Lo que hace es esto :function getMonth() { // determine which font size to use for dates. var fontsize=1; //integer to keep track of how many days were added to the month in the html string cellCount = 0; //prints out blank cells needed to start off month calendar for(var blanks = 0; blanks < numBlankDays; blanks++) { cellsHTML = cellsHTML + "<TD vAlign=top align=left width=\"14%\" > <br><br><br><br></TD>"; cellsHTML += "\n"; cellCount++; } //prints out cells for each day of the month var month = newMonth; var year = newYear; for(var days = document.CalendarSettings.dcomienzo.value; days <= numberOfDays; days++) { cellsHTML = cellsHTML + "<TD vAlign=top align=center width=\"14%\" ><font size=\""+fontsize+"\" face=\"Verdana\">" +days+"</font><br><br><br><br></TD>"; cellsHTML += "\n"; cellCount++; if(cellCount % 8 == 0) { cellsHTML = cellsHTML + "</tr><tr>"; cellsHTML += "\n"; } } //prints out blank cells needed to end off month calendar while (cellCount % 7 != 0) { cellsHTML = cellsHTML + "<TD vAlign=top align=left width=\"14%\" > <br><br></TD>"; cellsHTML += "\n"; cellCount++; } //returns full html code for the month return begTags + monthName + " " + yearName + "\n" + columnHeaders() + "\n" + cellsHTML + endTags; }
Como ven, los números me los muestra seguidos pero yo quisiera que en la celda "Observaciones" no muestre nada y los días sigan normal en la fila siguiente

No logro hacerlo

Espero puedan ayudarme

Gracias de antemano