Campo Normal

Creando juego de campos

debido a que pude lograr que cree 1 solo campo ya sea INPUT o SELECT... la idea es que me cree esos juegos de campos, es decir, 2 SELECT y 1 INPUT HIDDEN donde se ve el precio...
Si alguno sabe de la solucion, puede pasarme una mano, tiene algun script hecho o conoce un enlace para crear algo asi.. le estaria enormemente agradecido...
Les paso el que tengo.:
Código PHP:
foreach($array as $hobby)
echo '<h3>'.$hobby.'<h3/>';
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
<title>Jquery Duplicate Fields Submit Form</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="1.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var removeLink = ' <a class="remove" href="#" onclick="$(this).parent().slideUp(function(){ $(this).remove() }); return false">remove</a>';
$('a.add').relCopy({ append: removeLink});
<style type="text/css">
body{ font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:13px; }
.remove {color:#cc0000}
.input{ border: solid 1px #006699; padding:3px}
<form method="post" action="">
<p class="clone"> <input type="text" name="hobby[]" class='input'/></p>
<p><a href="#" class="add" rel=".clone">sumar campo</a></p>
<input type="submit" value=" Enviar " />
Código Javascript:
Ver original
/** * jQuery-Plugin "relCopy" * * @version: 1.1.0, 25.02.2010 * * @author: Andres Vidal * [email][email protected][/email] * [url=]Andres A. Vidal - User Experience and Information Architecture Consultant[/url] * * Instructions: Call $(selector).relCopy(options) on an element with a jQuery type selector * defined in the attribute "rel" tag. This defines the DOM element to copy. * @example: $('a.copy').relCopy({limit: 5}); // <a href="" class="copy" rel=".phone">Copy Phone</a> * * @param: string excludeSelector - A jQuery selector used to exclude an element and its children * @param: integer limit - The number of allowed copies. Default: 0 is unlimited * @param: string append - HTML to attach at the end of each copy. Default: remove link * @param: string copyClass - A class to attach to each copy * @param: boolean clearInputs - Option to clear each copies text input fields or textarea * */ (function($) { $.fn.relCopy = function(options) { var settings = jQuery.extend({ excludeSelector: ".exclude", emptySelector: ".empty", copyClass: "copy", append: '', clearInputs: true, limit: 0 // 0 = unlimited }, options); settings.limit = parseInt(settings.limit); // loop each element this.each(function() { // set click action $(this).click(function(){ var rel = $(this).attr('rel'); // rel in jquery selector format var counter = $(rel).length; // stop limit if (settings.limit != 0 && counter >= settings.limit){ return false; }; var master = $(rel+":first"); var parent = $(master).parent(); var clone = $(master).clone(true).addClass(settings.copyClass+counter).append(settings.append); //Remove Elements with excludeSelector if (settings.excludeSelector){ $(clone).find(settings.excludeSelector).remove(); }; //Empty Elements with emptySelector if (settings.emptySelector){ $(clone).find(settings.emptySelector).empty(); }; // Increment Clone IDs if ( $(clone).attr('id') ){ var newid = $(clone).attr('id') + (counter +1); $(clone).attr('id', newid); }; // Increment Clone Children IDs $(clone).find('[id]').each(function(){ var newid = $(this).attr('id') + (counter +1); $(this).attr('id', newid); }); //Clear Inputs/Textarea if (settings.clearInputs){ $(clone).find(':input').each(function(){ var type = $(this).attr('type'); switch(type) { case "button": break; case "reset": break; case "submit": break; case "checkbox": $(this).attr('checked', ''); break; default: $(this).val(""); } }); }; $(parent).find(rel+':last').after(clone); return false; }); // end click action }); //end each loop return this; // return to jQuery }; })(jQuery);
la fuente de este código, no lo recuerdo... gracias enserio