La cuestion es que lo necesito, pero como soy nueva en javascript no se por donde empezar. A ver si me puedo explicar.<html>
<title>Convierte de números a letras</title>
<script language="JavaScript">
aUnits=["","One","Two","Three","Four","Five","Six","Seven" ,"Eight","Nine"]
aTeens=["","Eleven","Twelve","Thirteen","Fourteen","Fiftee n","Sixteen","Seventeen","Eighteen","Nineteen"]
aTens =["","Ten","Twenty","Thirty","Forty","Fifty","Sixty" ,"Seventy","Eighty","Ninety"]
function getunits(xValue){
/* This function accepts a one string parameter i.e. "1", "0", "9" etc... */
return (aUnits[xValue]);
function gethund(xValue){
/* This function accepts a one string parameter i.e. "1", "0", "9" etc... */
if (aUnits[xValue] != '')
return (aUnits[xValue]+' Hundred');
return (aUnits[xValue])
function teens(xValue){
return (aTeens[xValue])
function tens(xValue){
return (aTens[xValue])
function numtowords(xamount){
stramt = amount entered converted to a string
xmax = 12 (999 million max) minus the converted string length.
xstramt = actual dollars amount without decimal places.
str1..4 = break down of actual string
var stramt = ""+xamount
var xstramt=''
var xstr=""
// if a decimal place is not given, then add it.
if (stramt.indexOf(".") == -1)
var xmax= 12 - stramt.length
// preceed the string with zero fillings to 12 characters (999 million maximum)
for (c=1; c <= xmax; c++){
xstramt += '0'
str1= stramt.substring(0,3)
str2= stramt.substring(3,6)
str3= stramt.substring(6,9)
str4= stramt.substring(10,12)
// if millions add label and reduce the remaining string length.
if (xstramt.length >=7){
if (xstr_.length >= 3)
xstr+=xstr_+" Million "
// if thousands add label and reduce the remaining string length.
if (xstramt.length >= 4){
if (xstr_.length >= 3)
xstr+=xstr_+" Thousand "
// hundreds or tens
if (xstramt.length <= 3){
xstr+=xstr_+' '
xstr+='and '+str4+'/100' // optional if cents x/100.
//xstr+='and '+gettens(str4)+' cents' // optional if cents to be words.
return (xstr)
function numwords(xstr){
xhund =gethund(xstr.substring(0,1))
xtens =gettens(xstr.substring(1,3))
if (xtens.length > 3)
xwords+=" "+xtens
return (xwords);
function gettens(xValue){
/* This function accepts a two string parameter i.e. "90", "12", "32" etc...
xval_ = the first character.
_xval = the second character.
xval_ =xValue.substring(0,1);
_xval =xValue.substring(1,2);
if (xval_ == '1' && _xval != '0')
if (xval_ == '1' && _xval == '0')
if (xval_ != '1' && (_xval != '0' || _xval == '0')){
xnum+=" "+getunits(_xval);}
return (xnum)
function go(){
xvalue= prompt('Entra la cantidad','');
if (xvalue >= 1)
alert('El valor es: '+xvalue+'\n\n En letras: '+numtowords(xvalue))
alert('Cantidad mínima = $1.00: Ejecución abortada')
<body text="black" vLink="gray" aLink="red" link="blue" bgColor="white">
<script> numtoWords(125.36)</script>
<div align="center">
<h2><font size="3">Convertidor de números a letras</font><br>
<input onclick="go()" type="button" value="Pulsa aquí para introducir la cantidad">
<p> </div>
<title>Convierte de números a letras</title>
<script language="JavaScript">
aUnits=["","One","Two","Three","Four","Five","Six","Seven" ,"Eight","Nine"]
aTeens=["","Eleven","Twelve","Thirteen","Fourteen","Fiftee n","Sixteen","Seventeen","Eighteen","Nineteen"]
aTens =["","Ten","Twenty","Thirty","Forty","Fifty","Sixty" ,"Seventy","Eighty","Ninety"]
function getunits(xValue){
/* This function accepts a one string parameter i.e. "1", "0", "9" etc... */
return (aUnits[xValue]);
function gethund(xValue){
/* This function accepts a one string parameter i.e. "1", "0", "9" etc... */
if (aUnits[xValue] != '')
return (aUnits[xValue]+' Hundred');
return (aUnits[xValue])
function teens(xValue){
return (aTeens[xValue])
function tens(xValue){
return (aTens[xValue])
function numtowords(xamount){
stramt = amount entered converted to a string
xmax = 12 (999 million max) minus the converted string length.
xstramt = actual dollars amount without decimal places.
str1..4 = break down of actual string
var stramt = ""+xamount
var xstramt=''
var xstr=""
// if a decimal place is not given, then add it.
if (stramt.indexOf(".") == -1)
var xmax= 12 - stramt.length
// preceed the string with zero fillings to 12 characters (999 million maximum)
for (c=1; c <= xmax; c++){
xstramt += '0'
str1= stramt.substring(0,3)
str2= stramt.substring(3,6)
str3= stramt.substring(6,9)
str4= stramt.substring(10,12)
// if millions add label and reduce the remaining string length.
if (xstramt.length >=7){
if (xstr_.length >= 3)
xstr+=xstr_+" Million "
// if thousands add label and reduce the remaining string length.
if (xstramt.length >= 4){
if (xstr_.length >= 3)
xstr+=xstr_+" Thousand "
// hundreds or tens
if (xstramt.length <= 3){
xstr+=xstr_+' '
xstr+='and '+str4+'/100' // optional if cents x/100.
//xstr+='and '+gettens(str4)+' cents' // optional if cents to be words.
return (xstr)
function numwords(xstr){
xhund =gethund(xstr.substring(0,1))
xtens =gettens(xstr.substring(1,3))
if (xtens.length > 3)
xwords+=" "+xtens
return (xwords);
function gettens(xValue){
/* This function accepts a two string parameter i.e. "90", "12", "32" etc...
xval_ = the first character.
_xval = the second character.
xval_ =xValue.substring(0,1);
_xval =xValue.substring(1,2);
if (xval_ == '1' && _xval != '0')
if (xval_ == '1' && _xval == '0')
if (xval_ != '1' && (_xval != '0' || _xval == '0')){
xnum+=" "+getunits(_xval);}
return (xnum)
function go(){
xvalue= prompt('Entra la cantidad','');
if (xvalue >= 1)
alert('El valor es: '+xvalue+'\n\n En letras: '+numtowords(xvalue))
alert('Cantidad mínima = $1.00: Ejecución abortada')
<body text="black" vLink="gray" aLink="red" link="blue" bgColor="white">
<script> numtoWords(125.36)</script>
<div align="center">
<h2><font size="3">Convertidor de números a letras</font><br>
<input onclick="go()" type="button" value="Pulsa aquí para introducir la cantidad">
<p> </div>
Tengo una cantidad en mi base de datos la cual la mando llamar por medio de asp realizo algunos calculos con ella y su valor final lo almaceno en una session, mi problema es que ese valor necesito convertirlo en letra, pero directamente y no preguntando el valor a convertir. El ejemplo que me encontre pregunta el valor y la verdad no se como hacerle para que no me pregunte y lo haga directamente (claro tomando el valor almacenado)
Si alguien me puede hechar la mano se los agradeceria de todo corazon, ya que voy a tener revision de residencias y no se que hacer.