Este es mi codigo:
Código HTML:
<html> <!-- THREE STEPS TO INSTALL COLORFUL TEXT FADER: 1. Copy the coding into the HEAD of your HTML document 2. Add the onLoad event handler into the BODY tag 3. Put the last coding into the BODY of your HTML document --> <!-- STEP ONE: Paste this code into the HEAD of your HTML document --> <HEAD> <title> Example</title> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- This script and many more are available free online at --> <!-- The JavaScript Source!! --> <!-- Ken Tholke, [email protected]. --> <!-- Begin // add as many or as few messages as you would like var msg=new Array() msg[0]="<CENTER>You can see more scripts like this one...</CENTER>"; msg[1]="<CENTER>...when you visit the JavaScript Source.</CENTER>"; msg[2]="<CENTER>Just type in \"<A href=''></A>\"</CENTER>"; msg[3]="<CENTER>Your computer can handle the rest.</CENTER>"; // set your first set of colors. Use as many or as few as you wish. var colors1=new Array("ffffff", "eeeeff", "ddddff", "ccccff", "bbbbff", "aaaaff", "9999ff", "8888ff", "7777ff", "6666ff", "5555ff", "4444ff", "3333ff","2222ff", "1111ff", "0000ff") //set your second set of colors // *** must have exactly the same number of colors as the array above *** var colors2=new Array("ffffff", "ffeeee", "ffdddd", "ffcccc", "ffbbbb", "ffaaaa", "ff9999", "ff8888", "ff7777", "ff6666", "ff5555", "ff4444", "ff3333", "ff2222", "ff1111", "ff0000") //set the height of the display in pixels high=60; //set the width of the display in pixels wide=350; //set the pixel coordinates for the upper left hand corner of the display Xpos=220; Ypos=180; // move the display away from the edges of the background pad=15; // set the background color of the display bgcol="ffffff"; //add a background image if you want. // *** for no image, just leave empty quotes (ex. cellbg=""; ) *** cellbg="faderbg.jpg"; // set the font fntFam="verdana,helvetica,arial"; fntSize=14; // set how how many seconds you want the message to stay remain at totality. pause=2.5; // Do not edit these values below!!! icolor=0; mcolor=1; imsg=0; spWidth=wide-(2*pad); totality=false; glowing=true; var theMsg=""; var cellcontent=""; pause=pause*1000; if(cellbg.length>4){cellbg=" background="+cellbg} else{cellbg="";} function doPause(){ totality=false; t=setTimeout("changecolor()",pause); } function initiate(){ getContentColor(); getMsg(); getCellContent(); if(document.all){ msgbg.innerHTML=cellcontent; msgfade.innerHTML=theMsg;;;;; t=setTimeout("changecolor()",50);} if(document.layers){ document.msgbg.document.write(cellcontent); document.msgbg.document.close(); document.msgfade.document.write(theMsg); document.msgfade.document.close(); document.msgbg.left=Xpos;; document.msgfade.left=Xpos+pad;; t=setTimeout("changecolor()",100);} } function changecolor(){ if(totality==true){doPause();} else{ getMsg(); getContentColor(); if(document.all){ msgfade.innerHTML=theMsg; t=setTimeout("changecolor()",50);} if(document.layers){ document.msgfade.document.write(theMsg); document.msgfade.document.close(); t=setTimeout("changecolor()",70);} } } function getFadeColor(){ icolor=icolor-1; if(mcolor==1){contentcolor=colors1[icolor];} else{contentcolor=colors2[icolor];} } function getGlowColor(){ icolor=icolor+1; if(mcolor==1){contentcolor=colors1[icolor];} else{contentcolor=colors2[icolor];} } function changemsg(){ if(imsg==msg.length-1){imsg=0; mcolor=1;} else if(imsg != msg.lenght-1 && mcolor==1){imsg=imsg+1; mcolor=0;} else{imsg=imsg+1; mcolor=1;} } function getContentColor(){ if(icolor==colors1.length-1 && glowing==true){ getFadeColor(); glowing=false; totality=true;} else if(icolor < colors1.length && glowing==true){ getGlowColor();} else if(icolor < 1 && glowing==false){changemsg(); getGlowColor(); glowing=true;} else{getFadeColor();} } function getMsg() { theMsg="<span style='font-size:"+fntSize+"pt; font-family:"+fntFam+"; width:"+spWidth+";'>" theMsg+="<B><font color="+contentcolor+">"+msg[imsg]+"</font></B> " theMsg+="</span>" } function getCellContent(){ cellcontent="<TABLE height="+high+ " width="+wide+" bgcolor="+bgcol+" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><TR><TD"+cellbg+"> </TD></TR></TABLE>"} // End --> </script> </HEAD> <!-- STEP TWO: Insert the onLoad event handler into your BODY tag --> <BODY onLoad="initiate()"> <!-- STEP THREE: Copy this code into the BODY of your HTML document --> <DIV id=msgbg style="position: absolute;"></DIV> <DIV id=msgfade style="position: absolute;"></DIV> <p><center> <font face="arial, helvetica" size"-2">Free JavaScripts provided<br> by <a href="">The JavaScript Source</a></font> </center><p> <!-- Script Size: 5.17 KB --> </body></html>