ev.target.href
return false
return true
function hookupEvents(el) {
el.onclick = doClick
var ieDHTML = document.all !=null
var nsDHTML = document.layers
function checkFrames() {
var iframes = window.frames
var numFrames = iframes.length
for (var i=0; i < numFrames; i++) {
var f = iframes[i]
if ((f.document.readyState=="complete") && (f.document.cached==null)) {
f.document.body.style.border = "none"
var elFrame = document.all[f.name].tags("IFRAME")[0]
elFrame.style.height = f.document.body.scrollHeight
f.document.cached = true
if (nsDHTML) {
window.onclick = doClick
if (ieDHTML)
<P>This page contains a navigation bar followed by a positioned <EM>layer</EM> that is loaded from an external file. Each time
you click a link in the navigation bar, the content frame is automatically updated.</TD></TR></TABLE>
<LAYER src="intro.htm" ID=content ONLOAD="hookupEvents(this)" WIDTH=300 LEFT=150>
<IFRAME SRC="intro.htm" name=content SCROLLING=no WIDTH=300 STYLE="left: 150px">
<A HREF="mail.htm" TARGET="content">Introduction</A>
<BR><A TARGET="content" HREF="prueba.htm">Change Pages</A>
<INPUT TYPE=button VALUE="Continue" ONCLICK="window.opener.document.location= 'page5.asp'; top.close()">