El problema es claro, lastima que esto para mí no!
Cuando visualizo las imagenes de un sitio web que estoy desarrollando en Firefox, Chrome, Safari se ven perfecto, pero en nuestro amigo IE 6 y 7 no es asi. La imagen se "sale" de los bordes del Fancybox. (se desborda)
Adjunto una imagen para que vean como se ve:

Investigando por internet, encontre un post interesante, hasta que lo probé y sigue todo igual. Debo aclarar que mi ingles no es muy bueno.
Texto original:
El link del psot completo es: http://modxcms.com/forums/index.php?topic=32248.0;wap2In frustration I joined the Google jQuery Groups list but found no answers after several days. Then all of a sudden I received an email from the FancyBox author in Latvia with the solution...
Turns out the FancyBox CSS was picking up the body{ text-align: center} declaration I had in my main page layout CSS. I am in the habit of centering my layouts using the text-align: center for the body and using {margin:0 auto; text-align:left} for the page wrapper. This is a common method and it takes care of the IE6 page centering gotcha.
I then used the Firefox Firebug to see what the overall container div was for the plugin (its not there in the Fancybox CSS file). In the end all I had to do was add #fancy_wrap {text-align:left;} to the Fancybox CSS file and that seems to take care of the problem.
Turns out the FancyBox CSS was picking up the body{ text-align: center} declaration I had in my main page layout CSS. I am in the habit of centering my layouts using the text-align: center for the body and using {margin:0 auto; text-align:left} for the page wrapper. This is a common method and it takes care of the IE6 page centering gotcha.
I then used the Firefox Firebug to see what the overall container div was for the plugin (its not there in the Fancybox CSS file). In the end all I had to do was add #fancy_wrap {text-align:left;} to the Fancybox CSS file and that seems to take care of the problem.
Lo que entiendo que esta persona lo solucionó agregando al CSS del Fancy la línea: #fancy_wrap {text-align:left;}
Pero a mi no me funcionó.
Tal vez alguno pueda darse cuenta cual es el problema, o lo haya padecido.
Muchas gracias.