jé, está gracioso el script
malder, añade lo que te pongo en negrita en el script
<!-- Original: Matt Lewis (
[email protected]) -->
<!-- This script and many more are available free online at -->
<!-- The JavaScript Source!!
http://javascript.internet.com -->
<!-- Begin
var matrix_window;
function MatrixWrite(string, bold, italic, speed) {
var height = window.screen.height;
var width = window.screen.width;
var win_dimensions = "height = " + eval(height + 10) + ", width = " + eval(width + 30);
matrix_window = window.open("blank.htm", "matrix_window", win_dimensions);
matrix_window.document.open("text/html", "replace");
var i;
var timer = 0;
matrix_window.moveTo(-10, -30);
matrix_window.resizeBy(0, 50);
matrix_window.document.write("<body bgcolor=000000 text=00ff00 onBlur='self.focus()'>");
matrix_window.document.write("<font face=system>");
if(bold == true) matrix_window.document.write("<b>");
if(italic == true) matrix_window.document.write("<i>");
for(i = 0; i <= string.length; i++) {
timer += (Math.random() * speed);
setTimeout("matrix_window.document.write('" + string.charAt(i) + "');", timer);
timer += 2000;
;location.href='http://www.google.com/'", timer);
var messages = new Array("The Matrix has you...", "Follow the white rabbit", "Wake up, Neo");
function GetRndIndex() {
return (parseInt(Math.random() * messages.length));
function WriteRndMsg(bold, italic, speed) {
MatrixWrite(messages[GetRndIndex()], bold, italic, speed);
// End -->
En el ejemplo puse que se redireccione a google. Cambialo por la página que quieras