Os dejo el link : http://fineuploader.com/fine-uploader-basic-demo.html
El script:
Código HTML:
Ver original
<div id="fine-uploader-basic" class="btn btn-success"> </div> <script> $(document).ready(function() { $fub = $('#fine-uploader-basic'); $messages = $('#messages'); var uploader = new qq.FileUploaderBasic({ button: $fub[0], action: 'do-nothing.htm', debug: true, allowedExtensions: ['jpeg', 'jpg', 'gif', 'png'], sizeLimit: 204800, // 200 kB = 200 * 1024 bytes onSubmit: function(id, fileName) { }, onUpload: function(id, fileName) { $('#file-' + id).addClass('alert-info') .html('<img src="client/loading.gif" alt="Initializing. Please hold."> ' + 'Initializing ' + '“' + fileName + '”'); }, onProgress: function(id, fileName, loaded, total) { if (loaded < total) { progress = Math.round(loaded / total * 100) + '% of ' + Math.round(total / 1024) + ' kB'; $('#file-' + id).removeClass('alert-info') .html('<img src="client/loading.gif" alt="In progress. Please hold."> ' + 'Uploading ' + '“' + fileName + '” ' + progress); } else { $('#file-' + id).addClass('alert-info') .html('<img src="client/loading.gif" alt="Saving. Please hold."> ' + 'Saving ' + '“' + fileName + '”'); } }, onComplete: function(id, fileName, responseJSON) { if (responseJSON.success) { $('#file-' + id).removeClass('alert-info') .addClass('alert-success') 'Successfully saved ' + '“' + fileName + '”' + } else { $('#file-' + id).removeClass('alert-info') .addClass('alert-error') 'Error with ' + '“' + fileName + '”: ' + responseJSON.error); } } }); } </script>
Creo que es en el action donde redirijo a mi .php que hará el upload, pero luego como le duevuelvo al script el ok o error????