agregas eventos de la siguiente forma:
ejemplo:eventos[0] = new evento (2,7,"evento del 2 julio jajaja") eventos[1] = new evento (5,8,"este marca el evento del 5 agosto")

funciona en IE y Moz.
Código HTML:
<html> <head> <title>Calendario</title> </head> <BODY> <SCRIPT type="text/javascript"> // Begin Mensaje--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> /* Created by A1 JavaScripts - This may be used freely as long as this msg is intact! */ msgFont='Arial,helvetiva'; msgFontSize="12"; msgFontColor="black" /* Here's the array that holds the text to change the divmessage to when you mouseover. Change the text here */ function evento(dia,mes,titulo){ this.dia = dia this.mes = mes this.titulo = titulo } var eventos = new Array() eventos[0] = new evento (2,7,"evento del 2 julio jajaja") eventos[1] = new evento (5,8,"este marca el evento del 5 agosto") eventos[2] = new evento (15,7,"Mi evento de aiesec colombia<u><font color=ff0000>@++</font></u>") eventos[3] = new evento (10,8,"Cumpleaño <u><font color=ff0000>Linda</font></u>") function b_writeIt(obj, text){ document.getElementById(obj).innerHTML=text } function changeText(num){ b_writeIt('divMessage',eventos[num].titulo) } function borrarText(){ b_writeIt('divMessage',' ') } // End Mensaje--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> <!-- STEP ONE: Place the following script into a separate JavaScript file called: calendar.js --> <!-- This script and many more are available free online at --> <!-- The JavaScript Source!! --> <!-- Begin // SET ARRAYS var day_of_week = new Array('Do','Lu','Ma','Mi','Ju','Vi','Sa'); var month_of_year = new Array('Enero','Febrero','Marzo','Abril','Mayo','Junio','Julio','Agosto','Septiembre','Octubre','Noviembre','Deciembre'); // DECLARE AND INITIALIZE VARIABLES var Calendar = new Date(); var month = Calendar.getMonth(); // Returns month (0-11) var today = Calendar.getDate(); // Returns day (1-31) var weekday = Calendar.getDay(); // Returns day (1-31) // Returns year if(Calendar.getFullYear){ year = Calendar.getFullYear();//IE }else{ year = Calendar.getYear()+1900;}//Mozilla Firefox var DAYS_OF_WEEK = 7; // "constant" for number of days in a week var DAYS_OF_MONTH = 31; // "constant" for number of days in a month var cal; // Used for printing Calendar.setDate(1); // Start the calendar day at '1' Calendar.setMonth(month); // Start the calendar month at now /* VARIABLES FOR FORMATTING NOTE: You can format the 'BORDER', 'BGCOLOR', 'CELLPADDING', 'BORDERCOLOR' tags to customize your caledanr's look. */ var TR_start = '<TR>'; var TR_end = '</TR>'; var highlight_start = '<TD WIDTH="20"><TABLE CELLSPACING=0 BORDER=1 BGCOLOR=DEDEFF BORDERCOLOR=CCCCCC style="font-size:' +msgFontSize+'px; font-family:'+msgFont+'; color:'+msgFontColor+'"><TR><TD WIDTH=18><B><CENTER>'; var highlight_end = '</CENTER></TD></TR></TABLE></B>'; var TD_start = '<TD WIDTH="20"><CENTER>'; var TD_end = '</CENTER></TD>'; /* BEGIN CODE FOR CALENDAR NOTE: You can format the 'BORDER', 'BGCOLOR', 'CELLPADDING', 'BORDERCOLOR' tags to customize your calendar's look.*/ cal = '<TABLE BORDER=1 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 BORDERCOLOR=BBBBBB style="font-size:' +msgFontSize+'px; font-family:'+msgFont+'; color:'+msgFontColor+'"><TR><TD>'; cal += '<TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=2 style="font-size:' +msgFontSize+'px; font-family:'+msgFont+'; color:'+msgFontColor+'">' + TR_start; cal += '<TD COLSPAN="' + DAYS_OF_WEEK + '" BGCOLOR="#EFEFEF"><CENTER><B>'; cal += month_of_year[month] + ' ' + year + '</B>' + TD_end + TR_end; cal += TR_start; // DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS POINT // // LOOPS FOR EACH DAY OF WEEK for(index=0; index < DAYS_OF_WEEK; index++) { cal += TD_start + day_of_week[index] + TD_end; } cal += TD_end + TR_end; cal += TR_start; // FILL IN BLANK GAPS UNTIL TODAY'S DAY for(index=0; index < Calendar.getDay(); index++) cal += TD_start + ' ' + TD_end; // LOOPS FOR EACH DAY IN CALENDAR for(index=0; index < DAYS_OF_MONTH; index++) { if( Calendar.getDate() > index ) { // RETURNS THE NEXT DAY TO PRINT week_day =Calendar.getDay(); // START NEW ROW FOR FIRST DAY OF WEEK if(week_day == 0) cal += TR_start; if(week_day != DAYS_OF_WEEK) { // SET VARIABLE INSIDE LOOP FOR INCREMENTING PURPOSES var day = Calendar.getDate(); // PRINTS DAY var iEvent; for(iEvent=0; iEvent < eventos.length; iEvent++) { if( ((month+1)==eventos[iEvent].mes) && (day==eventos[iEvent].dia) )//cuando coincidan con los eventos-JAIDER day = "<a href='javascript:void(0)' onMouseOver='changeText(" + iEvent + "); window.status=\"Perl Site\";return true;' onMouseOut='borrarText(); window.status=\"\";return true;'> " + day + '</a>'; } // HIGHLIGHT TODAY'S DATE if( today==Calendar.getDate() ) cal += highlight_start + day + highlight_end + TD_end; else //dias normales cal += TD_start + day + TD_end; } // END ROW FOR LAST DAY OF WEEK if(week_day == DAYS_OF_WEEK) cal += TR_end; } // INCREMENTS UNTIL END OF THE MONTH Calendar.setDate(Calendar.getDate()+1); }// end for loop cal += '</TD></TR></TABLE></TABLE>'; // End Calendario----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> </SCRIPT> <p>Calendario <br> <SCRIPT type="text/javascript"> // PRINT CALENDAR document.write(cal); </SCRIPT> <div id="divMessage" style="position:absolute; width:175px; height:80px; font-size: 12px; font-family: Arial; color:#000000;"> Aqui se muestra el evento que señales en el Calendario!!! <br> </div> </BODY>