¿Qué estoy haciendo mal? Con letras rojas es el código que agregué de la img load
Este es mi código completo:
Código HTML:
<!-- Button that triggers the popup --> <a href="#" id="registrate">Regístrate</a> <!-- Element to pop up --> <div id="element_to_pop_up"> <a class="bClose"></a> <div class="content"> </div>
;(function($) { $(function() { $('#registrate').bind('click', function(e) { var $contenidoAjax = $('#element_to_pop_up').html('<p><img src="http://www.funcion13.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/loader.gif" /></p>'); // Simulo una petición AJAX de 3 segundos setTimeout(function(){ $contenidoAjax.html('<a class="bClose"></a><div class="content"></div>'); }, 3000); e.preventDefault(); $('#element_to_pop_up').bPopup({ content:'ajax', //'iframe' or 'ajax' contentContainer:'.content', loadUrl:'carga1.php' //Uses jQuery.load() }); }); }); })(jQuery); /**************************************************************/ (function(b) { b.fn.bPopup = function(n, p) { function t() { b.isFunction(a.onOpen) && a.onOpen.call(c); k = (e.data("bPopup") || 0) + 1; d = "__bPopup" + k; l = "auto" !== a.position[1]; m = "auto" !== a.position[0]; i = "fixed" === a.positionStyle; j = r(c, a.amsl); f = l ? a.position[1] : j[1]; g = m ? a.position[0] : j[0]; q = s(); a.modal && b('<div class="bModal ' + d + '"></div>').css({ "background-color": a.modalColor, height: "100%", left: 0, opacity: 0, position: "fixed", top: 0, width: "100%", "z-index": a.zIndex + k }).each(function() { a.appending && b(this).appendTo(a.appendTo) }).animate({ opacity: a.opacity }, a.fadeSpeed); c.data("bPopup", a).data("id", d).css({ left: !a.follow[0] && m || i ? g : h.scrollLeft() + g, position: a.positionStyle || "absolute", top: !a.follow[1] && l || i ? f : h.scrollTop() + f, "z-index": a.zIndex + k + 1 }).each(function() { a.appending && b(this).appendTo(a.appendTo); if (null != a.loadUrl) switch (a.contentContainer = b(a.contentContainer || c), a.content) { case "iframe": b('<iframe scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>').attr("src", a.loadUrl).appendTo(a.contentContainer); break; default: a.contentContainer.load(a.loadUrl) } }).fadeIn(a.fadeSpeed, function() { b.isFunction(p) && p.call(c); u() }) } function o() { a.modal && b(".bModal." + c.data("id")).fadeOut(a.fadeSpeed, function() { b(this).remove() }); c.stop().fadeOut(a.fadeSpeed, function() { null != a.loadUrl && a.contentContainer.empty() }); e.data("bPopup", 0 < e.data("bPopup") - 1 ? e.data("bPopup") - 1 : null); a.scrollBar || b("html").css("overflow", "auto"); b("." + a.closeClass).die("click." + d); b(".bModal." + d).die("click"); h.unbind("keydown." + d); e.unbind("." + d); c.data("bPopup", null); b.isFunction(a.onClose) && setTimeout(function() { a.onClose.call(c) }, a.fadeSpeed); return !1 } function u() { e.data("bPopup", k); b("." + a.closeClass).live("click." + d, o); a.modalClose && b(".bModal." + d).live("click", o).css("cursor", "pointer"); (a.follow[0] || a.follow[1]) && e.bind("scroll." + d, function() { q && c.stop().animate({ left: a.follow[0] && !i ? h.scrollLeft() + g : g, top: a.follow[1] && !i ? h.scrollTop() + f : f }, a.followSpeed) }).bind("resize." + d, function() { if (q = s()) j = r(c, a.amsl), a.follow[0] && (g = m ? g : j[0]), a.follow[1] && (f = l ? f : j[1]), c.stop().each(function() { i ? b(this).css({ left: g, top: f }, a.followSpeed) : b(this).animate({ left: m ? g : g + h.scrollLeft(), top: l ? f : f + h.scrollTop() }, a.followSpeed) }) }); a.escClose && h.bind("keydown." + d, function(a) { 27 == a.which && o() }) } function r(a, b) { var c = (e.width() - a.outerWidth(!0)) / 2, d = (e.height() - a.outerHeight(!0)) / 2 ; // no d = (e.height() - a.outerHeight(!0)) / 2 - b; return [c, 20 > d ? 20 : d] } function s() { return e.height() > c.outerHeight(!0) + 20 && e.width() > c.outerWidth(!0) + 20 } b.isFunction(n) && (p = n, n = null); var a = b.extend({}, b.fn.bPopup.defaults, n); a.scrollBar || b("html").css("overflow", "hidden"); var c = this, h = b(document), e = b(window), k, d, q, l, m, i, j, f, g; this.close = function() { a = c.data("bPopup"); o() }; return this.each(function() { c.data("bPopup") || t() }) }; b.fn.bPopup.defaults = { amsl: 50, appending: !0, appendTo: "body", closeClass: "bClose", content: "ajax", contentContainer: null, escClose: !0, fadeSpeed: 250, follow: [!0, !0], followSpeed: 500, loadUrl: null, modal: !0, modalClose: !0, modalColor: "#000", onClose: null, onOpen: null, opacity: 0.7, position: ["auto", "auto"], positionStyle: "absolute", scrollBar: !0, zIndex: 9997 } })(jQuery);