tengo un codigo que venia con una amara de seguridad par amontarla sobre un html, he conseguido meterla en unos frames como me lo pidieron en el trabajo pero quiero poner una condicion de que si no tiene señal la camara me envie una imagen de que no esta en linea o cualquier imagen
si me pueden ayudar a saber como meter ese condicional
este es el codigo
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> // Set the BaseURL to the URL of your camera var BaseURL = ""; // DisplayWidth & DisplayHeight specifies the displayed width & height of the image. // You may change these numbers, the effect will be a stretched or a shrunk image var DisplayWidth = "320"; var DisplayHeight = "240"; // This is the path to the image generating file inside the camera itself var File = "axis-cgi/mjpg/video.cgi?resolution=320x240"; // No changes required below this point var output = ""; if ((navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") && (navigator.platform != "MacPPC") && (navigator.platform != "Mac68k")) { // If Internet Explorer under Windows then use ActiveX output = '<OBJECT ID="Player" width=' output += DisplayWidth; output += ' height='; output += DisplayHeight; output += ' CLASSID="CLSID:DE625294-70E6-45ED-B895-CFFA13AEB044" '; output += 'CODEBASE="'; output += BaseURL; output += 'activex/AMC.cab#version=3,32,14,0">'; output += '<PARAM NAME="MediaURL" VALUE="'; output += BaseURL; output += File + '">'; output += '<param name="MediaType" value="mjpeg-unicast">'; output += '<param name="ShowStatusBar" value="0">'; output += '<param name="ShowToolbar" value="0">'; output += '<param name="AutoStart" value="1">'; output += '<param name="StretchToFit" value="1">'; output += '<BR><B>Axis Media Control</B><BR>'; output += 'The AXIS Media Control, which enables you '; output += 'to view live image streams in Microsoft Internet'; output += ' Explorer, could not be registered on your computer.'; output += '<BR></OBJECT>'; } else { // If not IE for Windows use the browser itself to display theDate = new Date(); output = '<IMG SRC="'; output += BaseURL; output += File; output += '&dummy=' + theDate.getTime().toString(10); output += '" HEIGHT="'; output += DisplayHeight; output += '" WIDTH="'; output += DisplayWidth; output += '" ALT="Camera Image">'; } document.write(output); document.Player.ToolbarConfiguration = "play,+snapshot,+fullscreen" // document.Player.UIMode = "MDConfig"; // document.Player.MotionConfigURL = "/axis-cgi/operator/param.cgi?ImageSource=0" // document.Player.MotionDataURL = "/axis-cgi/motion/motiondata.cgi"; </SCRIPT>