Pero tengo un problema, y es que la url que quiero cambiarla para que no mande a la web de Si no que me mande a un articulo que yo cree, que dependiendo de la variable, o lo que sea, me muestre un articulo con el stream de ese jugador y lo que yo ponga, no se si me explico.
El codigo que estoy cambiando es este:
La variable $userList lo recoje en otro codigo y la pasa por aki, y es el nombre del jugador<?php echo '<b>StarCraft: Brood War</b> </br>'; defined('_JEXEC') or die('Direct access to this location is not allowed.'); //get's the comma seperated list from the module manager page $userList = $params->get('userlist'); // This variable becomes one long url with the channel names stringed up behind it // This url then fetches a json file from twitch with all the selected channels information $usersArray = explode(',', $userList); //grabs the channel data from streams $userGrab = ""; $checkedOnline = array (); //creates a url for retrieving the twitch json file for our selected users foreach($usersArray as $i =>$value){ $userGrab .= ","; $userGrab .= $value; } unset($value); //grabs the channel data from our teams streams using the $userGrab url $json_file = file_get_contents($userGrab, 0, null, null); //decodes the jason file and turns it into an array $json_array = json_decode($json_file, true); //get's member names from stream url's and checks for online usersArray foreach($usersArray as $i =>$value){ $title = $json_array[$i]['channel']['channel_url']; $array = explode('/', $title); $member = end($array); $viewer = $json_array[$i]['stream_count']; $topic = $json_array[$i]['title']; onlinecheck($member, $viewer, $topic); $checkedOnline[] = signin($member); } unset($value); unset($i); //checks if player streams are online function onlinecheck($online, $viewers, $topic) { //If the variable online is not equal to null, there is a good change this person is currently streaming if ($online != null) { echo '<a href="'.$online.'"> <strong>'.$online.'</strong></a>'; echo ' </br>'; //echo '<strong>'.$topic.'</strong> </br>'; } } //This funcion add's online channel names to the checked online array function signin($person){ if($person != null){ return $person; } else{ return null; } } ?>
Pd: mi web es: