<SCRIPT language=JavaScript> /* +---------------------------------------------------------+ | PopUp PopUnder and Exit Console Rotator YugDesign.com | +---------------------------------------------------------+ | This program may be used and hosted free of charge by | |anyone for personal purpose as long as this copyright | |notice remains intact. | +---------------------------------------------------------+ */ var switchto = 1; // set to 1 = PopUp, 2 = Exit Console var under = 0; // set to 1 to make it pop Under var resize = 1; // set to 1 to resize main window var url=new Array(); url[0]= "http://www.google.es"; url[1]= "http://www.yahoo.es"; url[2]= "http://www.msn.es"; //no need to change anything below this line var id = Math.floor(Math.random()*url.length); function window_onbeforeunload(){if(switchto == 2) { window.open(url[id]); }} function window_onload(){ for(i=0; i<document.links.length; i++) { document.links.item(i).attachEvent('onclick', OnClick); } for(i=0; i<document.forms.length; i++) { document.forms.item(i).attachEvent('onsubmit', OnClick); }} function OnReset(){switchto = 2;} function OnClick() {switchto = 2;window.setTimeout(OnReset, 4000);} window.attachEvent('onload', window_onload); if(switchto == 2) window.attachEvent('onbeforeunload', window_onbeforeunload); if(switchto == 1) window.open(url[id]); if(under == 0) self.focus(); if(resize == 1) self.moveTo(0,0);self.resizeTo(screen.availWidth,screen.availHeight); </SCRIPT>