mi problema es el siguiente.
Estoy tratando de crear una funcion de javascrip para poder exportar datos a excel a partir de una tabla html pero cada vez que llego a la linea
me muestra el siguiente errorvar ExlApp = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Application");
Error en tiempo de ejecución de Microsoft JScript: El servidor de Automatización no puede crear el objeto.
A continuacion dejo la funcion que tengo.
Agradezco la ayuda que me puedan dar Mil gracias. function ExportarExcel() { // Start a new instance of Microsoft Excel var ExlApp = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Application"); // Silent-mode: ExlApp.Visible = false; ExlApp.DisplayAlerts = false; var WorkBook = ExlApp.Workbooks.Add(); var Sheet = WorkBook.ActiveSheet; Sheet.Range("A1").Value = "1.01.2006"; Sheet.Range("A2").Value = "2.01.2006"; Sheet.Range("A3").Value = "3.01.2006"; Sheet.Range("A4").Value = "4.01.2006"; Sheet.Range("A5").Value = "5.01.2006"; Sheet.Range("A6").Value = "6.01.2006"; Sheet.Range("A7").Value = "7.01.2006"; Sheet.Range("A8").Value = "8.01.2006"; Sheet.Range("A9").Value = "9.01.2006"; Sheet.Range("A10").Value = "10.01.2006"; Sheet.Range("B1").Value = 1; Sheet.Range("B2").Value = 2; Sheet.Range("B3").Value = 3; Sheet.Range("B4").Value = 4; Sheet.Range("B5").Value = 5; Sheet.Range("B6").Value = 6; Sheet.Range("B7").Value = 7; Sheet.Range("B8").Value = 8; Sheet.Range("B9").Value = 9; Sheet.Range("B10").Value = 10; Sheet.Range("C1").Value = 11; Sheet.Range("C2").Value = 9.9; Sheet.Range("C3").Value = 8.8; Sheet.Range("C4").Value = 7.7; Sheet.Range("C5").Value = 6.6; Sheet.Range("C6").Value = 5.5; Sheet.Range("C7").Value = 4.4; Sheet.Range("C8").Value = 3.3; Sheet.Range("C9").Value = 2.2; Sheet.Range("C10").Value = 1.1; var rang = Sheet.Range("A1:C10"); // First chart: var ch = Sheet.ChartObjects.Add(rang.Left + rang.Width, rang.Top, 350, 220); ch.Chart.ChartType = -4120; ch.Chart.SetSourceData(rang, 2); Sheet.Range("A11").Select(); ch.CopyPicture(); // Start a new instance of Microsoft Word: var WordApp = new ActiveXObject("Word.Application"); // Silent mode: WordApp.Visible = false; // Create a new Word document WordApp.Documents.Add(); WordApp.Selection.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = 1; WordApp.Selection.Paste(); WordApp.Selection.TypeParagraph(); // Second chart: var ch1 = Sheet.ChartObjects.Add(ch.Left + ch.Width, ch.Top, 400, 250); ch1.Chart.ChartType = 95; ch1.Chart.SetSourceData(rang, 2); ch1.CopyPicture(); WordApp.Selection.Paste(); WordApp.Selection.TypeParagraph(); // Third chart: var ch2 = Sheet.ChartObjects.Add(rang.Left + rang.Width, ch.Top + ch.Height, 400, 250); ch2.Chart.ChartType = -4100; ch2.Chart.SetSourceData(rang, 2); ch2.CopyPicture(); WordApp.Selection.Paste(); // Save Word document & exit: var Path = WScript.ScriptFullName; Path = Path.substring(0, Path.lastIndexOf("\\")); WordApp.ActiveDocument.SaveAs(Path + "/charts.doc"); WordApp.Quit(); // Save Excel document & exit: WorkBook.SaveAs(Path + "/charts.xls"); ExlApp.Quit(); }