estoy implementando un menu tipo acordeon
pero quiero que tome el alto de la pagina eh igual
cuando haga un resize
este es el menu
este es mi script
y este es mi body<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../lib/jquery.dimensions.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../jquery.accordion.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery().ready(function(){ // simple accordion /*jQuery('#list1a').accordion({ fillSpace: true });*/ jQuery('#list1a').accordion(); // bind to change event of select to control first and seconds accordion // similar to tab's plugin triggerTab(), without an extra method var accordions = jQuery('#list1a'); jQuery('#switch select').change(function() { accordions.accordion("activate", this.selectedIndex-1 ); }); jQuery('#close').click(function() { accordions.accordion("activate", -1); }); jQuery('#switch2').change(function() { accordions.accordion("activate", this.value); }); jQuery('#enable').click(function() { accordions.accordion("enable"); }); jQuery('#disable').click(function() { accordions.accordion("disable"); }); jQuery('#remove').click(function() { accordions.accordion("destroy"); wizardButtons.unbind("click"); }); //-------------------- var windowHeight = getWindowHeight(); var logo = ($("#opera").height()); //para el contenedor de menus general var alto_pantalla = (windowHeight - logo - 5) + "px";//ajustamos para que no sean tan ajustados le quitamos 5 px mas $("#list1a").css("height",alto_pantalla); //para los modulos //----------------- /*$("[id^=sublista_]").each(function(i) { var ident = $(this).attr("id"); var alto_pantalla = (windowHeight - alto_pantalla) + "px"; $("#"+ident).css("height",alto_pantalla); });*/ }); function getWindowHeight() { var windowHeight=0; if (typeof(window.innerHeight)=='number') { windowHeight = window.innerHeight; } else { if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight) { windowHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight; } else { if (document.body && document.body.clientHeight) { windowHeight = document.body.clientHeight; } } } return windowHeight; } </script>
solo he podido logra que el contenedor tome el tamaño de pantalla pero aun<div id="opera" style="background:#0F0"> <div class="user"> <img src="img/avatar.png" width="44" height="44" class="hoverimg" alt="Avatar" /> <p>Logged in as:</p> <p class="username">Administrator</p> <p class="userbtn"><a href="#" title="">Profile</a></p> <p class="userbtn"><a href="#" title="">Log out</a></p> </div> <div class="notifications"> <p class="notifycount"><a href="" title="" class="notifypop">10</a></p> <p><a href="" title="" class="notifypop">New Notifications</a></p> <p class="smltxt">(Click to open notifications)</p> </div> </div> <div class="basic" style="float:left; background:#F00" id="list1a"> <a>There is one obvious advantage:</a> <div id="sublista_1" style="background:#0C0; overflow:auto;"> <div id="opciones_1"> fsdfdfsdfsdsdf<br /> fsdfdfsdfsdsdf<br /> fsdfdfsdfsdsdf<br /> fsdfdfsdfsdsdf<br /> fsdfdfsdfsdsdf<br /> fsdfdfsdfsdsdf<br /> fsdfdfsdfsdsdf<br /> fsdfdfsdfsdsdf<br /> fsdfdfsdfsdsdf<br /> fsdfdfsdfsdsdf<br /> fsdfdfsdfsdsdf<br /> fsdfdfsdfsdsdf<br /> fsdfdfsdfsdsdf<br /> fsdfdfsdfsdsdf<br /> fsdfdfsdfsdsdf<br /> </div> </div> <a>Now that you've got...</a> <div id="sublista_2"> <div style="background:#999;"> Period. And now, for something completely different.<br/> And now, for something completely different.<br/> And now, for something completely different.<br/> Period. And now, for something completely different.<br/> And now, for something completely different.<br/> And now, for something completely different.<br/> Period. And now, for something completely different.<br/> And now, for something completely different.<br/> And now, for something completely different.<br/> And now, for something completely different.<br/> And now, for something completely different.<br/> And now, for something completely different.<br/> And now, for something completely different.<br/> And now, for something completely different.<br/> Period. r something completely different.<br/> Period. </div> </div> <a>Rent one bear, ...</a> <div id="sublista_3"> <p> get two for three beer. </p> <p> And now, for something completely different.<br/> And now, for something completely different.<br/> And now, for something completely different.<br/> And now, for something completely different.<br/> And now, for something completely different.<br/> And now, for something completely different.<br/> And now, for something completely different.<br/> And now, for something completely different.<br/> Period. </p> </div> <a>ultimo, ...</a> <div id="sublista_4"> <p> And now, for something completely different.<br/> And now, for something completely different.<br/> And now, for something completely different.<br/> And now, for something completely different.<br/> And now, for something completely different.<br/> And now, for something completely different.<br/> And now, for something completely different.<br/> And now, for something completely different.<br/> Period. </p> </div> <a>ultimo, ...</a> <div id="sublista_5"> <p> And now, for something completely different.<br/> And now, for something completely different.<br/> And now, for something completely different.<br/> And now, for something completely different.<br/> And now, for something completely different.<br/> And now, for something completely different.<br/> And now, for something completely different.<br/> And now, for something completely different.<br/> Period. </p> </div> <a>ultimo, ...</a> <div id="sublista_6"> <p> And now, for something completely different.<br/> And now, for something completely different.<br/> And now, for something completely different.<br/> And now, for something completely different.<br/> And now, for something completely different.<br/> And now, for something completely different.<br/> And now, for something completely different.<br/> And now, for something completely different.<br/> Period. </p> </div> </div><!--fin contend-->
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