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![]() HOla! Tengo varios dias buscando la forma de hacer el efecto fade, que es el mismo rollover pero mas lento dando un efecto mas limnpio y agradable a la vista. Al fin he lo grado el efecto pero para mi desgracia no se ve bien en IE, la imagen rollover se ve negra en los bordes, mientras que en mozilla se ve todo bien.. pueden verlo si les es posible <---AQUI---> en el recuadro "Aprende Sobre" a la derecha, con los botones naranja. He buscdo una solución pero me ha sid imposible... espero puedan ser de ayuda.. Última edición por kaiseer; 23/11/2009 a las 11:36 |
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Respuesta: Efect Fade con Javascript en Menú con imagenes AYUDAAA!! Ese es el JAVASCRIPT /****** * History * 2002-02-08 1.7 If the ON image is already loaded don't reload it. * This should help with the IE bug that reloads images * from the server even though they are pre-cached. * (will not work for swapping multiple pictures into same Image object) * 2002-02-13 1.8 Corrected a bug in JSFX.findImg * 2002-04-23 1.9 Write out the style tag. * 2002-06-09 1.10 Attempt fix for IE on a Mac * 2002-08-27 1.11 Fix a bug whereby opacity may go over 100 which * may be causing a bug in IE6 * 2002-08-29 1.12 Thanks to piglet (http://homepage.ntlworld.com/thepiglet/) * I now have a partial fix for NS7 and Mozilla 1.1. ************************************************** *********************/ /****** User may alter these to change the fade effect ********/ var FadeInStep = 15; var FadeOutStep = 20; /****** Don't alter anything else **************/ document.write('<STYLE TYPE="text/css">.imgFader{ position:relative; filter:alpha(opacity=0); -moz-opacity:0.0 }</STYLE>'); if(!window.JSFX) JSFX=new Object(); JSFX.RolloverObjects=new Array(); JSFX.Rollover = function(name, img) { JSFX.RolloverObjects[name]=new Image(); JSFX.RolloverObjects[name].img_src = img; if(!JSFX.Rollover.postLoad) JSFX.RolloverObjects[name].src = img; } JSFX.Rollover.postLoad = false; JSFX.Rollover.loadImages = function() { var i; for(i in JSFX.RolloverObjects) { r=JSFX.RolloverObjects[i]; r.src=r.img_src; } } JSFX.Rollover.error = function(n) { alert("JSFX.Rollover - An Error has been detected\n" + "----------------------------------\n" + "You must define a JSFX.Rollover in your document\n" + "JSFX.Rollover(\""+n+"\",\"your_on_img.gif\")\ n" + "(check the spelling of your JSFX.Rollovers)"); } /************************************************** ***************** * * Function : getImg * * Description : In Netscape 4 images could be in layers so we might * have to recurse the layers to find the image * *********/ JSFX.getImg = function(n, d) { var img = d.images[n]; if(!img && d.layers) for(var i=0 ; !img && i<d.layers.length ; i++) img=JSFX.getImg(n,d.layers[i].document); return img; } /************************************************** ***************** * * Function : findImg * * Description : gets the image from the document and reports an * error if it cannot find it. * ********************/ JSFX.findImg = function(n, d) { var img = JSFX.getImg(n, d); /*** Stop emails because the image was named incorrectly ***/ if(!img) { alert("JSFX.findImg - An Error has been detected\n" + "----------------------------------\n" + "You must define an image in your document\n" + "<IMG SRC=\"your_image.ext\" NAME=\""+n+"\">\n" + "(check the NAME= attribute of your images)"); return(new Image()); } return img; } JSFX.ImageFadeRunning=false; JSFX.ImageFadeInterval=30; /******************** * * Function : imgFadeIn * * Description : This function is based on the turn_on() function * of animate2.js (animated rollovers from www.roy.whittle.com). * Each image object is given a state. * OnMouseOver the state is switched depending on the current state. * Current state -> Switch to * =========================== * null -> OFF. * OFF -> FADE_IN * FADE_OUT -> FADE_IN * FADE_OUT -> FADE_OUT_IN (if the new image is different) * FADE_IN_OUT-> FADE_IN (if the image is the same) ************/ JSFX.imgFadeIn = function(img, imgSrc) { if(img) { if(img.state == null) { img.state = "OFF"; img.index = 0; img.next_on = null; } if(img.state == "OFF") { /*** Vers 1.7 only load the ON image once ever ***/ if(img.src.indexOf(imgSrc) == -1) img.src=imgSrc; img.currSrc = imgSrc; img.state = "FADE_IN"; JSFX.startFading(); } else if( img.state == "FADE_IN_OUT" || img.state == "FADE_OUT_IN" || img.state == "FADE_OUT") { if(img.currSrc == imgSrc) img.state = "FADE_IN"; else { img.next_on = imgSrc; img.state="FADE_OUT_IN"; } } } } /******************** * * Function : imgFadeOut * * Description : This function is based on the turn_off function * of animate2.js (animated rollovers from www.roy.whittle.com). * Each image object is given a state. * OnMouseOut the state is switched depending on the current state. * Current state -> Switch to * =========================== * ON -> FADE_OUT. * FADE_IN -> FADE_IN_OUT. * FADE_OUT_IN -> FADE_IN. (after swapping to the next image) **********************/ JSFX.imgFadeOut = function(img) { if(img) { if(img.state=="ON") { img.state="FADE_OUT"; JSFX.startFading(); } else if(img.state == "FADE_IN") { img.state="FADE_IN_OUT"; } else if(img.state=="FADE_OUT_IN") { img.next_on == null; img.state = "FADE_OUT"; } } } /**************** * * Function : startFading * * Description : This function is based on the start_animating() function * of animate2.js (animated rollovers from www.roy.whittle.com). * If the timer is not currently running, it is started. * Only 1 timer is used for all objects ************************************************** ***************/ JSFX.startFading = function() { if(!JSFX.ImageFadeRunning) JSFX.ImageFadeAnimation(); } /***************************** * * Function : ImageFadeAnimation * * Description : This function is based on the Animate function * of animate2.js (animated rollovers from www.roy.whittle.com). * Each image object has a state. This function * modifies each object and (possibly) changes its state. *****************************/ JSFX.ImageFadeAnimation = function() { JSFX.ImageFadeRunning = false; for(i=0 ; i<document.images.length ; i++) { var img = document.images[i]; if(img.state) { if(img.state == "FADE_IN") { img.index+=FadeInStep; if(img.index > 100) img.index = 100; if(img.filters) img.filters.alpha.opacity = img.index; else img.style.MozOpacity = img.index/101; if(img.index == 100) img.state="ON"; else JSFX.ImageFadeRunning = true; } else if(img.state == "FADE_IN_OUT") { img.index+=FadeInStep; if(img.index > 100) img.index = 100; if(img.filters) img.filters.alpha.opacity = img.index; else img.style.MozOpacity = img.index/101; if(img.index == 100) img.state="FADE_OUT"; JSFX.ImageFadeRunning = true; } else if(img.state == "FADE_OUT") { img.index-=FadeOutStep; if(img.index < 0) img.index = 0; if(img.filters) img.filters.alpha.opacity = img.index; else img.style.MozOpacity = img.index/101; if(img.index == 0) img.state="OFF"; else JSFX.ImageFadeRunning = true; } else if(img.state == "FADE_OUT_IN") { img.index-=FadeOutStep; if(img.index < 0) img.index = 0; if(img.filters) img.filters.alpha.opacity = img.index; else img.style.MozOpacity = img.index/101; if(img.index == 0) { img.src = img.next_on; img.currSrc = img.next_on; img.state="FADE_IN"; } JSFX.ImageFadeRunning = true; } } } /*** Check to see if we need to animate any more frames. ***/ if(JSFX.ImageFadeRunning) setTimeout("JSFX.ImageFadeAnimation()", JSFX.ImageFadeInterval); } /********************** * * Function : hasOpacity * * Description : Tests if the browser allows Opacity * ************************************************** ***************/ JSFX.hasOpacity = function(obj) { if(document.layers) return false; if(window.opera) return false; if(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("mac" ) != -1) return false; return true; } /************************************************** ***************** * * Function : fadeIn /fadeOut * * Description : Detects browser that can do opacity and fades the images * For browsers that do not support opacity it just does an image swap. * (I only know about NS4 but maybe IE on a Mac also ?) * For these functions to work you need to name the image * e.g. for an image named "home" you need * <IMG .... NAME="home"> * and you need 2 images, the on and the off image **************/ JSFX.fadeIn = function(imgName, rollName) { if(rollName == null) rollName=imgName; /*** Stop emails because the rollover was named incorrectly ***/ if(!JSFX.RolloverObjects[rollName]) { JSFX.Rollover.error(rollName); return; } var img = JSFX.findImg(imgName, document); if(JSFX.hasOpacity(img)) JSFX.imgFadeIn(img, JSFX.RolloverObjects[rollName].img_src); else { if(img.offSrc==null) img.offSrc=img.src; img.src=JSFX.RolloverObjects[rollName].img_src; } } JSFX.fadeOut = function(imgName) { var img = JSFX.findImg(imgName, document); if(JSFX.hasOpacity(img)) JSFX.imgFadeOut(img); else img.src=img.offSrc; } /********************** * * Function : imgOn /imgOff * * Description : Included these functions so you can mix simple and * fading rollovers without having to include 2 ".js" files * *********************/ JSFX.imgOn = function(imgName, rollName) { if(rollName == null) rollName=imgName; /*** Stop emails because the rollover was named incorrectly ***/ if(!JSFX.RolloverObjects[rollName]) { JSFX.Rollover.error(rollName); return; } var img = JSFX.findImg(imgName,document); if(img.offSrc==null) img.offSrc=img.src; img.src=JSFX.RolloverObjects[rollName].img_src; } JSFX.imgOff = function(imgName) { var img = JSFX.findImg(imgName,document); img.src=img.offSrc; } |
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Respuesta: Efect Fade con Javascript en Menú con imagenes AYUDAAA!! Hola Zerokilled, gracias por tu respuesta.. entonces que puedop hacer para solucionar esto?? lo unico que puedo hacer es cambiar la imagen por un jpg?? No hay nada mas que se pueda hacer?? Lo que pasa es que ese menu no solo lo uso en ese recuadro azul.. con la transparencia lo puedo usar en diferentes partes sin la espera de carga pues siempre seran las mismas imagenes..! De nuevo gracias por tomarte el tiempo de responder..! |